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MissDickinson last won the day on October 8 2009

MissDickinson had the most liked content!


About MissDickinson

  • Birthday 11/07/1992

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MissDickinson's Achievements

Anonimus of Metal

Anonimus of Metal (1/6)



  1. Mome oku prija, mada, nisam ti ja neki zajeban umetnik.
  2. Otuda i shvatanje mnogih da je gothic, onaj pravi gothic koji nekad zvase post-punk mrtav. RIP
  3. Jbg, tu ti ne mogu pomoci. Mislim, ako imas talenta za crtanje, onda lepo nacrtas, posaljes ovima... Pise sve na sajtu. Pricali smo o tome na Brusovoj temi, vise je dokumentarac nego emisija, i koliko znam, postoji samo ta jedna "epizoda".
  4. Jej, opet je otvoren konkurs za Maiden Xmas Card! Jedva cekam decembar...
  5. Mnogo dobra stvar! Pouka: nemojte jesti pasulj! (it could set you on fire)
  6. Ima sad u 11 repriza na Exploreru...
  7. U nekom TV programu stoji da se veceras na Hallmark-u u 22:00 prikazuje "Misterija spontanog ljudskog sagorevanja" sa Brusom Dikinsonom. E sad, na njihovom sajtu pise "Law & Order"...
  8. Naravno da razumem, ali nisam navikla pa malo sporije ide. To je sve.
  9. T. S. Eliot - "Cetiri kvarteta" i Blazak - "Evgenija Grande" (zeznula sam se, nisam videla da je ijekavica, no izguracu nekako )
  10. Bilo kakav savet je dobrodosao! The Birds Are Flying Far Away
  11. Da, on je osmislio logo i stage dok je jos bio u bendu... Jbg, kad se ne rodih ranije...
  12. hihihi I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...
  13. Vec vise od godinu dana pokusavam da ukapiram tekstove pojedinih pesama (inace, tekstove nisam uspela da nadjem na netu). Ja dalje ne znam, stavljam ovde ono sto sam uspela, ko zna neka dopuni! (________ - nesto fali; ??? - nisam sigurna da li je to). Sumnjam da ovde ima jos neki ludak kao ja koji ce da se bakce s ovim, al' rekoh da probam... Games It feels so good to have you And you seem like angel and you always did (???) Your skin is soft like the velvet on heat And you're acting like a ________ You're under heat, you're under heat... refren: Our secret games, forbidden games New worlds new names (new names) new names! _____________________ Anything goes, boys and girls You're very attractive, so young and sweet And you're acting like a ________ You're under heat, you're under heat... refren: ... Games, games Forbidden games, forbidden games... The Dark Angels of Sin Dark angels of sin Those heavenly creatures Sacrifice themselves For the blesses of red wine (???) Dark angels of sin Those beautiful ________ Make me confess my secret obsesses Dark angels of sin Those heavenly creatures Sacrifice themselves For the blesses of red wine (???) Dark angels of sin My guardian angels Dark angels of sin The dark angels of sin Light for past (???) Light for passion Light for _________ Light for sin The dark angels of sin... i ovo me veoma zanima, samo jedna sitnica nedostaje: You're saying that it's illegal ___________ having sex together Or is it so that you're affraid You might wanna do the same!
  14. Legendarni gothic rock bend iz UK, oformljen 1988-e godine and still going. Prodali su preko 100 000 kopija albuma. Trenutna postava: Louis DeWray - vocals Damien DeVille - Lead Guitar Nevyn - Bass Guitar Chrys Columbine - keyboards, Piano, Vocals Belle - Drums 6 - Rhythm Guitar Alone
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