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Iskreni članovi
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About Natasha94

  • Birthday 09/23/1994

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Natasha94's Achievements

Anonimus of Metal

Anonimus of Metal (1/6)



  1. Bonus tracks: 12. Twilight Of The Thundergod (feat. Peter Tägtgren on vocals) Šta im bi da obrade pesmu AA? http://www.nuclearblast.de/de/produkte/tontraeger/cd/buch-cd-cd/sabaton-carolus-rex-mailorder-edition.html
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9y4exEURjSY Lyfthrasyr - Venture and Value
  3. Baš sam htela to da post-ujem. Sviđaju mi se - kol'ko tol'ko. A klavijaturista? Ćorava sam. :'D "At the moment we are still searching for a keyboard player. Until we have found the right guy we will still have Daniel Myhr with us, in digital form, since he has specially recorded all keyboards for us to use on tour."" Chris je kul. Bubnjar je detinjast.
  4. Natasha94


    Uglavnom sanjam horore, tipa da me lik sa motornom testerom juri mojom ulicom,i naravno gubim ključeve od kuće,i pred samu smrt,probudim se. Kao i uvek.. Mada, jednom sam sanjala da me je Isus spasio od tiranosaurusa.:'D Like wtf? :'D
  5. E baš to..Ko zna kako će zvučati. :S Al dobro,makar je Joakim ostao. Bez njega deeefinitivno ne bi bilo isto.
  6. Potpuno si u pravu što se tiče njihove energije. Naježila sam se dok sam gledala World War Live: Battle of the Baltic sea. Mogu samo da zamislim kako je tek bilo uživo.. Samo ne znam da li će turneju odraditi zajedno,pa će se tek onda rastati, ili ne. Svašta se priča.
  7. "We can now confirm that our new album will be available with both English and Swedish language. The topics of the songs will remain quite the same and deals with the Swedish Empire, from it’s rise to it’s fall. Carolus Rex will be available for purchase on single Swedish CD (Sweden only) and single English CD plus a limited edition which features a double CD with both language versions. The double CD will also feature a different cover artwork. The release is set for Europe and in North America the last week in May, but already now you can pre-order the album. The album is produced by Peter Tägtgren who is also doing guest vocals on one song. During the recording of Carolus Rex we also recorded a song where Joakim sings in German, a cover of “Feuer Frei” by Rammstein. We are currently booking a huge tour and will present more countries in the upcoming days."
  8. Uf,ne znam šta da kažem za njih sem da ih obožavam. Ne mogu ni da izdvojim omiljenu pesmu,zato što je Communion album savršen,mada ni The Great Mass nije uopšte loš! Al najbolje pesme su mi definitivno Anubis,Sangreal i Therianthropy...i Pyramid God..i svee ostale.:'D Jednostavno predobri.
  9. Izgleda. Iskreno,laknulo mi je. A Gott Mit Uns će,očigledno,biti na nemačkom.:S Jedva čekam da krenu sa turnejom.
  10. Nije baš najbolja,al je zanimljiva. Stephen King - Cell.
  11. Hm,ako se to uopšte i može nazvati albumom.o.O ima samo 2 pesme.o.O http://88music.org/new-2011/4304-myrkgrav-voluspaa-sjuguttmyraferden-g229r-videre-split-2011.html
  12. Nema puno veze sa knjigom,ali meni je okej kao "običan" film (kad zanemarimo knjigu) .
  13. Jao,prosto OBOŽAVAM "Vukodava"! Definitivno omiljena knjiga.Pročitala sam sve delove,sad još da ih nabavim za svoju kolekciju.^^ Film je okej,dosta delova iz knjige su izostavili.
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