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Pazljivo ja citam.I mnogo se smejem.

ti si covek koji je je od celog "Live In Leipzig" ocigledno uspeo da uhvati samo to da dead "ispada iz ritma"...sa takvim poimanjem black metala,tesko da mozes i da razumes poruku DMDS albuma,jer je liricki to dead-ovo delo,ma koliko ga slusao.

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Guest Hell оn Earth

Haha, vidi ko mu kaze. Pa ti si napravio kopiju naloga da bi nekog provocirao!!

Apostole opusti se, ovo nisam ja nego neka pedercina koja me uhodi po forumu i jos ima lozinku od mog pravog naloga

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Pazljivo ja citam.I mnogo se smejem.

ti si covek koji je je od celog "Live In Leipzig" ocigledno uspeo da uhvati samo to da dead "ispada iz ritma"...sa takvim poimanjem black metala,tesko da mozes i da razumes poruku DMDS albuma,jer je liricki to dead-ovo delo,ma koliko ga slusao.



Pa to su ti najjaci likovi,ne slusaju i ne gledaju sustinu svega vec traze dlaku u jajetu :)



Da, bitna je poruka, a ne muzika.


Blekeri... :rolleyes:


Jebe mi se za vašu poruku. A, kad već toliko obožavate smrt, zašto se ne ubijete? I, DA, iz celog Live in Leipziga sam uspeo da uhvatim samo ispadanja iz ritma koliko je loše odsviran i koliko je loš zvuk. Inače, pogledaj malo "lirike" sa DMDSa u odnosu na ranije snimke... PROMENJENE SU.


Ali, hajde da se posvetimo "poruci". No fun, anti-mosh, itd. Oni su praktično odbacili sve "radosti ovozemaljskoga života". Koji qrac onda sviraju? Koji qrac onda žive? Kao, govore: "Pogledajte ove death metal bendove, oblače se obično, a ne u crno", a onda nose majice Deatha i Sodoma, a u publici imaju gomilu likova u majicama Sepulture, Obituaryja i ostalih bendova koje prozivaju. "Poruka" im je puna kontradiktornosti i rupa, čitaj intervjue s Euronimusom, dečko kenja za sve pare. Ono što je ostalo dobro iza njih (kažem iza, jer ovo sad nije Mayhem, već zarađivanje para na račun imena) je, po mom mišljenju, taj jedan album što ga jedva snimiše. I, ako niko nije primetio, na tom albumu nema ni d od dranja, Attila sve vreme peva, tj. u njegovom glasu ima nota. I ta muzika, koju bih okarakterisao kao mračnu, jednostavnu neoklasiku sa primesama bluza odsviranu s otpanjenim distorzijama i kečinom, to je ono što je meni bitno, a ne neka poruka koja mi govori da je život sranje i da u inat ne treba da živim, jer je življenje "gay".



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  • 1 month later...

dobar 'vju sa Atilom: http://www.burningmisery.com/modules.php?n...page&pid=52




Burning Misery: It's that same hunger that is clearly present on your latest album, "Ordo ad Chao". In an interview that I saw online, you said that this is an album made entirely the way you wanted and that the way the people responded to it is completely unimportant. However, the amount of positive acclaim has been overwhelming and you even won the Norwegian equivalent of a Grammy. Does this surprise you?


Attila: It's very interesting actually. It might have had a lot to do with luck, you know, because very often you see that certain bands, like TORMENTOR in my own case, only get recognized afterwards. These bands are ahead of their time, which is very important because this kind of music is supposed to be about not following trends and doing your own thing. Sure, there are certain common signs and structures in this music, but still you can try to rebuild, or fuck up, these structures. Anyway, I think the most important thing is to create your own vision within this style. That's why it's extreme music. Not caring about expectations but following your own ideas is a major part of the extremity. It's about giving yourself, to manifest your message. If you're lucky, people will understand and if you're not so lucky, people won't, but I think that in time the music will find its audience. It might be a lot or people or only a few, and it can take years to achieve that, but if there is a concrete message that is straightforward and true then eventually this message will arrive. That's what makes it worth to do it.


Burning Misery: Isn't that exactly what black metal has been all about from the beginning?


Attila: Of course! Everybody talks about how important individualism is, but at the same time many black metal bands look like copies of each other. You could say that individuality is actually losing ground now. To me it's very interesting to do these different live shows to show for myself that it's possible to do this in many other ways. Not just corpsepaint of pigheads. Sure, you can do it that way, but it's not the only way. So far I've shown at least twenty other ways to do it using different costumes and different messages and I haven't even used a crew for that so far! I'm basically doing it myself. It's only since this tour that somebody is assisting me, but in fact it's a pretty big challenge for me to realise this aspect of the live shows, but challenge and difficulties provide you with the opportunity to expand your abilities and that's an important part of making music. Music is a lot more than simply playing some notes. Obviously, music is my life. It has many different levels. For MAYHEM, the spiritual and the philosophical aspects of our music are vital. A beautiful thing about this form of art is that you're able to express messages that are very personal and unique. This band, four persons playing together, it's a unique feeling today. Looking at today's extreme metal scene, it's quite rare to see bands consisting of four individuals. Usually it's one or two, maybe three persons and the rest of the band isn't constant and changes often. In other cases it's one guy who's leading the band and the rest just follows. Things just don't work that way in MAYHEM; it's more complex. Finding a balance between each of us is what's important. If we achieve such a balance it resonates in our music and then each of us feels that this is our band and that we're not just guest musicians, not just travellers.




Aaarrghhh, 'ajmo Mayhem u Srbiji!

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Сетлиста коју фурају:


Silvester Anfang


Ancient Skin

Illuminate Eliminate

View From Nihil

Freezing Moon

Symbols Of Bloodswords

To Daimonium

A Time To Die

My Death


Pure fucking Armageddon

Life Eternal


Може ово много боље (само 2 ствари са De Mysteriis-a, а Атила се вратио, стварно срамота!)...

Edited by Гласник смрти

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  • 3 weeks later...

"It is with these written words that I hereby retract myself from my position as the guitar player of Mayhem.


The main reason behind this conclusion lies in the fact that I simply don't see any future for me in the band anymore, at least not a future I'd like to participate in over the coming years. I've been playing my part in the band now for more than 13 years already, having composed, produced and released several albums with great vision, dedication and craftsmanship, to arrive at this crossroad of opposites. Sooner or later, all things comes to an end, and in my case, this circle is complete.


For some of you this might not come as the biggest surprise, as I've clearly stated in several interviews that I was not sure what the next step would be. These "hints" were partly rooted in the fact that our latest album fulfilled all of the expectations, visions and aspects of negativity that I felt I wanted to express with this band, and also, of similar importance, that I felt tired of both the touring aspects, amidst its turbulence and personal differences, and also my role in the band.


It has been a dark, devoted and spellbinding journey, and as some beings and entities develop, others remain the same. I've developed my essence. No questions. However, the legacy of MAYHEM will / must always remain what it always has been, and I wish to thank all parts involved and to wish them all the best for the future. I also would like to thank my followers over the years, from "Wolf's Lair..." to "Ordo...", my vision has been clear. I'm also sure the band will continue with a respectful formation, and that an eventual album will be placed "up there", where it (should) belong.


I have now personally chosen to focus on other paths in terms of creativity and vision. My "child of heart" AVA INFERI has already a busy schedule for the future and our third album is being crafted as we speak. I will also re-surface with new will and blood in a future extreme project. You have not heard the last of me, on the contrary. It's all about to begin.


Note that the few already scheduled shows will go on as planned WITH me.


Rune Eriksen/Blasphemer".

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