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TORMENTOR reunites at Beyond the Gates!!


Sometimes you just have to pinch yourself. The band you thought you’d never see live has just decided to return from the dead. And even better - they're playing Beyond the Gates next year!


Formed in Budapest in 1986, Tormentor is truly one of the most unique acts ever to emerge from the extreme metal scene. Their brilliant blend of harsh riffs, the guttural voice of Attila Csihar and the sometimes refined passages really made them stand out to the ones discovering them.


The iconic debut album, "Anno Domini" together with the demo "Seventh Day of Doom" is widely regarded as one of the most influential releases in black metal. The debut was recorded in 1988, but due to the communist regime, it took years to formally release it.

"Anno Domini" made a huge impact on the 2nd wave of black metal bands surfacing at the end of the 80s, the Norwegian scene in particular.

After Tormentor's early demise in 1991 the bands charismatic singer, Attila, joined Mayhem in time to record the black metal milestone, "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas".


Over time, the legend has grown and their cult status continued to gain momentum. Now they're back to obliterate. Tormentor's musical legacy can firmly be placed amongst other pioneering acts such as Bathory, Sarcofago and Celtic Frost.


The sometimes theatrical songs lends themselves perfectly to the live stage and knowing the capabilities of this highly skilled bunch of musicians, this show will be something very, very special.



Attila Csihar – vocals

Tamás Buday – guitars

Attila Szigeti – guitars

György Farkas – bass guitar

Zsolt Machat – drums

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Lično ne slušam vinil, ali napraviti kolekcionarsko izdanje na picture diskovima je kriminal.


Ne bih mogao vise da se slozim iako imam tvoj DSO boxset koji ne zvuci lose ali opet... S druge strane, jos vise sam popizdeo kad sam video da metal blade reizdaje sve king diamond albume (nalozio se bio kao majmun da skupim konacno) i onda objave da su svi picLP i to samo u kesici. Kriminal.

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Pa je l' bolje sa vinila slusanje na kraju ili sa cda? :D


Па ако тежиш кристално јасном и перфектном звуку ондак диск а ако хоћеш дубину и монументалност звука са тим ретро призвуком и евентуално пуцкетањем,онда плоча. Али у сваком случају и за једно и за друго мораш да имаш неки до јаја уређај са врхунским перформансама да би чуо разлику између диска и плоче. Мада стоји то што каже Гојко да се плоча све више уништава колико се више слуша што јесте срање.

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