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Svirao par koncerata, kao ispomoc.


Управо то. Па њих двојица су прилично добро стајали раније ... па се десило шта се десило. што је мизерна ствар.


Чуди ме да се овде коче за Керија, како нису знали да је свируцкао са Мегадедом.

Е сад, не могу тачно да тврдим које свирке су то биле ... да не огрешим душу. Кога баш прецизно интересује нека изгугла.





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Видео бих тебе да живиш у Фениксу на 40 степени целе године.




nije to tako strasno kako ti mislis.. tamo je klima vrlo ugodna, jako malo vlage, odlicno je za plucne bolesnike.

a i ovdje ima taj neki fazon - cak i u hladnijim drzavama - ljudi se zakopcaju do vrata, a dole nanulice, japanke i sl. veze s mozgom nema :da:




ko je pominjao snimak s padobranom, gdje to ima da se pogleda?

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Видео бих тебе да живиш у Фениксу на 40 степени целе године.


Pametnjakovic, povezi duks ispod majicu i bog zna sta jos, debele farmerke i japanke...


Nije bila fora kako je tamo vruce, nego Dejv u Japankama... koliko puta imas sansu da vidis ovako opustenu "kucnu varijantu" neke "slavne licnosti" ...

I to opasni Dejv...


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Now, about the songs:

I have five of the nine that appear to be mine completely written and arranged. There are two more that are Shawn's, and James has a potential part for a song, as well as Chris. I have to say that the energy and musical vein is from the period you have all been requesting. I know I have written something good too, when I am playing something and I curl my lip up when I assault my guitar. Andy said, "Awwight! ye got a bit ov de ole lip snarlin' goin now wight matey??


I can without a doubt say that there is a song on here that is somewhat like "Poison Was The Cure." There seems to be a 'color' around this song that is reminiscent of the flair and energy from that period. This color is evident on several songs. Ask Jeff or Shane. Them not being band members also helps deter them from doing a cover-up and saying it sounds great . . . if it didn't.


But it does sound great, and I am more excited about this new record than I was with UA or anything in the last several years. I must confess that when Justis comes in and he and his band are stocked and howling about how fast and how heavy the new stuff is, it does make me feel great. He has really finicky taste and loves the really heavy stuff; especially the fast double-bass drum parts.




But, I can say that the five out of nine songs I have arranged, I like and love them all, and every one of the songs has one or more of the strong points of me as a guitarist being showcased instead of me writing songs for radio - radio that won't play us anyway.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Musavi je retardirana iskompleksirana kretencina...uvek bio,i uvek ce biti.I tu nema diskusije.Ono sto je bitnije,je da je taj covek odlican muzicar i da pravi odlicnu muziku.To sto je on nula od coveka,apsolutno nikome od nas nista ne bi trebalo da znaci,posto smo mi konzumenti njegove muzike,a ne njegovi prijatelji.I tu se prica zavrsava.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Now, about the songs:

But it does sound great, and I am more excited about this new record than I was with UA or anything in the last several years. I must confess that when Justis comes in and he and his band are stocked and howling about how fast and how heavy the new stuff is, it does make me feel great. He has really finicky taste and loves the really heavy stuff; especially the fast double-bass drum parts.

nadam se :D


za razliku od vecine bendova, kojima je uravo novi album najbolji i neprevazidjen Mastejn je u ovoj recenici vrlo realan

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Topic to discuss:


Je li ti njega licno poznajes pa pricas o njegovim kvalitetima? Ako da, zovite me kad se sledeci put vidite da se i ja upoznam s njim.


M-16 ti je rekao,ja cu ponoviti...procitaj ostatak posta pa onda seri.

A o njegovim kvalitetima govorim na osnovu hrpe i gomile bullshita koja je izasla iz njegovih usta tokom svih ovih godina na sceni.On je jedini muzicar za koga ja tvrdim da je kretencina,i to zahvaljujuci njegovim izjavama.Mozda su i ostali,ne znam,ali barem to drze za sebe.


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