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Transformers The Movie


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ок, оптимус је 18 ввхеелер, јел тако. јелибре, јел неко размишљао зашто се приликом трансформације никада не чују народњаци из његове кабине и зашто не испадне календар са сисатом голом рибом негде у гро плану?

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To za kalendar... kabina mu se transformiše u torzo, što sa sobom povlači da kalendar drži blizu srca :bigblue:

A za narodnjake... pa jebem li ga, ne čuju se od pozadinske muzike, ali pravo pitanje je da li ima čupave navlake za sedišta i onu podlogu sa kuglicama što kao masira na vozačkom sedištu...?

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kako bi izgledao srpski teransformers???

Vidim udesiste Optimusa za Ibarsku magistralu :)


Pa to je sve deo projekta Transformers: The Ibarian Wars.

Dakle Optimus bi izgledao tako kao što sam opisao, samo što bi bio marke Mercedes.

Zatim tu bi bio njegov zamenik Turbo koji bi se pretvarao u porše i Ljutomir koji se pretvara u veliki srebrni džip kao i Bamblbi koji već viđen u najavama za srpske transformerse - žuti yugo, Ironhide bi bio stojadin-pikap.

Što se diseptikona tiče Megatron bi se pretvarao u banzinsku pumpu (ako neko ima u kraju pumpu EKO, nek pročita pun naziv :) ), Starscream bi se pretvarao u borbeni avion Super-Galeb, a Cyclonis u avion za zaprašivanje komaraca. U planu je izdavanje i diseptikonske baze koja bi mogla da se transformiše hiper-market...

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Morao sam da pronađem ovu temu i da napišem o njoj ....


Budući da sam kao klinac (davno davno) bio lud za Transformersima, sa nestrpljenjem sam očekivao ekranizaciju. OK, očekivao sam Hollywood, efekte, HD, očekivao sam da bude i standardnih Hollywood-sranja ... ali ovo je prevazišlo moja očekivanja


Pitam se samo da li su ljudi zaista ovoliko retardirani kada se od njih očekuje da vole ovakva sranja? Nemam reči ... toliko je glupavo da vređa. Ne mogu da poverujem da neko tamo još uvek pravi filmove (sa budžetom veći od godišnjeg prihoda od uvoza od Srbije) na ovakav jadan, bedan i patetičan način. Mislim, nije problem do ljudi koji prave film jer oni lepo sve to izračunaju. Problem je ukoliko su njihove računice tačne i ako ovo zaista pali. Pitam se kako je to moguće?


Razmišljajući o tome, došao sam na ideju da verovatno ovakvi naslovi zarađuju pare taktikom "Hit & run", tj. zajebu te da jednom odeš u bioskop, ili da bogati klinci kupe fensi HD DVD pa da mogu da se kurče po razredu.


Malo sam ogorčen (što se vidi), ali upropastiše mi mit o Tranformersima a i izgubih sinoć 3 sata života uzalud!


Dole Hollywood!

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LESSON: If we’re not careful, robots will kill us all.

This is a humbling lesson for any child to learn, but an easy one to accept, considering Transformers was one of the coolest cartoons of the '80s. Would the Unabomber have renounced his violent ways if he were to witness the sheer stunning spectacle that is Grimlock? Hard to say, since he didn’t have a TV. But we will tell you one thing: when machines replace humans at the top of the food chain, we’ll be standing on the sidelines, waving our Autobot flag with fervent pride. Because, let’s face it, getting eaten by an alien car would suck.


(Painfully) Unforgettable Cartoon Theme Songs

Oh, don't act so shocked, you knew it was coming. Sure, the lyrics immortalize what we imagine was the greatest product pitch of the late twentieth century (“They're like robots! But, you know, in disguise”), but the music is atonal, screeching and forgettable. Half of the time the lyrics don't even fit. Especially enjoyable is when the songwriters try to squeeze the four syllables of “Decepticons” into a space where only one is available. So sorry, robo-fans. It was a great show, and an unbeatable idea, but amazingly crap-tastic composing.





Ah, the '80s. They gave us so much: Reagan, crack, AIDS, cocaine, Huey Lewis—the list goes on. But most importantly, the '80s gave us poorly designed cartoons that inspired us to become Dino-Riders, travel through the Spiral Zone or try and defy God's natural order and transform into a semi truck. To make sure we'd know exactly what to be angry at Michael Bay about, we went back to the cartoon to polish up on our Transformers chops. We were surprised to find that, just like dad, not all of the Transformers were as badass as we'd thought when we were younger. In fact, some of them were downright useless. :




Transforms into: A cassette player

Why is he useless?

Soundwave looks like he should be 100 percent badass, until you get to know him. He can read minds, intercept and block radio transmissions and is one of the strongest Transformers around; no easy task when all of your peers are enormous robots.


You stop liking/fearing/respecting Soundwave, however, when you realize that he uses all of his robot powers for the sole purpose of spying on his fellow Decepticons to detect mutiny. Seriously, he quietly hangs around his evil pals, waits for them to take issue with one of Megatron's orders and then records the shit out of it.


The other downside to Soundwave is that, when he's not out being a giant robo-narc, he's a motherfucking cassette player. We stopped needing a cassette player in like the early '90s. Can you even name a single person who owns a cassette tape anymore? If we want some tunes, we can just use the mp3 player on our niece's camera phone.


Did you hear that, Soundwave? Our 7-year-old niece's camera phone is a more impressive Transformer than you.





Transforms into: A detective that also happens to be a car


Why is he useless?


Criminal No. 1: Hey, I think we should stop talking about our secret plans.


Criminal No. 2: Why's that?


Criminal No. 1: I think we're being followed by the Enormous Transforming Robot Detective.


Criminal No. 2: You mean that Honda wearing a trench coat and reading the newspaper?


Criminal No. 1: [pause] Yes. That's exactly what I mean.


Private detectives rely on being able to blend in and remain incognito while spying on suspects. Leave the huge, shape-shifting robot monster at home for this one.




Transforms into: A microscope.


Why is he useless?


Perceptor was designed with the sole purpose of going into battle and hanging out with Soundwave to figure out which one was more useless and outdated. It was a real barnburner until Soundwave's tape needed to be turned over and all of his Decepticon pals were busy trying to take over the world.


Perceptor: 1; Soundwave: 0. It should be noted that, though he is the winner, at the end of the day,

Perceptor is still a fucking microscope.




Transforms into: ????


Why is he useless?


It's still not really clear what Repugnus turns into. Some scholars claim that his secondary form is a metal crab, while still others maintain that he is just a “Monsterbot.” A third school of thought, however, suggests that Repugnus transforms from robot to “Fucking Pointless” in record time.


No matter what he is, it is a widely accepted fact in all circles that Repugnus is the very last one called in an emergency. In a pinch, the Autobots will call Computron to show up and create an algorithm, then they'll call the robot that's also a damn microscope, and then they'll just start sending regular, non-transforming cars and appliances. When finally out of vacuums, Optimus Prime will reluctantly call Crabmonsterbot.

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Ma kurton. Meni su se cak svideli novi dizajni vecine robota, ali su zaista idiotski zubi na deseptikonima, mislim what the fuck? Kao izgledace strasnije ako velikim jebenim robotima nakace neke zergovske zube? Sranje. A da ne pricam sto je u originalu bilo 2 ljudske i jedno 100 robotskih uloga a sad je otprilike obrnuto. Nema nista bez Unicrona :rockdevil:

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Evo odgledah ga veceras,i film mi je zaista bio zabavan,prvenstveno zbog toga sto sam fan transformersa.Akcije ima na kilo,efekti su zaista fenomenalni,ali kada krenu borbe autobota i deseptikona,ama bas se nista ne vidi,mogli su da odrade klasicne izglede a ne da idu u detalje sa siljcima i ostalim glupostima.Film ima dosta komicnih elemenata,ponekada ruse ozbiljnost ali nekako sam bio u fazonu,neka ih...

Ma koliko mi bio zabavan ima i dosta propusta,recimo sto je bumble bee-a,kamaro a ne folkcvagen buba,pa onda sto je mutav i prica kroz onaj prokleti radio,blah...

I sto jazz,crkne onako brzo...

Kod deseptikona me je najvise iritirao frenzy,onaj glasic i skakutanje,napravise novog jar jar binks-a...

Iako mi je film ok,ima dosta propusta recimo sta se desilo sa Barricade-om(pandurska kola),ona scena na autoputu vidi se da je isecen film,izgleda da nisu imali kesha da je odrade ili ce ostaviti za neki specijalni dvd.

P.S. Optimus zaista ima usne tu su se najvise zajebali :blink:

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Scene transformacija i borbi su extra. Nije se shtedelo na animacijama. I... To je sve dobro shto moze da se kaze o filmu...


Materijala za pljuvanje ima podosta. Necu se cimati o tome da kucam, dosta je onih preostalih 2h filma shto bolje da nisu snimali... Holivud se popeo josh jedan stepenik na lestvici retardiranosti svojih filmova...

Edited by SL

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ona scena na autoputu vidi se da je isecen film,izgleda da nisu imali kesha da je odrade ili ce ostaviti za neki specijalni dvd.

P.S. Optimus zaista ima usne tu su se najvise zajebali :blink:


тачно је да се више пута филму види да је филм исечен али мајку му колико би трајао да није, јер овакав траје око два и по сата?!!!

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