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Pain Of Salvation

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Nemoj tako...A Scarsick,Cribcaged,Kingdom of loss,America,Enter Rain....Jesam li preskocio neku? :bigblue:

Jedina stvar koja mi ne lezi nikako je Mrs.Modern Mother Mary ili kako se vec zvase...Jedan ritam (istina,lud),jedan rif,jednolicno....


Enter Rain kul, lep Floyderski deo u sredini, a Cribcaged je mogla biti bash dobra pesma, ali mi smeta onaj "fuck a, fuck b, fuck c, fuck etc.." deo.


ma disco queen!

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meni je ceo album vrh!!

ne smeta mi nijedan detalj, a plus budite realni, odlicno su uboli ono sto nisu imali ranije i osvezili su set listu za koncerte...

mislim da sad njihova svirka izgleda prejebeno dobro, loodilo


znam da se niko ne slaze samnom ali meni je to naj album u 2007, za njim ide threshold

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Enter Rain kul, lep Floyderski deo u sredini, a Cribcaged je mogla biti bash dobra pesma, ali mi smeta onaj "fuck a, fuck b, fuck c, fuck etc.." deo.


ma disco queen!


Mene Cribcaged kompozicijski podsjeca na Undertow..Jednostavna,vrti se oko jednog rifa,i postepeno dobija na dinamici,sve dok te (me,nas,vas,Vas..) ne ponese nedje u ........ uh!! Genijalna mi je pjesma.

A sto se tice F word,ovo je prvi put da je upotrijebljena u citavom PoS opusu,i mislim da nije nista slucajno kad je Danijel u pitanju.I ne samo ona,nego i milion drugih "prostih" rijeci.

Po meni,upravo time sto upotrebljava "fuck","bitch","shit",freakin',shrink"...ruga se Americi,koristeci njihov sleng..."Kingdom of Loss" mi je pravi primjer za to.


Sad,ovo je neki moj trip,moguce i da mu je samo doslo tako :bigblue:


edit: Mozda ce mi neko reci da sam ovim otkrio toplu vodu,ali citao sam dosta recenzija Scarsick-a i mnoge se osvrcu na "losije textove" i "precestu upotrebu rijeci "fuck",pa mi je to dalo povoda da malo filozofiram.

Edited by davidian

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losije textove ?!?!?!

pa taj ko je to napisao nije normalan, sta bre oni oce??

Pa nijedan umetnik ne moze dva puta u karijeri da ponovi textove kao sto su na Remedy Lane...

Inace textovi na Scarsicku su mi super, jeste da to nije nista novo ali opet ako Daniel ima potrebu da izrazi svoje misljenjei protiv globalizacije, kolektivnog zaglupljivanja itd i to na ovako dobar nacin zasto da mu neko prisere...

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Koga ne zanima losa recenzija Scarsick-a,pogotovo textova,neka preskoci ovaj post. :razz:


Scarsick (7.5/10), the simplicity of the riff is evident. This song starts off the album in pure metal fashion, and it's not bad, if overly simplistic. Gildenlow sings in a kind of "nu- metal" style that it's not to my taste; the chorus sort of remind us of the POS of ancient times. The song works because it's entertaining. The lyrics? Well, the guy's sick with the way society is. He doesn't say here anything we already don't know. daniel hates society. Music and lyrics in the same level


Spitfall (8/10), bliss to our ears, the old-style POS kind of appears buried within the confines of this song. The main heavy riff adornated by just four piano notes while Gildenlow "raps" over it is very good, and the chorus is actually decent, with D. at the end of it sounding almost like Anselmo from Down or Pantera. The lyrics? Well, how unfair and twisted it is that rappers have the spotlight in this society... did we really need Mr. G. to enlighten us about that? He even says "yo'all" in the song... He truly is sick. Daniel hates rappers and rap-adoring media. Music WAY above the lyrics.


Cribcaged (7/10), after a quiet start, a very good piano melody again reminds us that this could be the same band that wrote REMEDY LANE. Gildenlow sings, actually SINGS here, with the voice that he's shown he's capable of. The lack of a good chorus hurts the song a little and makes it sound repetitive. But the real problem: The lyrics? Awful. Now we're dealing with celebrities and how adored they are. Daniel hates celebrities. Man, what's the POINT? We already AGREE. But was it really necessary to say "[%*!#] this, [%*!#] that" to show he's uncomfortable with the way the world is? "Successful people, dressed up people, [%*!#]ing people, you're just people". I rest my case with that phrase. Yes, Mr. G. discovered for all of us that successful people is just people. I thought they were divine. No, actually, maybe some of them could deserve their fame? We don't know, but these lyrics wouldn't bother to consider such an "aberration." Music OCEANS better than the lyrics.


America (5/10), finally, the chance for Mr. G. to deliver his self-repressed anti-yanqui rant. The music he chooses to do so is straight forward rock-metal, fast, with a pre- chorus melody that somewhat reminds us in our subconcious of the main melody in "America", the movement in Leonard Bernstein's magnificent music for WEST SIDE STORY. Weak music, but... The lyrics? Daniel hates America. Daniel hates America. Daniel hates America. I could agree with a lot of what he says, not in the way he says it. Daniel hates America. America DOESN'T CARE. WE DON'T CARE. At least not if to say it it's mandatory to be so inmature and hateful. Daniel is happy because the US is going the way of the Soviet, the Roman and the British Empire. Good for him. Bad for us, because we lost a GREAT lyricist and "gained" a POOR political analyst. Music weak but incredibly UNIVERSES above the lyirics.


Disco Queen (7.5/10) I'll be odd here and say that this track is not as bad as many people say it is. For the only time in the album, we hear some wit, some irony behind the criticism. The main riff starts in disco-style, with some high-pitched "uh uh uh" by Gildenlow that sound so grotesque and exaggerated that they work in actually conveying the futility of the "disco queens". In this song it's not about the music, it's about how they relate to the lyrics. Incredibly, they ARE related. the song itslef is a little boring except for the "disco" parts, but I can see some purpose here. The lyrics?Well, as always here, Daniel dislikes someone, now it's the turn for the ladies. At least he shows just a LITTLE of sarcasm in here. Music in the same level as the lyrics.


Kingdom Of Loss (9.5/10), just one word: PAIN OF SALVATION (well, those were three actually). This tracks sounds as a leftover from the TPE- era, with melody, control, a brilliant melodic chorus, THIS is the POS we where looking for. Suffering, angst, beauty hidden behind the mask of a monster created by elders. Great song. The lyrics? Finally Mr. G. starts drifting away from the "Daniel hates" theme and gives us some thoughful pharses, if not great, at least better than the unsufferable preceding ones.


Mrs Modern Mother Mary (4/10), don't like the beginning of the song that much, too simplistic. But soon enough the track gets back on track (pun intended) and Gildenlow delivers a good performance with his long-lost-and-missed falsetto voice. But then the song dissapoints us when we don't hear any changes. the same thing over and over again. The lyrics?Now we're talking about religious people. At least it's not an overly hateful exercize but it's not interesting. Boring song, both music and lyirics in the same low level.


Idiocracy (3.5/10) too bad the album starts going downhill from now on. A boring, mundane metal riff that sounds like a every-day-mtv-numetal band with some distorted vocals here and there. The chorus is much better but doesn't last long. bad, bad song. The lyrics? Well, they are not "Daniel hates" lyirics, so they're not that bad. both lyrics and music poor, but incredibly, lyrics ABOVE music. So boring it is.


Flame To The Moth (4/10), this album is a lost cause near the end. Some little arabic- sounding riff is the main music in this track. Too much noise. When Gildenlow makes his appearance he actually saves the song a little. The rest is mtv-ready music. yes, mtv airs rock, usually crappy nu-metal rock, so this song could fit there, too. The lyrics? It's too late, we no longer care. Daniel lost us. Music and lyrics poor.


Enter Rain (6/10) a very slow, sedating, sleep-inducing track, overly long, but at times inteersting, at times sounding like POS. There are bits of good singing and ingenuity here and there, but the song clearly overstays its welcome. The lyrics? Curiously enough, Mr. G. decided to write in a remotely interesting fashion just before we're about to end our SCARSICK experience. Too late for that.

Edited by davidian

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ukratko, ovo je napisao neko ko se toliko lozi na stari Pain da je ocekivao copy paste nekog od prethodnih albuma... i time pokazao koliko nema pojma o bendu u stvari...

Edited by niking

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e 'vako ja branim DT, a kritikujem SyX :mrgreen:



Mada ja realno nemam ni za DT vise bog zna koliko pozitivnih reci, ali podrzavam ovu logiku :meshuggah:


A sto se recenzije tice, pa dajte ljudi malo tolerancije, ne moze svaka recenzija da bude 100% paljevina i hvaljenje. Meni je licno ScarSick poprilicno dosadan, PoS su snimili mnogo bolje albume u svojoj karijeri do sada. A medju omiljenim su mi bendovima, ali to mi nije frka da kazem.

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Meni je licno ScarSick poprilicno dosadan, PoS su snimili mnogo bolje albume u svojoj karijeri do sada. A medju omiljenim su mi bendovima, ali to mi nije frka da kazem.

Mhm, slazem se i meni je on najslabiji album. Uzela sam malo da ga slusam pre neki dan i jednostavno nema tu snagu kao njegovi prethodnici.

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