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Cattle Decapitation

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jeste odlican album i ambiciozan i svestran, ali mi nikako nije bolji od Monolith i Anthropocene .

svakako je jasno da je Travis glavna atrakcija i jasno je da ce muzika njega pratiti i da treba njemu da daje mesta da radi to sto on radi. 

Ali ovde ima previse tih nekih melodicnih, skoro pa Dimmu Borgirastih momenata napisani da bi njegovi clean vokali bili sto vise epic, skoro pa kao Anaal. sto radi.

Fale mi brutal death riffovi i dobri breakdownovi i generalno zanimljiviji riffovi ali svakako mi idalje kul album i drago mi je sto ovako cepaju. Ako postoji neki bend koji je zasluzio popularnost, to su oni. 

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Dobro je ovo, ali mi je po svakom parametru slabije i od Extinction i od Monolitha. Najveći greh albuma mi je trajanje. Nema razloga da ovo traje 50+ minuta. Možda da ima bolje pesme generalno pa mi se album ne bi toliko vukao, ali ovako na kraju slušanja samo mi mish-mash svega živog ostane u glavi. Malo dm riff, malo melobm riff, malo growl, malo brejkić, malo Ryan clean® vokal, i u krug.

Ako ništa drugo, ok, probali su nešto ambicioznije da naprave, i da nije samo mini-ekstenzija Extinctiona, kao što je taj bio od Monolitha.

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Slažem se u potpunosti. Dobar je album, ima baš ozbiljnih rifčina i kad pucaju iz svih cilindara to zaista zvuči odlično. Ipak, malo su se udavili u ambiciji i ekspanzivnosti. Evo da se složim i sa Humanom - ovi clean vokali su baš "paja patak" fazon. Šteta, jer je Travis stvarno strašan urlator, ovakav clean meni definitivno ne prija. 

Monolith of inhumanity ostaje barem meni njihov najbolji album, koncizno, tehnički, u glavu ali jako zabavno i intenzivno. Ne kapiram baš stavljanje njega i Anthropocene extinction u isti koš kad je ovaj samo more of the same sa Monolitha, samo neinspirativnije u svakom smislu.

Ako ništa, Death atlas je pokazao ambiciju CD da postanu baš veliki bend, imaju solidne kritike, ne plaše se da probaju nešto novo i možda je ovo samo korak ka nekom monstrumu od albuma koji će znatno prevazići dosadašnji sjajan ali ipak žanrovski limitiran opus. DA to ipak nije, iako je sasvim dobar dodatak diskografiji.

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Recently we posted that we would be revealing all details to the new album next month. Unfortunately, somebody leaked everything onto Reddit a couple days ago and the user has been doing the same to other bands for a while now. 
We have decided to release the announcement that we were going to do for our new album, “Terrasite”, as it has been an idea that was 8 years in the making, and will most likely require an explanation for proper absorption…
Terrasite (noun)
/ˌterə ˌsīt/ (terr·a·site)
“terra-“ (Latin = “earth”) + “-sitos” (Greek = “food”)
1. A devourer or destroyer of land or earth. 
2. Post-Anthropocene “Humanity”. 
We've all heard the old saying about how the cockroach is so pervasive... so insidious... so invasive... that they could "survive a nuclear war". Our previous album "Death Atlas" left the world blackened and lifeless… or so we thought. It turns out that the carbon-encrusted bodies that adorned the album's layout and music video (and that resemble the victims of Pompeii that were frozen in time by the Mt. Vesuvius disaster of 79 A.D.) were actually more of a cocoon-like stage for something much more vicious to come... 
Humanity Part 2: The Terrasite. 
On the album's cover we see the terrasite, aka ~Blattodea Humanis Immortalis~ aka “earth-eater", molting from its ootheca as others are beginning to awaken to their new lives. Having endured the tortuous existence of being a homosapien, they have now re-emerged into a new world... frightened… saddened... confused... PISSED. Re-birthed as a novel variant of human disease, now adapted to the hellish landscape their former lives helped create in order to continue to finish the utter ravaging of its home planet, Earth.
As they say... "life finds a way".
Terrasite will be released on May 12th on Metal Blade Records and is dedicated to the memory of Gabe Serbian.
1. Terrasitic Adaptation
2. We Eat Our Young
3. Scourge Of The Offspring
4. The Insignificants
5. The Storm Upstairs
6. …And The World Will Go On Without You
7. A Photic Doom
8. Dead End Residents
9. Solastalgia
10. Just Another Body
Album cover by Wes Benscoter
The first single off of the album will be released next month. That is, if some idiot doesn't leak it first. 
"The human is an animal you should never trust.”
- Cattle Decapitation

May be an image of text

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