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Evo, ovako. Svirka je bila odlična! :da:


Onaj vokal je prvoklasna svinja, odradio je čovek posao neverovatno.

Bane odmah pored njega. Em, što jebe mame na onoj gitari, em što je i on pevao odlično.

I ostatak benda je savršeno propratio.


Čini mi se da je malo prazno bilo, ne znam šta se desilo. Inače je mnogo punije i atmosfera je mnogo divlja. Al', jbg.


U suštini, odlična je svirka bila. Stvari su vam stvarno super, kako tehnički, tako i za divljanje. Završetak sa Korpsima je, takođe, bio lep detalj. :rockdevil:


Što se mene tiče, prolazite kao najbolji death Srbije. Nadam se da se vidimo opet. :pivopije:

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Svirka u Kikindi je sinoc bila jebeno fantasticna! :rockdevil:


Stvarno smo ostali bez reci posle koncerta, i jedva cekam da ponovo dodjemo da sviramo! :pivopije:


@Denny: Hvala brate moj na lepim recima, zaista cenim, i drago mi je sto smo se upoznali! Vidimo se uskoro!


@Dead Man Walking: Uvredio sam se :) Salim se naravno. Mislim da Sacramentalci i mi uopste nismo za poredjenje - em sviramo drugaciju vrstu Death Metala, em sto oni postoje 5 godina vise od nas, a em je razlika u godinama ogromna (+/- 10 godina). ;) Sve u svemu, i meni su Sacramental Blood najomiljeniji domaci bend, tako da se u svakom slucaju slazemo :)


@Sabbathorn: Hej brate moj, drago mi je da ti se svideo nastup! Pozdravi ostalu bracu iz Catastrophy-a, cujemo i vidimo se!


@Black Label: Hvala, vidimo se opet to je sigurno!



Edited by banedeathmetal

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Reviews for Disdained (Ser)'s Labyrinth Of Decay

Disdained change things up a bit - 75%

Disdained have been steadily improvement since their humble beginnings with the 'Live at Dvoriste' album. That debut was a good, raw, brutal live death metal, although rather unremarkable. Then the follow up, 'We All Reek' was an improvement on this, a much clearer, refined sound, and they seemed to have a bit more focus in mind. It was really anything unique or 'out there', but it was a good death metal album that would make a good addition to any real death metal fans collection.

This is their new single, and gives us a bit of a preview to the way the band might be headed. It's a lot more melodic than 'We All Reek', most of the Suffocation influence is now replaced with what almost sounds like Stockholm-influenced melody, although the music is still brutal. The main riff has that fast, bouncy Swedish vibe to it. Heck, I'd actually compare this more to At The Gates than anything in the brutal death metal scene. We get a few more riffs and then towards the middle is a bit of weirder, more abstract riff that might even have sounded awkard if Disdained didn't pull it off so well. Reminds me of Gorguts a bit. The drums are still fast and frantic, the musicianship is still very technical (a little more showy here than their previous efforts), and the vocalist is relatively the same. But the sense of melody and riffing has changed.

Changed for the better? I'm not sure. It's hard to judge based off this one song. We'll have to see. This single is worth picking up though. You also get a 'making of' video on cd-rom, which has the full song playing whilst the camera switches from person to person playing their respective parts. Worth picking up for cheap anyway. I'm looking forward to their new album, but whether it will be an improvement over 'We All Reek' awaits to be seen.

-Written by Muloc7253 on May 19th, 2009

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Evo sto je nas bubnjar snimio/odlupao pesmu od OBSCURA - "The Anti-Cosmic Overload", takmicenje koje organizuje SICK DRUMMER.com, i uskoro ce biti i deadline, pa cemo videti da li je osvojio neku nagradu.


Inace bubnjar ovog benda, za one koji ne znaju, je Hannes Grossman (Obscura, ex-Necrophagist), a evo Zolijeva obrada:


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