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excel fan

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Aktuelan spisak cd-a!Poruke na pm ukoliko bude zainteresovanih!


Testament-Souls of black cd 800 din

Overkill-Horroscope 800 din

Overkill-Taking over 800 din

Overkill-The years of decay 800 din

Vader-De profundis (digi izdanje) 1500 din

Exodus-Fabulous disaster 1200 din

Authorize-The source of dominion 1200 din

Demolition hammer-Epidemic of violence 1200 din

Razor-Violent restitution 700 din

Vio-Lence-Oppressing the masses 1400 din

Infinite translation-Masked reality 1200 din

Potential threat sf-A new threat level 700 din

Cancer-Death shall rise 1800 din

At the gates-Slaughter of the soul 1200 din


Sepultura-Schizophrenia lp (originalno Cogumelo izdanje) 4500 din

Edited by excel fan

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Stanje od jutros!


Destruction-Sentenced of death+Infernal overkill 1200 din

Sodom-Obsessed by cruelty+Expurse of sodomy+In the sign of evil 1200 din


Overkill-The years of decay 800 din


Exodus-Fabulous disaster 1200 din

Authorize-The source of dominion 1200 din

Demolition hammer-Epidemic of violence 1200 din


Vio-Lence-Oppressing the masses 1400 din

Infinite translation-Masked reality 1200 din

Potential threat sf-A new threat level 700 din

Cancer-Death shall rise 1800 din



Sepultura-Schizophrenia lp (originalno Cogumelo izdanje) 4500 din

Edited by excel fan

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Ovo je jos preostalo sa jos nekim malim dodacima i izmenama u ceni!


Overkill-The years of decay 700 din

Demolition hammer-Epidemic of violence 800 din

Testament-Low 700 din

Cancer-Death shall rise 1300 din

Asphyx-The rack 1500 din (prvi press)

Carnivore-Retaliation 1300 din (remaster izdanje iz 2007)

Deicide-Deicide 800 din

Sepultura-Beneath the remains 1200 (prvi pres sa terkstovima)

Sepultura-Schizophrenia 1200 (prvi pres,Roadracer izdanje)

Whiplash-Insult to injury 1500 (prvi pres na Roadracer)

Sodom-Better off dead 700 din

Blind illusion-The sane asylum 2000 (prvi pres na Combat)

Agent steel-Mad locust rising 1000 din

Truth corroded-The Saviours slain 800 din


Ploce su uglavnom sve u NM stanju!


Exhorder-Slaughter in the vatican 3500 (prvi pres)

Sepultura-Schizophrenia 4000 (Cogumelo pres-na otvaranje)

Whiplash-Power and pain 4500 (prvi pres)

Evil dead-Annihilation of civilization 3000 (prvi pres na otvaranje)

Flotsam and jetsam-No place for disgrace 1200 (prvi pres)

Entombed-Left hand path 6000 din (prvi pres sa tekstovima)

Pestilence-Malleus maleficarum 5000 din (prvi pres)

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Svi diskovi su neotpakovani,cena za svaki cd je 11 evra!


Massacra-Enjoy the violence

Megadeth-Rust in piece


Demolition hammer-Epidemic of violence

Demolition hammer-Tortured existence

Dark angel-,Darkness descends

Dark angel-Time does not heal

Cannibal corpse-Kill


Anthrax-Among the living

Unleashed-Where life dwells

Sepultura-Beneath the remains


Forbidden-Twisted into form

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Otisli Morgoth i Dark angel!


Dodajem na listu,po istoj ceni ,takodje neotpakovani:


Celtic frost-Monoteist

Dark angel-Leave scars

Sanctuary (novi album,digipak izdanje)

Gorguts -obscura

Morbid angel-altars.....

Asphyx-incoming death

Bolt thrower-Those loyal once

Bolt thrower-Honour valour....


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Prodajem sledece diskove,svi su neotpakovani:


Dark angel-Leave scars. 10

Immolation - Here in after. 12

Celtic frost -into the pandemonium 12

Tiamat - The astral sleep 12

Tiamat -Clouds. 12

Sepultura -Beneath the remains. 10

Testament -The legacy. 10

Fates warning - perfect symmetry 12

Fates warning - Theories of flight 12

Vader - Litany. 10

Destruction - Sentence of death/infernal overkill. (Prvi pres. 18)

Death-sound of perseverance ( prvi pres 20)

Powermad - absolute power.(polovan) 15

Darkness - broken heart. (Polovan) 7

After forever - Prison of desire. ( polovan digi) 7




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Diskovi i par ploca za prodaju,o cenama i izdanjima,pisite mi u inboks ili na mejl>[email protected]


Destruction-sentence of deah+infernal overkill 
Destruction-Thrash anthem II  
Destruction-Metal discharge  
Tiamat-The astral sleep  
Vicious rumors-razorback killers 
Accept-Objection overruled  
Accept-Blind rage
Saxon- Power and the glory 
UDO-animal house  
Raven-Nothing exceeds like excess 
Megadeth-Killing is my...   
Celtic frost-into the pandemonium  
Sepultura-Beneath the remain 
SEPULTURA-Morbid visions+bestial devastation
Iron angel-Hellish crossfire 
Kreator-Pleasure to kill+flag of hate 
Inquisidor-Night tears
Gama bomb (svi albumi, osim poslednjeg) 
Anthrax-armed and dangerous  
Cyclone temple-i hate there fore..  
Holy moses-finished with the dogs   
Holy moses-Master of disaster  
Holy moses-World chaos 
Razor-shotgun justice 
Razor-open hostility  
Flotsam and jetsam-S/T  
Atrophy-Violent by nature  
Tankard-The morning after+alien  
Tankard-20th anniversary bday
Znowhite-act of god  
Fates warning-no exit 
Evile-enter the grave  
Violator-chemical assault  
Violator-Violent most  
Overkill-Taking over  
Sacrifice-Soldiers of misfortune  
Ratos de porao-Brasil  
Ratos de porao-Anarchophobia 
Alhakill-Unmitigated disaster 
Distillator-Revolutionary cells  
Nuclear assault-atomic waste  
Brainstorm-Soul temptation  
Brainstorm-memorial roots 
Pro pain-Foul taste...  
Pro pan-straight to the dome  
Pro pain-the truth hurts 
Dust Bolt-Mass confusion  
Thraitor-Thrash command
Evil army-S/T 
Exarsis-the human project 
Overthrow-within suffering  
Space chaser-Watch the skies  
Saxon-power and the glory  
Shakma-House of possession  
Condor-Unstoppable power 
Helstar-Remnants of war
Onslaught-In search of sanity
Onslaught-Let there be rock
Raven-Nothing exceeds like excess
Alcoholator-Escape from reality
Holy moses-Finished with the dogs
UDO-Animal house
Brain storm-Metus mortis
Brain storm-Memorial roots
Razor-Custom killing
Svi diskovi i ploce su u gotovo ne slusanom stanju! 
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Dodajem na prosli spisak neke nove naslove,poruke u inbox u vezi cena!




Ritual carnage-Every nerve alive  (japanski pres sa obi stripom )  13 evra

Envenomed-Venomous decay  

Vindicator-The antique witcheries  

Vindicator-split w/Metal witch

Demolition hammer-Tortured existence (https://www.discogs.com/Demolition-Hammer-Tortured-Existence/release/2540768)

Flotsam and jetsam - No place for disgrace (https://www.discogs.com/Flotsam-And-Jetsam-No-Place-For-Disgrace/release/2365740)

Viking-man of straw  (lost and found izdanje) 

Speed kills again   https://www.discogs.com/Various-Speed-KillsAgain/release/2696083)  

Andralls  (gotovo svi albumi)

Anthrax-Spreading the disease  (https://www.discogs.com/Anthrax-Spreading-The-Disease-/release/7788000)  

Terrordome-Machete justice  

Repulsor - Trapped in a nightmare 

Phrenetix - Fear  

Malevolent creation - The will to kill 

Megadeth (prva tri u razlicitim reizdanjima)

Saxon - Power and the glory (https://www.discogs.com/Saxon-Power-The-Glory/release/3900597)  

Ranger - Skull splitting metal  

Eugenic death-Crimes against humanity 

Sepultura - Schizophrenia (https://www.discogs.com/Sepultura-Schizophrenia/release/8097537)  

Sepultura - Arise  (https://www.discogs.com/Sepultura-Arise/release/5740363

Exodus-Another lesson in violence  (https://www.discogs.com/Exodus-Another-Lesson-In-Violence/release/403036)

Anthrax-Fistful of metal  

Dew-scented-Invocation (https://www.discogs.com/Dew-Scented-Invocation/release/7633494)

M.O.D.-U.S.A. for M.O.D.  (https://www.discogs.com/MOD-USA-For-MOD/release/2959249)




Tankard - the morning after  (https://www.discogs.com/Tankard-The-Morning-After/release/1217250) NM/NM

Violator-Annihilation process (https://www.discogs.com/Violator-Annihilation-Process/release/4854290)M/M

Violator-Annihilation process  (https://www.discogs.com/Violator-Annihilation-Process/release/4314522)  M/M

Exodus-Bonded by blood (https://www.discogs.com/Exodus-Bonded-By-Blood/release/10529028) M/M

Exodus-Pleasures of the flesh (https://www.discogs.com/Exodus-Pleasures-Of-The-Flesh/release/5876336) M/M

Anthrax-Fistful of metal  (https://www.discogs.com/Anthrax-Fistful-Of-Metal/release/6784696) NM/VG+

Nuclear assault - Game over  (https://www.discogs.com/Nuclear-Assault-Game-Over/release/1433273) Vg/VG+

Megadeth - Rock sagas (https://www.discogs.com/Megadeth-Rock-Sagas-The-Chris-Tetley-Interviews/release/3080872) M/M

Sepultura-Schizophrenia  (https://www.discogs.com/Sepultura-Schizophrenia/release/4987904)  M/M

Holy Moses - The new machine of lichenstein  (https://www.discogs.com/Holy-Moses-The-New-Machine-Of-Liechtenstein/release/6779897) VG+/VG+




MURDER IN THE FRONT ROW  (https://www.bazillionpoints.com/product/murder-in-the-front-row-by-brian-umlaut-lew-harald-o-oimoen/)

METTALICA THE CLUB DAYZ  (https://www.amazon.com/Metallica-Club-1982-1984-Without-Photo/dp/1550228765)

MEGADETH ANOTHER TIME A DIFFERENT PLACE  (https://www.amazon.com/Megadeth-Another-Time-Different-Place/dp/1576875970/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Megadeth+another+time+a+different+place&qid=1561468709&s=books&sr=1-1)


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Dodajem na spisak par diskova,svi su neotpakovani,po ceni od 10 evra!


Bolt thrower - Realm of chaos  (Digi)

Bolt thrower  - War master  (Digi)

Cathedral - The forest of equilibrium (Digi)

Carcass - Symphonies of sickness  (Digi)

Carcass - Necroticism  

Death - Symbolic

At the gates  - Slaughter of the soul

Vektor - Black future

Asphyx - The rack

Sva pitanja u inbox!


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Apdejt onoga sto je ostalo,ima i nekih noviteta,pitanja u inboks,hvala!

Cathedral - The forest of equilibrium (Digi)  10 evra

Disincarnate-Dreams of the carrion kind  (neotpakovan)  10 evra

Ritual carnage-Every nerve alive  (japanski pres sa obi stripom )  13 evra

Envenomed-Venomous decay    8 evra

Vindicator-The antique witcheries    13 evra

Vindicator-split w/Metal witch  7 evra

Demolition hammer-Tortured existence (https://www.discogs.com/Demolition-Hammer-Tortured-Existence/release/2540768) 20 evra

Viking-man of straw  (lost and found izdanje)  15 evra

Speed kills again   https://www.discogs.com/Various-Speed-KillsAgain/release/2696083)  5 evra

Andralls  (gotovo svi albumi) svi po 5 evra

Anthrax-Spreading the disease  (https://www.discogs.com/Anthrax-Spreading-The-Disease-/release/7788000)  11 evra

Terrordome-Machete justice  8 evra

Phrenetix - Fear    8 evra

Malevolent creation - The will to kill   7 evra

Megadeth (prva tri u razlicitim reizdanjima)  svi po 7 evra

Saxon - Power and the glory (https://www.discogs.com/Saxon-Power-The-Glory/release/3900597)  5 evra

Ranger - Where evil dwells  8 evra

Eugenic death-Crimes against humanity   7 evra

Tankard-The morning after+Alien  7 evra

Shakma-House of possession  9 evra

Helstar-Nosferatu (prvi pres) 22 evra

Nasty savage-Abstract reality+Indulgence 15 evra

Nasty savage-S/T  10 evra

Blind illusion-The sane asylum (prvi pres)  30 evra

Luciferion-Demonication  30 evra

Nominon-Diabolical bloodshed  14 evra

Necrosanct-Incarnate  14 evra

Carnivore-Retaliation (prvi pres)  18 evra

Wratchild America-Climbin the walls  15 evra

Vulcano-Bloody vengeance  15 evra

Sacrifice-Soldiers of misfortune (dupli cd)  15 evra

Dark angel-Time does not heal  10 evra

Last descendants-One nation under god  19 evra

Despair-History of hate (delux century media reizdanje-neotpakovan)  20 evra

Asphyx-The rack (prvi pres)  20 evra

Autopsy-Mental funeral  (prvi pres)  20 evra

Forced entry-Uncertain future  (prvi pres)  19 evra

Voivod-Rooaaaarrr  (prvi pres)  25 evra

Atheist-Piece of time (prvi pres) 20 evra

Atheist-Unquestionable presence  (reizdanje)  15 evra

Iron angel-Hellish crossfire  10 evra

Flotsam and jetsam-Flotsam and jetsam  8 evra

Pro-Pain (prva 3 albuma)  svi po 5 evra

Deviate-State of grace  5 evta

Lack of interest-Trapped inside  7 evra

Exarsis-The Human project  6 evra

Grand prix-Samurai (japansko izdanje sa obi stripom)  10 evra

Violator-Violent mosh  8 evra

Laaz rockit-Annihilation principle  15 evra

Lazz rockit-Nothing sacred  12 evra

Mortal sin-Mayhemic destruction  20 evra

Destruction-Thrash anthems II  7 evra

U.D.O.-Animal house  5 evra

Raven-Nothing exceeds...   5 evra

Accept-Blind rage  5 evra

Epitaph-Seeming salvation ( oficijalno reizdanje)  15 evra

Faith of fear-Punishment area  (prvi pres)  15 evra

Darkane-Rusted angel 6 evra

Deliverance-What a joke  10 evra

Razor-Open hostility  10 evra

Sepultura - Arise  (https://www.discogs.com/Sepultura-Arise/release/5740363)   7 evra

Anthrax-Fistful of metal    7 evra

M.O.D.-U.S.A. for M.O.D.  (https://www.discogs.com/MOD-USA-For-MOD/release/2959249)  10 evra

Space chaser-Watch the skies  10 evra

Seprevation-Consumed  15 evra

Traumatism-Truculent  8 evra

Sadus-A vision of misery (prvi pres)  19 evra

Visual discrimiantion-Step back and listen  12 evra

Billingsgate-No apologies  12 evra

Nations on fire-Strike the match  9 evra

Tyranex-Death roll  8 evra

Poison-Further down into the abyss  9 evra

Inquisidor-Night tears  8 evra

Raid-Above the law  7 evra




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Dodajem sledece naslove:Svi su po 10 evra, neotpakovani! 


Morbid angel

-Altars of madness

-Blessed are the sick


-Gateways to... 


Running wild

-Port royal

-Blaze on stone

-Branded and exiled

-Death or glory

-Under jolly roger

-Pile of skulls



Savatage-Gutter ballet

Bolt thrower-IV crusade

Immolation-Close to a world below

Paradise lost-Icon

Paradise lost-Lost paradise


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