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e"]ludilo!!!! Carry On je balada, i to kakva!!!! Shaman, Time, Holy Land, Wuthering Heights nemam ni na jednom drugom bootlegu, a ovde su do jaja!!!!!


Nadam se samo da si mislio na Make Believe, jer je Carry On power/prog i to samo takav :wink: Malko smo se zajeb... biggrin.gifa:


e"]Najbolje godine, Holy Land turneja, kakve pesme!!!!!!!!


Otprilike :mrgreen: Po meni je Live & Learn inace sasvim OK pesma i ne vidim razloga sto mislis da je toliko slaba, a sto se tice Bleeding Heart, posle Make Believe je to po meni njihova najbolja balada i nikako nije osrednja, text, melodija, aranzman... sve ima mnogo mnogo emocija (doduse jeste pesma malo netipicna za Angru, ali sta sad? da je ne snime jer nije njihov stil, a pesma (po meni) ubija koliko je dobra?!?)

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OK, vokalne deonice su mahom u stilu Fredy Mercury-ja (Queen) pa tu mozemo pricati o hard rock utiacju ali muzika je mahom bazirana na brazilskim etno motivima i na Helloween-u.


Sve u svemu kada spomenem power/prog pravac prvi bend koji mi padne na pamet je definitivno ANGRA kako nova tako i stara!

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Sudeci po svim albumima, najverovatnije je da si ti slusao Fireworks (po meni njihov najlosiji album, ali opet, bolji od proseka), jer tamo je jedino moguce da si cuo tako nesto. Na svim ostalim albumima, muzika se ubija od progresive i powera, pa ti toplo preporucujem Holy Land ili Rebirth...ma i Angels Cry uzmi bilo koji neces se kajati! :wink:


Bas volim bendove kojima je svaki album legendaran :mrgreen: Nikad ne mozes da pogresis i da ih pogresno prosudis kao sto bi bila situacija kada bi analizirali prvi put Helloween sa Chameleon albumom ili Dream Theater sa Change of Seasons albumom :wink:

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Sto bash Change Of Seasons smile.gif Znam da nije DT tema ali osim Moorovih albuma i Change-a nista drugo i ne mogu da slusham...


Ovo za albume... bash sam razmisljao o tome, koliko je bendova kao neke Hard/Heavy legende (Sabbath, Maiden, Deep Purple) izdalo brdo albuma od kojih je pola crap, i treba bash da imash srece da prvi koji dohvatish bude dobar i da zbog njega zavolish bend koji ces kasnije, motivisan biggrin.gif , prostudirati...


Ja nisam imao srece ni sa jednim smile.gif


Zato Angra... tri albuma, svi prefantasticni biggrin.gif ...


I puno EP-jeva, Live albuma i kojecega... da ostanu aktuelni, do novog poteza biggrin.gif


ma i Angels Cry uzmi bilo koji neces se kajati! smile.gif


:roll: :roll:

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OK, vokalne deonice su mahom u stilu Fredy Mercury-ja (Queen) pa tu mozemo pricati o hard rock utiacju ali muzika je mahom bazirana na brazilskim etno motivima i na Helloween-u.


Sve u svemu kada spomenem power/prog pravac prvi bend koji mi padne na pamet je definitivno ANGRA kako nova tako i stara!


e ajde navedi mi par pesama po stilu FM jer bih bas voleo da cujem na sta to lici,tj Fredi I Metal,kako to lepo zvuci!

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...a sto se tice Bleeding Heart, posle Make Believe je to po meni njihova najbolja balada i nikako nije osrednja, text, melodija, aranzman...


Jeste, smorio sam se pa ozivljavam temu biggrin.gif


Moj top 5 Angra balada biggrin.gif


1. Deep Blue

2. Stand Away

3. Lullaby For Lucifer

4. Lasting Child

5. Rebirth

(6. Carry On akusticni biggrin.gif )

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  • 4 months later...


by: Edu Falaschi & Rafael Bittencourt


Hey, everybody!


We’ve just woken up and have great news to tell you: the new album is READY! So now we can finally talk about it with more certainty.


First of all, the songs are awesome! Really, really good! The production is perfect too, the sound of instruments is even heavier and clearer than in our previous albums. The band sounds more powerful and tighter as well.


This is a very complex record, truly sophisticated. It’s not just another metal album, it’s much more than that. The richness of the songs can be felt in the concept, the versatility, the spontaneity, the technic, the feeling and the emotions that flow throughout the whole record. It’s easy to figure out our emotions in the tracks. It’s a special thing, totally unconventional.


The story is about the saga of a crusader knight that ends up disputing the expansionist ideals of the Catholic Church in the eleventh century. He is known as The Shadow Hunter. His way of thinking changes step by step until he gets to the point of beginning a new reforming order. There’s a lot of things happening in his life and each song is a chapter of the story. It’s amazing to follow the lyrics as you listen to the songs. Each situation is totally different from the other.


Overall, this album is a bit longer than the others Angra has made so far. We tried to do something new and didn’t think twice about the possibility of experimenting. After all, we always focus in the artistic side and in what has been Angra’s most striking mark since day one: ORIGINALITY!


Today is July 14th and we are leaving for Japan. We’ll meet Kiko there (he’s going from Brazil) and the three of us are gonna promote the album. We’re doing a couple of acoustic gigs, plus interviews, photo sessions and so on. However, we look forward to coming back to Brazil and showing to the fans what we achieved in the new album, Angra’s very best in our opinion.


Thank you very much for your patience, support and wait!


Edu and Rafael.


a ja sam skeptican kao i uvek icon_smile.gif

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Neznam ali od kako je Matos otisao nije to to... Prva tri Albuma su super (Fireworks malo opada).Gledao sam ih uzivo u Bohumu (Holy Land) turneja.Bilo je jedva 30 icon_sad.gif gledalaca, ali su ipak svirali 2 sata i bilo je fantastico. Super su zvucali uzivo !!! Rebirth mi se vec ne svidja toliko. Angra su pre Sepulture pocele da ubacuju brazilski percussion, a ovi se tim proslavili (Roots). Cujem za novi bend Matosa koji jos ne poznajem.Kako oni zvuce i sta su dosad izdali ? (nazive albuma itd.)

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  • 2 months later...

I icon_smile.gif ?!?!


Ko je slushao Temple Of Shadows icon_biggrin.gif ?!?!


Za ovaj album treba maaalo vishe vremena... drugaciji je - dosta, najslabiji - verovatno, trenutno vrh u zanru - nazalost...


Prvo bodu usi samo minusi, posebno pevanje (album zvuci kao da gostuju Sammeth i Lione... khm, u svakoj pesmi icon_uhoh.gif ) i seljacki prog metal elementi tj. 10000000 puta vidjeni (ali NE na Angrinim albumima no.gif , do sada je bilo ”ne-po-svaku-cenu-prog”) isti neparni rifovi i melodije... ne znam ko se jos przi na ovo no.gif ...


Posle par slushanja sam izvalio da album ipak nije losh, poseban novitet su lepi, skoro prog-rock delovi, jedan deo me cak podsetio na Toto icon_smile.gif , lepe akusticne melodije (u Spanija stilu musik19.gifmusik20.gif ) kojih ima jaaako mnogo, atmosfera...


Kiko je solaze odradio pod velikim Vaijevim uticajem sto ranije nije bio slucaj icon_smile.gif bash se oseti plagijat ponekad, onako - k`o da slusham Universe icon_biggrin.gif



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