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Evo i ja da se pridruzim pohvalama - vrh album!

Sve sto hocu da kazem,bledi posle Angijevog kilometarskog posta :) Original bi valjalo imati,Rob Lowe kraljevski otpevao,favoriti - Emperor,Of Stars and smoke...Ma ceo album keva!

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jebavaj, jebavaj :)


rekoh na kraju post-a..od sad se ogranichavam : ) osim mozda za novi Gamma Ray..


nego slepci ne znam dal stvarno prave neku turneju...extra bih voleo nove stvari da chujem live...i naravno klasike za koje smo zadnji put bili uskraceni!

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ne jebavam,samo se ti raspisuj,vrh su ti postovi :da:


ne znam kako ce Rob da izdrzi rad u 2 ovakva benda...skeptican sam po pitanju duzine njegovog boravka u CMass...


koliko vrh noviteta...Mayhem,Cmass,a ceka me novi Devy,PLost i Kamelot ... :rockdevil:

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eh.. :D


Pa mislim da ce Solitude malo da sufferuje zbog Cmassa...ne znam..nisam ni razmishljao nesto o tome..ne znam kol'ko su tour aktivni jedni a kol'ko drugi...



Vrh albuma kol'ko oces, meni sad ovi raspusti dobro dosli da se sve lepo tovari i svari...

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Pa,imao je nekih problema poslednjih godina,ali se oporavio ushicujno.

SA nema nikakvih zakazanih svirki u narednom periodu,Candlemass nesto malo...Nadajmo se.

Nego ti jos nisi nabavio novi SA?Ce ti rezem za Behemoth?Kad smo vec kod duma,si slusao Reverend Bizarre?

Ali nikad,nikad necu zaboraviti onaj prizor kad je posle Destructiona izaslo pola sale..."metalci".Kakva svirka je to bila...

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Hm, nesam znao za te probleme. Ali svejedno je to zahtevno. Preko 2i po sata pevanja... Jedine slucajeve koje znam su Devin Townsend/SYL..a ako se ne varam i King i Fate su imali taku turneju?


SA sam skinuo neke albume koji su mi falili skoro..ali ja taj DC++ folder nisam sredio vec danima..nakupilo se svasta..a nove albume jos uvek slusam...u slucaju da nisam skinuo recnes mi za Behemoth...in any case ce se rezemo za tad, ak ti treba nesto.. Reverend cenim da imam nesto al mi se neje svidelo tad...

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Jeste,King / Fate.legendarna turneja u periodu The Graveyard / Into the Unknown,koju moje srce ne bi izdrzalo :)


Rezacemo,jasta,imam nekih finih zajebovancija za tebe.


Jebote,sad mise vrti Embracing the Styx...Kraj pesme je kozojezan.

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  • 4 weeks later...

druga strana..cc..


anyway, pribavih bootleg iz Atine iz 2005e..to je inache jedini koncert za koji Shmier reche na neta da je bio bolji od onog u Srbiji..al steta sto nemam i Destructiona na snimku..anyway, mnogo dobar koncert, i publika i bend za desetku..al problem je shto mi se javilo novo osecanje - "i miss messiah" :) Al leba mi..chovek je frontmen i po, i to ne samo zbog pojave haha...ponashanje na sceni, kontakt sa publikom, pevanje, interpretacija, najave...nemam rechi..jedan od najboljih frontmena u svakom pogledu.


Jedan od bisera, meni najjachi - "We are Candlemass from Stockholm Sweden. You are from Greece \m/" :)


i mlogo kul deo, kad najavljuje "At the gallows end"..i pita u fazonu "Do you want to be hanged Greece?!" i publika "YEAH!!..YES!..." dranje..samo chujesh njega "You do?!" haha..sto me podseti na Slayer i ono debilno Arayino pitanje publike "Do you wanna die!!!??" Extra.

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anyway, pribavih bootleg iz Atine iz 2005e..to je inache jedini koncert za koji Shmier reche na neta da je bio bolji od onog u Srbiji..al steta sto nemam i Destructiona na snimku..anyway, mnogo dobar koncert, i publika i bend za desetku..al problem je shto mi se javilo novo osecanje - "i miss messiah" :) Al leba mi..chovek je frontmen i po, i to ne samo zbog pojave haha...ponashanje na sceni, kontakt sa publikom, pevanje, interpretacija, najave...nemam rechi..jedan od najboljih frontmena u svakom pogledu.

Што не видех ово раније, да ми понесеш то... јуче.

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  • 4 weeks later...

CANDLEMASS bassist/leader Leif Edling recently spoke

to Metal Maniacs magazine about the band's new album,

"King of the Grey Islands", Messiah Marcolin's

departure and the addition of SOLITUDE AETURNUS

vocalist Robert Lowe. A couple of excerpts follow:


On Messiah Marcolin:


"I do want to say that if he [Messiah] hadn't taken

this public, I wouldn't have had to respond in public.

I think it's a shame that Messiah feels the need to go

out in public and on forums to further prove that he's

in the wrong, though I'm not surprised by it. He's a

drama queen, and you've probably noticed that not many

people are taking his side. We tried everything we

could to make it work, but he just obviously can't be

in this band. Our fans aren't stupid and they've seen

and heard him pull this kind of shit before. For the

last album, he did a lot of interviews where he was

apologizing, saying he was sorry for being a wanker to

the others in the band."


"With Messiah, it's not a matter of if you're walking

on thin ice. You're always walking on thin ice. It's

not if he's going to flip out, it's when. We found

ourselves having to ask, 'Can we rehearse this week

with Messiah? Can we record the album with this man?

Will it be possible to do this show with him?' When

you have to put these questions to yourself every

week, it's just not worth it. To run a band is a

really complicated thing, and when you constantly have

to strive and argue with someone that takes such a

nothing, little problem and makes a huge deal of it,

it makes things shitty for everyone. And there's

really no need for it. We had huge success with the

last album and we sold a lot of copies. Everything was

rosy, and we really had no fucking problems. And then

Messiah starts in whining about this or that, and — we

call him The Big Black Negative Hole, because he just

sucks the life out of whoever's around him as far as

the band goes. Sure, you have days when it's good, and

we had good times with him, but you just know that

very, very soon something will happen to turn it all

to shit."


"There are a lot of people who say, 'Oh, Messiah is

CANDLEMASS.' But he didn't sing on 'Epicus Doomicus

Metallicus', now did he? And I can find just as many

people who like that album better than the ones

Messiah was on. ['Epicus'] was a very important album

to a lot of people. I think that fans of the band

should be open-minded about a new singer. There are

lots of good songs on this album, and if you liked the

last one, this one should blow you away."


On Robert Lowe:


"Well, we went for a Swedish singer first. We listened

to about 30 vocalists from Sweden and didn't really

find the perfect fit, so we branched out to the rest

of Scandinavia and Europe. From there we even had to

widen our search, so we were getting hundreds of

people trying out. There were people from South

America, Japan, India, Russia — just everywhere. Some

of them were OK, some were more than OK, and then

there were some that you wondered why they ever

bothered opening their mouths [laughs]. The funny

thing to me was that everyone who tried out had a

MySpace page where we could listen to them. I knew

MySpace was big, but I really never realized how

popular it was until looking for a singer!"


"We wanted someone unknown, but someone with the stage

presence and vocal prowess CANDLEMASS fans expect, and

we as a band expect as well. We hadn't actually

thought of going for someone already in a

well-respected band, but we got an email from Heather,

Robert's girlfriend, asking if we'd thought of Robert.

I knew who he was, of course, but only had heard him

sing SOLITUDE AETURNUS songs. We sent him the demoed

tracks for the album, and after we got his tapes back

with his vocals over top, it was like, 'Fuckin' hell,

this is brilliant!'"


On "King of the Grey Islands":


"Everything with this album happened at the 11th hour.

Still, we didn't panic or anything. We never really

operate with a Plan B, which can be stressful at

times, but that's how we work. We got Robert just

barely in time for him to sing on the album, and I'll

tell you, sometimes the stress was at ulcer level. We

knew what had to be done, though, so we just made it

happen as always.


"Let me tell you how close we cut it with finishing

this record in time. After a month of work with

special delivery from Dallas to Stockholm and

Stockholm to Dallas, I had to take Robert's vocals and

put them in the computer, then clean all the files.

Our mail gets picked up from the post office at 7:00

p.m. on Friday and I literally ran to the mailbox and

got there at 10 minutes to. Peter [Tägtgren] had to

have the files by Monday so he could mix the album in

the ten days he had to do it. In the end, the album

coming out on time or not was down to a ten minute



You can read the full interview in the October 2007

issue of Metal Maniacs, on sale August 21.


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  • 2 weeks later...


Black Dwarf uzivo na Metalfestu u Gothenburgu...


Lowe-u ova pesma ne lezi uopste..u stvari, on ju je otpevao svojim glasom, ali taj glas uopste ne ide za ovo, treba mnogo agresivniji pristup, kao sto je to Leven odradio na onoj special svirci :da:

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Pa on nikad nije ni bio u bendu. Ali prvo ime koje ja spomenuh kada je Mesaja izasao iz benda je Leven. Ali jebga, sad je kako je...chekam da nadjem neki ceo butleg, da vidim kako radi ostatak stvari, za sada me sa Solitude i Black Dwarf, Lowe, ne odusevio...

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Пардон, мислио сам на Лангквиста... Левен је сувише емо за Candlemass. Његова мода може да пролази у Therion-у, али овде јок!

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Пардон, мислио сам на Лангквиста... Левен је сувише емо за Candlemass. Његова мода може да пролази у Therion-у, али овде јок!


Leven ima ovako "emo" kako ti kazes, tj. melodicniji, ali je Dwarfa otpevao agresivno samo tako! Dakle moze da se prilagodi..Odlichan pevach! A Lowe nesto ne menaj vokal...

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