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Nocturnal Dismay

Iskreni članovi
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Posts posted by Nocturnal Dismay

  1. 'Amadeus' , film koji koliko toliko uspeva da docara tok Mozartovog zivota i uopste Bec u to doba...No,narator citave price je italijanski kompozitor Salijeri, covek koji je pola svog zivota suprotstavljen Bogu i koji ga je,po vlastitom misljenju,nadmudrio,tj. pobedio...Kraj je taj koji ostavlja najsnazniji utisak i zasigurno ostavlja bez daha...

    Ovo je film Milosa Formana,kao sto vec svi znaju,coveka koji je dobio nagradu za zivotno delo,a film je dobitnik 8 nagrada oskar,ukljucujuci i oskara za najbolji film;po mom misljenju vise nego zasluzenih...

  2. Nekako sam potpuno euforicna sto se svega toga tice i zaista se radujem tom pocetku...A i cula sam,a do oktobra zelim i da verujem u to da je katedra za skandinavistiku jedna od boljih,ako ne i najbolja...:)Ali to cu uskoro saznati...

  3. Sto se tice toga oko Nemaca i Nicea...Nice je zapravo bio poljskog porekla i bio je ponosan na to svoje poreklo...Mozda je to jedan od razloga sto Nemce nije uvrstio medju ''vise ljude''...

    A sto se tice nacizma,smatram da je tu njegovu ideju moguce tumaciti na razne nacine...Poklonici nacizma ce reci jedno,drugi drugo...Ali opet smatram da nacizam uopste nije tako zamisljao,i da je nacizam,kao svojevrni pokret,mozda cak i ideologija,daleko od njegovih ideja...

  4. Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 12:39 am Post subject:


    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dusty Room:


    we are buried in writing at the moment...3 songs written and 2-3 more to come. we plan on going to the studio in November



    Najnovije vesti sa foruma...

    Pa...videcemo da li ce zaista biti tako... :)




  5. Zasto si postovala ove tekstove, mozemo li znati...


    Da si pazljivije procitao/la post pre mog,kao i ono sto je navedeno u mom bilo bi ti jasno...

    Uostalom,mozda nekome budu od koristi,jer poprilicno je tesko naci prevode njihovih lirika...Toliko...

  6. Lichtgestalt je VRH!!!!

    Jedva cekam sledeci album!!

    Da li neko zna gde mogu da nadjem prevode njihovih textova, jer (sam glup) ne znam nemacki



    Meni je ovo omiljeni album,tako da sam pre izvesnog vremena nasla njegov prevod...A sada je nemoguce da se setim gde i kako...



    Elodia (1999)


    1. Am Ende Der Stille

    [English translation:]


    [At The End Of Silence]


    your words glide into the morning

    in a frail pink veil

    that rises above nature

    they fade and hush silence

    only the longing in my voice

    in fleeing prayer

    remembers your words

    in wich you put me

    so my hope is hushed

    and the silence starts war



    2. Alleine Zu Zweit

    [English translation:]


    [Together Alone]


    At the end of truth

    At the end of light

    At the end of love

    At the end - there are you

    (The heart empties - there goes a part of me )

    Nothing has survived

    We have parted in silence long ago

    And with every day of 'us'

    grew the lie of our love

    And the further we went on our path together

    The further we have grown apart


    Lonely - together

    We have forgotten to find us a new

    Habit gaggs

    Dullness suffocates

    Arrogance makes you drunk

    and closeness drives to flight


    Dance - my life - dance

    Dance with me

    dance with me again

    into the pure flush of naked love


    If I see him/her like this

    If I experience him/her

    If I watch us

    Something survived

    And when I find strength and hope

    If I could believe in us

    If I could reach him/her

    Have him/her for myself once more

    If the base - our foundation

    If we could explore us once again

    If he/she only wanted

    I will !



    3. Halt Mich

    [English translation:]


    [Hold Me]


    awoken from sleepless daydreams

    I am longings victim

    awoken from childish trust

    my wounds dehinsce


    life burns from my soul

    the longing bravely fullfills its duty


    Hold me- my life- hold me


    As long as time still moves

    the needles still turn

    so long I will do my rounds

    but lifes sweet lust has left me


    life burns from my soul

    the longing bravely fullfills its duty


    Hold me- my life- hold me



    4. The Turning Point


    Poutaisat pilvet haihtuvat katoen nopesti tuulten mukana kuin tama uni

    Jossa en enaa sinua tavoita on liian myohaista


    In a dream I saw the world beyond - no tongues telling lies

    The silence was covering everything inside

    In a dream I saw myself - fallen down next to me

    Couldn't crawl back inside my body


    No laughter on my face - reality mirrored in the deep signs of life

    Too long sacrificed my feelings to the ones

    Who take all 'till there's nothing in the end


    I'm not in my aim - I've gotta love also the other half of me

    To reach the Turning point

    As only in my dreams I'm my biggest enemy


    Till I'd found out that I only loved your half in me

    So much time I spent - not knowing myself

    Too much love I'd given for everyone but nothing for me

    My light was burning 'till the end


    Now you showed me that two full halves make a stronger one

    Also out of me and I feel the strength

    Returning into me I new-found love again


    Couldn't have been fighting alone

    Thank you for hearing me on time

    I bless you for the trust you gave

    When I didn't admit being weak


    I am close to my aim truly hoping

    I won't fail

    Before I reach The turning point

    Where we're no longer the same


    Didn't notice me change

    Was not living the days without names

    Now I'm here with you

    To stay beyond

    The turning point

    Of my dreams


    O found my aim - now I can face myself


    I thank you for

    Loving me

    And keeping us on the right way



    5. Ich Verlasse Heut Dein Herz

    [English translation:]


    [Today I Leave Your Heart]


    Today I leave your heart

    Today I leave your heart

    leave your closeness

    the asylum of your arms

    the warmth of your skin

    We were like children

    Players - Night for night

    Faithfully loyal to the mirror

    So we danced until daylight


    Today I leave your heart

    leave your closeness


    I leave your tears

    leave what I have

    I order your heart today

    To life - to freedom

    And to love

    So I am calm-

    Because I love you


    In silence

    I let off of you

    The last kiss- drifting in the mind

    What you are thinking, you will owe me

    What I feel I owe you

    I thank you for all the love

    I thank you eternally


    Today I leave your heart

    leave your love

    I leave your heart

    Your life - Your kisses

    Your warmth - Your closeness

    Your tenderness



    6. Dichzu Toten Fiel Mir Schwer

    [English translation:]


    [Killing You Was Hard]


    And there was barely air

    And there was barely space

    And there was no longing

    And thats all I have left

    I have to get out- I have to geet away

    But still - I search for you

    The life I never found

    The life - my refugee

    I have cursed you

    To later, and much deeper

    try the kiss

    You light of my soul


    And now about you

    My ill brain

    Conserved in the juices of time

    I gave you the blood from my heart

    Fed you with senses power

    Over much I let you rule

    Gave you even power above my doing

    I gave you love-

    My trust

    My friend-

    You hurt me-

    But still-

    It's not over yet


    I still hear

    Your breath

    I still see

    Your shaking hands

    The memory beginns to live

    Starts to skipe me again

    And to conquer my heart in silence

    My heart - you brave pain


    You kept me alive

    You beat me in pain

    And I still can't understand it

    I still see the glance in your eyes

    The shaking of your body

    But the killing was hard

    Yes - the killing was hard

    Today your name sounds like an empty book

    Like a never fullfilled promise

    To kill you was hard

    Yes - the killing was hard

    For a short time you were the light

    You were my gate to the world

    So you lie in your own juice now

    and you die slowly

    out of me



    7. Sanctus

    [English translation:]




    Sanctus - Sanctus - Sanctus - Dominus

    Deus deus Sabaoth - pleni sunt caeli et terra

    Gloria tura - gloria tura


    And there you were

    Not in the light that surrounded you

    No - In the shadow I made

    I recognised you


    Gloria tua - gloria tua


    And we fell - together

    And we finally became one

    In colours made

    In pictures thought

    In life awoken

    In hearts new grown

    Light and love

    Diving deep into the night


    Hasanna in excelsis

    Benedictus qui venit in nomine domini


    Sanctus dominus



    8. Am Ende Stehen Wir Zwei

    [English translation:]


    [We Two Stand At The End]


    No compromises,

    No silent tears,

    No kisses which taste

    Guides me to you,

    No repetitions,

    No deceit, no painfull touch from the past,

    Only the hope of a second chance.

    Thats all what's left for us,

    A second chance for you

    And me, a second chance for us.

    You dont have to say anything now.

    Don't have to love me. I have hope for us.

    Because at the end we two stand.

    Music drifts from far away to me.


    I don't recognise you anymore.

    Your love stays holy for me.

    Your life has fled.

    A goodbye without end.

    A crusade in your heart.

    A love without borders.

    A warmth without light.

    So you are lieing cold and motionless.

    And you still warm my heart.

    My hope shall guide me through the days without you.

    And love shall carry me when Pain and hope break.



    9. Und Du Fallst

    [japanese bonus track]

    [English translation:]


    [And You Fall]


    And I raise this feather

    And feel my written words

    And I thank and I hear

    And drown wholly in you


    And the lies of your eyes

    And you laugh and so they fall

    And as master in the conversation

    Your words are wet and empty


    And your voice carries no light

    nor hope nor truth

    only the bridge and the intermediary

    for the blindness of this world


    So you are alone in me

    And I am alone in you

    And all think and lose

    their spirit in this world


    Lost blind - dead

    so lost - confused and clear

    You think to live for understanding

    Determined - reasonably hard

    But deep and true - but rather empty


    And as a servant of this world

    you follow the glaring light of lie

    And the colors of true love

    You dont feel and see and know


    Whipped in dark night

    Alone in the rain you awake

    The soul burns your heart fades

    And you yet not realize


    So the sense reacts and errs

    In the labyrinth of security

    where the search in itself

    Where begins honesty?

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