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Posts posted by aero

  1. Bogami tek je postalo bolje kad sam se znacajno spustila, ali ok. Svakako da ima veze sa rasporedom zvucnika, samo je malo bezveze sto odredjen broj ljudi ostane uskracen kako god da okrenes, pogotovo u punoj Areni.

    Ali nije toliko bitno, snasla sam se i stvarno uzivala sinoc. Samo bih volela da su duze svirali.

  2. Ti onda imaš neki problem sa sluhom, i ja sam bio na tribini i sve se čulo do jaja, glasno i razumljivo.


    Uveravam te da nemam problem sa sluhom. Bas naprotiv. Prosto kazem: u gornjem delu severnih tribina je bilo malo jace od klupskog ozvucenja. Brusa nisi mogao da razumes da crknes, samo je muljanje dopiralo sa razglasa. Na drugim mestima je bilo bolje, slazem se, ali ovde nije. Steta.

  3. Ozvucenje na tribinama je zaista bilo apsolutni krs. Mogao si normalnim glasom da pricas i da potpuno preklopis zvuk. Srecom, uspela sam da se snadjem za bolja mesta, ali stvarno nije u redu da sjebu ljude tako samo zato sto nisu imali para za parter ili fan pit..


    Published: December 4, 2008



    Iron Maiden have added a concert at the Belgrade Arena on Tuesday 10th February on their way to Dubai on Ed Force One. Says manager Rod Smallwood, "We weren't able to get to Serbia in '08 so thought we should call in on our way East. When we last played a couple of years ago it was an incredible show with fans coming in on buses from all over the Balkans and we very much look forward to returning"

    Tickets go on sale to the public on 11th December and we have made arrangements for a special pre-sale for fan club members on the 10th December. We also hope to run a 'FIRST TO THE BARRIER' draw for the show.


    Note: It is unlikely that any other concerts will be added prior to Belgrade, making it the final European show of the 'Somewhere Back in Time Tour'.


  5. Mnogo mi se svidja kako je Het otpevao Broken, Beat & Scarred.

    That was just your life je isto ubica, odlican, efektan tekst i ubedljivo izvedeno.


    Ali ljudi, All nightmare long me oduvala 100%, ne mogu da se naslusam te pesme!!

  6. I evo koliko pesme traju>


    1. That Was Just Your Life - 7:08

    2. The End of the Line - 7:52

    3. Broken, Beat & Scarred - 6:25

    4. The Day That Never Comes - 7:56

    5. All Nightmare Long - 7:57

    6. Cyanide - 6:39

    7. The Unforgiven III - 7:46

    8. The Judas Kiss - 8:00

    9. Suicide & Redemption - 9:57

    10. My Apocalypse - 5:01


  7. Stavros Pamballis of UK's Terrorizer magazine has just had an opportunity to listen to the new METALLICA album "Death Magnetic" in its entirety. His knee-jerk first impressions follow.


    "If you could timewarp back to 1983 with a copy of 'Death Magentic' in your hands and play it to the spotty, longhaired brats who'd just finished recording 'Kill 'Em All', they would have no problem at all recognizing themselves in its epic song structures, jaw-dropping guitar work (all buzzsaw guitars and face-melting solos) and sheer whiplash-inducing energy. In fact, they'd probably be impressed.


    That's right kids, for once, you can believe the hype: 'Your' METALLICA are back and they've brought their balls with them this time.


    "The album is so complex, so riddled with stops, starts, breakdowns and solos that, much like '…And Justice For All' it is virtually impossible to digest in one sitting but a few questions can be answered:


    "Is it thrash? Hell yes! At times anyway. Opener 'That Was Your Life' is the heaviest thing they've done since 'Battery' while 'All Nightmare Long' sounds like it was written by SLAYER. On the whole, the album feels like the missing link between '...And Justice For All' and 'The Black Album'. James' vocals, have something to do with this as he rarely uses the low growl of the early days, opting for the higher registers of the Bob Rock days.


    "How's the production? Runs rings around 'St Anger', but that's not saying much. Very strong on the whole but the drums are a little too high in the mix and the dynamics suffer as a result. Recalls the Black Album at times but with a hint of 'Reign In Blood'.


    "What are the highlights? Almost every song on this album is at the very least interesting. 'Judas Kiss' is an instant, moshpit-firendly classic while 'Unforgiven III' is the album's true epic ballad. Let's just say it blows both of its namesakes out of the water.


    "Okay...any negatives then? Lars Ulrich. The guy's limitations are laid bare by the spectacular guitar work on this album.


    "So, is it as good as the 'First Four'? Only time will tell... Probably not, but at least it sounds like it belongs to the same back catalogue as those albums. A METALLICA (written the old way) album through and through!"


    For more information, visit www.terrorizer.com.

  8. Ceo dan danas su mi u Winampu dve pesme, The day i My Apocalypse i samo se vrte. :rockdevil: Odlicne stvari! Svako ko kaze drugacije ili je klasican hejter ili sere. Nadam se i da su ostale stvari u istom fazonu i nadam se jednom instrumentalu. :muzicar:


    Bice instrumental. ;) I to pretposlednja, 9. pesma sa albuma, Suicide & Redemption.

  9. Hm, ovo se vrti po forumima..


    Metallica Fans,



    My name is Benjamin. I work in fan support for Mission:Metallica.


    I am sorry for the bulk e-mail, but we've heard from quite a few of you regarding the sound quality on the single release of "The Day That Never Comes."


    The source of the problem, as you might imagine, goes all the way back to the creation of the track from master - but this is not how it will sound on the album.


    We've identified the source of the problem to prevent it in any subsequent singles released in advance of September 12.


    If we can have another one put together and sent out prior to that date, there may be a higher-quality release of "The Day That Never Comes" made available, but I can't guarantee it at this time.



    Thank you,






    E sad, ko ce ga znati.

  10. Вау, имаш Ајпод... Боли ме курац...


    Иначе, чим шупци са авангарде кењају значи да је песма добра.



    Cemu takva gruba reakcija?

    Htela sam da kazem da se mnogo bolje cuje na dobrom plejeru jer je mix dosta los.

    Nadam se da ovo nije finalna verzija koju ce pustiti na CD.

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