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The Joker

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Everything posted by The Joker

  1. Mirna more,u Bokija i Stew mi ne diraj
  2. Ko,Aca ili Boki?MA obojica...ali neka,legende su to!!!Obojica!
  3. Imao je lemmy nas zajeban adsl ruter Uz'o Joker bas taj ruter pretvotio sixxa u puter. Ubijte me liposukcijom.
  4. Dok Acin i Bokijev neocacanski engleski...
  5. Ono sa kaubojem je zakon,hehehe....da nastavim sa irskim vicevima... Murphy lay in hospital covered in bandages head to foot - with just two little slits for his eyes. 'What happened to you?' asked Cassidy. 'I staggered out of the pub and a lorry hit me a glancing blow and knocked me through a plate glass window.' 'Begod,' said Cassidy. 'It's a good job you were wearing those bandages or you'd have been cut to ribbons!'
  6. Recimo....Ja zaista nemam vise zivaca za Celts koncerte....svaki im je kopi-pejts 6 godina unazad od kad idem na njihove certove,and to add insult to injury,ovaj novi album je grozomoran.BAJAGA bi sklepao boji irish.
  7. Ima l' ko linkic za Transformerse,mozda?
  8. And then you die,a?Majke ti,gde ima da se nadje spaten u nas?
  9. Isto kao i Alogia u isto prostoru-poput konzerve sardina.
  10. IVL-e,sve su ti gori vicovi,mozes ti to bolje Sta se dobije kad se ukrste buva i slon?Nobelova nagrada. Sta se dobije kad se ukrste flomaster i hemijska olovka?Nista,hemijska nosi spiralu.
  11. Sister Marie Murphy approached Mulligan's bar. On the step outside he was accosted by a nun, Sister Marie, who said: 'Surely a fine man like yourself is not going into this den of iniquity? Surely you're not going to waste your hard-earned cash on the devil's brew. Why don't you go home and feed and clothe your wife and children?' 'Hang on, Sisters,' spluttered Murphy. 'How can you condemn alcohol out of hand? Surely it's wrong to form such a rash judgement when you've never tasted the stuff?' 'Very well,' said Sister Marie. Till taste it just to prove my point. Obviously I can't go into the pub, so why don't you bring me some gin. Oh, and just to camouflage my intent, maybe you should bring it in a cup not a glass!' 'OK,' said Murphy and into the bar he breezed. 'I'll have a large gin,' he said to the barman. 'And can you put it in a cup?' 'My God,' said the barman, 'that nun's not outside again is she?!'
  12. Ma kako ne....jedva za obican Ginis da imam ....studentski zivot,proklet da je...
  13. Bull and Turkey A turkey is chatting with a bull. "I would love to be able to get to the top of that tree," sighs the turkey, "but I just haven't got the energy." "Well, why don't you nibble on some of my droppings?" replies the bull. "They're packed with nutrients." The turkey pecks at a lump of dung and finds that it actually gives him enough strength to reach the first branch of the tree. The next day, after eating some more dung, he reaches the second branch. Finally after a week, there he is proudly perched at the top of the tree. Unfortunately he is spotted by a farmer, who shoots him out of the tree. Moral of the story: Bullshit might get you to the top, but it won't keep you there.
  14. Opa,lemmy,vidim da neko nije citao Betmena,ali one prave,stare stripove.Betmen je VRLO ozbiljan i vrlo PSIHOTICAN strip.Nimalo neozbiljan,ja da ti kazem.
  15. Aman,sine Ivle,dokle o jadnim Mandovima?
  16. Lemmy sixx,kuca stara mnogo diskova ima,zato to da krije? od tezine diskova,polica pretegla pala mu na glavu,dalje se makao nije. ubijte me tupim ziletom.
  17. I nisi daleko stigao Ju,kukala mi majka,kud Stratovarius da zaboravim ovde!
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