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Posts posted by Anglahell

  1. Naravno,dozivljaji su razliciti.

    Sto se mene tice...

    NaJbolje izdanje HFa kod nas do sada \m/ ;D

    Pokidali su ljudi.U stvari,malo je reci i-RAZVALILI!

    A zvuk je na mestu gde sam ja stajao bio besprekoran.Medju najboljim do sada,od 15-ak koncerata koliko sam imao priliku da gledam u SKCu so far...Ma koliko mi studijski novi album HFa nije bio na nivou,live su pesme bile do jaja!

    Drago mi je da sam napokon imao priliku da upoznam i slikam se sa HFovcima.Prosto ne verujem kako su to kul i pristupacni ljudi!

    Sto se predgrupa tice DD su bili OK,ali nisu po mom ukusu.Imam osecaj da Henrik i Jonas ex EG,kao i Frederik,sviraju tu iz zezanja,ali ne znam o cemu se zapravo radi...Koliko sam od Amaranthe ocekivao,100x vise sam se razocarao.Vokalno su bili OK,ali muzicki je ono bio raspad.Prazniji zvuk live u odnosu na studijski nisam mogao ni zamisliti.Klavijatura i semplova,koji su kod njih kljucni,prakticno nije ni bilo.I smesno,nisam ih mogao prepoznati kada su izasli na binu.OK,growl je promenjen zbog bolesti,clean muski je promenio izgled pomalo,a pevacica...i dalje sam ubedjen da ono nije bila Elize Ryd.Kontao sam sa drustvom da joj je ono bila keva ili tetka :)

    Sto se VR tice,nisam bio u sali kada su oni svirali.Slusao sam ispred,ljudi pristojno prase,ali ono...OK,nista preterano.

    Sve u svemu,najbitnije mi je da su HF pocepali.

  2. Daleko je decembar (do tada 150 puta može da mi padne avion na glavu), ali ću verovatno idem na ovo - jes' da su kič, jes' da su gej, jes' da ništa specijalno ne snimiše 10+ godina, ali ipak od power metala uživo nema boljeg provoda :)


    Hahaha, kakva zivotna mudrost! Gotovo svaka ti je na mestu :mhihi:


    Ja mislim, ako su prosla dva puta onako punili salu, napunice i sada. Na ovoj temi je sada 20ak-30ak ljudi...

    nije cela metal publika Beograda i Srbije :D


    Sto se novog albuma tice, jedino sto me za sada bas inspirise jeste Redemption!



    sun rising!


    material God!

    Opus Magnum

    Seize redemption! :rockdevil:

  3. Do jaja! Hammerfall opet! Moze! :rockdevil: Dolazim sa mojom standarndnom ekipom iz Indjije (plus pridruzeni clanovi).


    Ta prica "samo dolaze isti bendovi" mi je razumljiva s neke strane. Kontam da vi ljudi zelite da vidite neke vase favorite, a nikako da se to desi... Nadam se da ce se svakom zelja ispuniti u nekom predstojecem periodu... A to sa okretanjem para necu da komentarisem. Pare i metal nisu sasvim kompatibilni pojmovi u Srbiji, cini se. Verujem da se ponesto i zaradi, mozda i vise na power koncertima, nego na nekim drugim, ali realno - SKC sa kapacitetom 1000 ljudi ne moze da obrne Bog zna koje pare. Tako da skidam kapu i svim bendovima koji dolaze kod nas, a i organizatorima koji se trude i uspevaju da to sve naprave uprkos kojekakvim s*njima.


    Sto se mene tice, ja sam f*ing zahvalan sto je situacija sada takva kakva je! :D Secam se vremena pre 6 i vise godina kada sam mislio da je cist san da se ovakvi koncerti odrzavaju u Srbiji... Ali doziveo sam da ovde vidim gotovo sve bendove uz koje sam odrastao a koje i dan danas gotovo jednako slusam i volim.


    Sto se Hammerfall-a tice, uvek cu reci da oni nisu bend koji krasi originalnost, umetnicka vrednost ili sta ti ja znam, ali su ipak na svoj neki nacin do jaja. Neko ih vari, neko ne. Sta sad, ne mozes svima udovoljiti u svakom momentu....

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  4. Neverovatan koncert! Neverovatna publika! Neverovatna energija i atmosfera! Sve pohvale Gardijanima i nama publici!


    Ali jednu stvar nikad necu moci da shvatim, a to je - ako su se Guardijani potrudili da lepo odsviraju, ako se skupila prepuna velika sala SKC-a, ako su toliki ljudi dosli sa strane u BG na koncert i dali svoj novac za kartu, zasto je toliko problem imati tonca koji nije kompletan moron? Ako si vec dosao da odradis posao za koji si placen onda mozes kao tonac jebeno uociti da velika sala nema neku sjajnu akustiku i da ima mermerni pod u koji su upereni zvucnici? I zasto je problem zakljuciti prostom cobanskom logikom: "Pa da, sa ovakvom akustikom je pametnije imati i 20% tisi ton nego 5% glasniji od onog koji pretpostavljam da je idealan ( a pored toga nisam pozicioniran u centralnom delu sale, vec sam se, verovatno silom prilika, ustekao skroz iza do zida )!?"


    Bilo je preglasno, gitara je u visim tonovima zvucala katastroficno, Hansijev visoki glas cesto isto tako. Koliko sam odusevljen atmosferom, Gardijanima, energijom i publikom, toliko sam besan na tonca koji je morao bolji posao da uradi. Ma sta morao, tom idiotu treba oduzeti dozivotno pravo da se bavi bilo cime vezano za muziku. Nemar i bahatost.




    Ne mogu reci da sam totalno nezadovoljan koncertom, ali definitivno sam najmanje zadovoljan ovim od sva tri kod nas.

    2006 > 2007 > 2011

    Jbm li ga, kada ljudi dodju na koncert vole da CHUJU sta se svira. Gledam ih kako sviraju, kakvi su carevi i razmisljam sve vreme kako sve to moze do jaja da zvuci...

    A ovako, vec od pola koncerta sam bio izmoren zbog silnog zujanja u usima i glavi...

  5. A je li ima sanse da neko dovede Kamelot? Posto vidim sada da krecu na turneju i da dolaze u Budimpestu...


    Ja lično se nadam da ima. I verujem da ima sasvim dovolno ljudi koji dele sa nama taj sentiment...

    I mislim da nije relevantno što ima ljudi koji se žale da su bili već dva puta, oni ili neki drugi bend njihovog ili sličnog kalibra.

    Bitno je da dobrih svirki ima, pa se nadam da će se u budućnosti želje ispuniti i onima koji priželjkuju nešto drugo :)

  6. Prijatelji hejteri... There is no enemy. There is no victory ;)





    Njihova originalnost, ono što je možda imaju, je pre svega zasnovana na tome što su odabrali moderne ratove kao svoj primarni izvor inspiracije. Pre njih to nije bilo tako aktuelno u metalu, niti sam ja recimo verovao da to može na tako kul i moćan način da se predstavi. Kompozicijski i muzički uopšte im manjka originalnosti jer se zasnivaju na proverenim receptima evropskog power i možda pomalo progressive i heavy metala. Dakle, nisu stvorili niti imaju pretenziju da stvore nešto istinski vredno u umetničkom smislu, no bez obzira na to - sviraju đavolski dobar metal! Svrstavaju se u red najložačkijih i najnapaljenijih bendova, svakako. Kome to smeta ili se oseća neprijatno/neautentično slušajući, gledajući i pišući komentare o njima - ne mora to da radi.


    PS. Na kraju krajeva, i oni koji se ne slažu sa tim na prvu loptu, posle samo malo uloženog mentalnog napora će zaključiti da je metal (kao celokupni žanr) u svojoj suštini - "ložačka" muzika :rockdevil::mrgreen:

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  7. Odvalili su! Ali svi!


    Steelwing me je do jaja priajtno iznenadio uživo.


    Alestorm su još 1000000 puta luđi i zabavniji uživo nego na live snimcima, i momci su stvarno carevi!


    Što se Sabatona tiče. Pokidali su, pocepali i otkinuli sve živo! Još bolje nego prošle godine na HF-u! Riiiiiiiiiiispeeeeeeeekt!!!

    I zaista mislim da je njihovo, posebno Joakim-ovo oduševljenje bilo autentično. Onaj njegov osmeh dečji sve govori. To ne može da se lažira. Carevi!!! XD


    Jedino mogu da kažem - jedva čekam opet! :)

  8. pa kakav izvestaj moze biti osim toga da se pilo verovatno mnogo alkohola i da je bilo mnogo klinaca u maskirnim pantalonama koji misle da je sabaton mega veliki bend i koji razmisljaju o tome kako ce piti pivo sa clanovima benda i pitati ih neko nebitno pitanje cisto da pitaju,jebes to,bitan je koncert sutra a ne to jebivetrisanje


    Mudro zboriš Miki... samo nemoj da si nervozan druže ;)

    Sutra koncert...

  9. Wolf Love je vrhunski album!

    Nešto oveko hrabro i zanimljivo nije se pojavilo dugo vremena.

    Imao sam svoje sumnje i nisam bio uveren da če mi se ovo čudo svideti, ali evo već mesec dana ga ne vadim iz ušiju.

    Koga je zapanjila sinteza repa i neo-folka, evo i ja se učlanjujem u tu grupu ljudi. Međutim, nije me zapanjila toliko sada nego kada sam čuo prvu verziju Dance Until We Die pre nekog vremena http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puyhaUlFO-Y. Dakle, nisam verovao, ali dopada mi se nešto u čemu ima repa, koji inače ne podnosim nikako. Kakav crossover su napravili, neverovatno :) Ko kaže da tekstovi ne valjaju, po mom mišljenju nije u pravu. Većina nije u pagan-folk fazonu, ali je izuzetno kvalitetna i razrađena. Uostalom, pročitajzr, ko želi a nije, saopštenje sa njihovog sajta:



    WOLF LOVE comes with a free DVD inside of OMNIA recorded live on-stage during the Pagan night at Castlefest 2009 aswell as many extra features, "making of the cd" etc.



    these are the songs and some background information


    1:WAKE UP

    as the title suggests, this piece is an atmospheric "opening Piece" (for theatres, concerts and albums) it speaks of taking hold of your own life, and the infinite possibilities available to us, if only we show the courage to take them in your hands. The lyrics contain quotes of the late great "modern wizard" Alistair Crowley.



    A very political and powerfull Rap-song , very dance up-beat, it has elements of trad-folk interwoven through the main rap-theme, creating a dialogue between the bardic style of the ancient musician and the poetical angry style of the modern (intelligent) rapper. the lyrics are fucking hard and extremely anti-establishment, anti-royalty, anti-corporate, anti-government but definately pro-life!a



    The famous Poem "Jabberwocky" written by Lewis Carroll (from the "Alice in Wonderland" books) finally put to music as it should be ...



    the only completely instrumental piece on this album. This wild dance melody was one of the first ever experiments of Steve Sic in making proto-Celtic (Gallo-Roman) music, as it could have been around the 1st century AD.

    This "dance of life" evokes the wild revels of the Satyrs, dryads and nymphs of the ancient greek and roman world, as well as the extatic cult of Bacchus/Dionyssian rituals of the maenads.



    *words and music: Leonard Cohen

    Omnia's first ever cover! this is a beautifully dramatic and melancholy song by the great Bard and Poet Leonard Cohen, we rearranged the music a bit, but the vocals are all Leonard's ;-)



    This is an up-tempo happy song about feeling free, being naked and making love in nature ;-) a summersong with a very high singalong happy factor.



    A song about madness, written during our very bad "idiot-managers- fucked-up-time" in 2009. It is filled with archaic english terms for "lunacy" and has a destinctive 18th century salon, film-music feel to it... (if this song was a movie it would be by Tim Burton starring Johnny Depp)



    this is a deeply religious piece, it is a powerfull meditation to musically guide the listener's spirit into the bones of the earth wherein lies the beating heart of this world. All the different vocal styles used in this piece are forms of shamanic chanting from different cultures around the world (mongolian, scandinavian, native-american, siberian etc.) and all the recordings of this piece have been done at night while under the influence of large amounts of various psycho-active plants and fungi...this is living music.



    A solo piece of pure Classical piano music played by Jenny on the beautifull 19th century "Pleyel" grand piano that we arranged to use during the making of this CD.



    A very moving ,sad song about growing old in a world which is constantly changing for the worst. The irreverant and suicidal madness of modern society, The loss of nature, the loss of youth, the loss of your one true love and the inevitable end of the journey to which we are all carried on the wheel of time which rolls on relentlessly... This is a song about excepting the facts of life and death, so that your heart may remain at peace even through the pain of loss.

    Wheel of Time has been arranged around the most classic chord structure imaginable (for a musician) which gives this song a very melancholy and hauntingly beautifull melody which feels very "easy to understand" in it's flavour.



    a very sparkly "hippie-style" folk-ballad very much in the style of "California dreaming" old time Simon and Garfunkel and other such feel-good stuff.



    this is a very agressive and loud religious piece dedicated to the various aspects and personifications of "the skygod" who controls the thunder and lightning.

    The idea behind this song was sparked during a particularly violent autumnal thunderstorm one night on a High Hill rising from Italian countryside while rain lashed out and lightning was striking all around. It made an impression on Steve Sic because he was screaming to the gods to "bring it on!" while standing on a wet tin roof built over the ruins of an ancient etruscan temple at the time...



    this piece is a love poem to the Moon in music and sound with "intuitive vocals" without words in a distinctly Persian style. It's built on the heavenly voice of the dubble stringed dulcimer accompanied by the mysterious rythms of arabian nights.



    This is a poetic animal/human lovestory filled with dark eroticism and blood set to very dramatic music. It is built up like a musical piece with lots of vocal movements and cross over song-lines floating over strong Piano and warm strings. It also carries a strong flavour of Gothic-metal within it's gorefilled notes.

    Wolfsong explores the idea of the original shamanic origins of the "Little red riding hood" fable. Where the wolf is a man/wolf (werewolf, vampire) crossover. A hybrid mythical creature existing on a plane somewhere between the Natural/animal world and the Un-natural human world hunting down his sacrificial victim.

    a poor lost red-caped girl stumbles through a chilling winter forest of ice and snow to escape the ineviatble... This song also deals with the fact that the man/wolf's manic love is the desire for total possession through the act of devouring and that red-riding hood's loss of fear and final surrender to the love (and the teeth) of the wolf is to experience the ultimate psycho- sexual death trip...



    composed in the style of tradition "classic" Celtic folk ballads like "song for Ireland" etc. This is an autobiographical song about the great Celtic land with it's timeless ancient cliffs and lonely moorlands where Steve Sic grew up, and which has influenced his search for the original spiritual/nature religious roots of our culture.



    the ending piece of the cd, again it's an autobiographical, intuitive poem which captures one moment in time... in a log cabin,in the snow, at night , in a deep dark forest where Jenny and Steve wrote most of this album. It is very precious to them because it was "written" real-time. ie: the words and the music made themselves up as they were playing them... thank the gods for portable recorders!


    total time: 63:21min

    all tracks written by Steve Sic and Jenny Evans van der Harten except where noted*




    It will be on sale for the first time coming weekend!

    See ya at Castlest! (or in the webshop ;-)





    Wolf Love je vrhunski album!

    Nešto oveko hrabro i zanimljivo nije se pojavilo dugo vremena.

    Imao sam svoje sumnje i nisam bio uveren da če mi se ovo čudo svideti, ali evo već mesec dana ga ne vadim iz ušiju.

    Koga je zapanjila sinteza repa i neo-folka, evo i ja se učlanjujem u tu grupu ljudi. Međutim, nije me zapanjila toliko sada nego kada sam čuo prvu verziju Dance Until We Die pre nekog vremena http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puyhaUlFO-Y. Dakle, nisam verovao, ali dopada mi se nešto u čemu ima repa, koji inače ne podnosim nikako. Kakav crossover su napravili, neverovatno :) Ko kaže da tekstovi ne valjaju, po mom mišljenju nije u pravu. Većina nije u pagan-folk fazonu, ali je izuzetno kvalitetna i razrađena. Uostalom, pročitajzr, ko želi a nije, saopštenje sa njihovog sajta:



    WOLF LOVE comes with a free DVD inside of OMNIA recorded live on-stage during the Pagan night at Castlefest 2009 aswell as many extra features, "making of the cd" etc.



    these are the songs and some background information


    1:WAKE UP

    as the title suggests, this piece is an atmospheric "opening Piece" (for theatres, concerts and albums) it speaks of taking hold of your own life, and the infinite possibilities available to us, if only we show the courage to take them in your hands. The lyrics contain quotes of the late great "modern wizard" Alistair Crowley.



    A very political and powerfull Rap-song , very dance up-beat, it has elements of trad-folk interwoven through the main rap-theme, creating a dialogue between the bardic style of the ancient musician and the poetical angry style of the modern (intelligent) rapper. the lyrics are fucking hard and extremely anti-establishment, anti-royalty, anti-corporate, anti-government but definately pro-life!a



    The famous Poem "Jabberwocky" written by Lewis Carroll (from the "Alice in Wonderland" books) finally put to music as it should be ...



    the only completely instrumental piece on this album. This wild dance melody was one of the first ever experiments of Steve Sic in making proto-Celtic (Gallo-Roman) music, as it could have been around the 1st century AD.

    This "dance of life" evokes the wild revels of the Satyrs, dryads and nymphs of the ancient greek and roman world, as well as the extatic cult of Bacchus/Dionyssian rituals of the maenads.



    *words and music: Leonard Cohen

    Omnia's first ever cover! this is a beautifully dramatic and melancholy song by the great Bard and Poet Leonard Cohen, we rearranged the music a bit, but the vocals are all Leonard's ;-)



    This is an up-tempo happy song about feeling free, being naked and making love in nature ;-) a summersong with a very high singalong happy factor.



    A song about madness, written during our very bad "idiot-managers- fucked-up-time" in 2009. It is filled with archaic english terms for "lunacy" and has a destinctive 18th century salon, film-music feel to it... (if this song was a movie it would be by Tim Burton starring Johnny Depp)



    this is a deeply religious piece, it is a powerfull meditation to musically guide the listener's spirit into the bones of the earth wherein lies the beating heart of this world. All the different vocal styles used in this piece are forms of shamanic chanting from different cultures around the world (mongolian, scandinavian, native-american, siberian etc.) and all the recordings of this piece have been done at night while under the influence of large amounts of various psycho-active plants and fungi...this is living music.



    A solo piece of pure Classical piano music played by Jenny on the beautifull 19th century "Pleyel" grand piano that we arranged to use during the making of this CD.



    A very moving ,sad song about growing old in a world which is constantly changing for the worst. The irreverant and suicidal madness of modern society, The loss of nature, the loss of youth, the loss of your one true love and the inevitable end of the journey to which we are all carried on the wheel of time which rolls on relentlessly... This is a song about excepting the facts of life and death, so that your heart may remain at peace even through the pain of loss.

    Wheel of Time has been arranged around the most classic chord structure imaginable (for a musician) which gives this song a very melancholy and hauntingly beautifull melody which feels very "easy to understand" in it's flavour.



    a very sparkly "hippie-style" folk-ballad very much in the style of "California dreaming" old time Simon and Garfunkel and other such feel-good stuff.



    this is a very agressive and loud religious piece dedicated to the various aspects and personifications of "the skygod" who controls the thunder and lightning.

    The idea behind this song was sparked during a particularly violent autumnal thunderstorm one night on a High Hill rising from Italian countryside while rain lashed out and lightning was striking all around. It made an impression on Steve Sic because he was screaming to the gods to "bring it on!" while standing on a wet tin roof built over the ruins of an ancient etruscan temple at the time...



    this piece is a love poem to the Moon in music and sound with "intuitive vocals" without words in a distinctly Persian style. It's built on the heavenly voice of the dubble stringed dulcimer accompanied by the mysterious rythms of arabian nights.



    This is a poetic animal/human lovestory filled with dark eroticism and blood set to very dramatic music. It is built up like a musical piece with lots of vocal movements and cross over song-lines floating over strong Piano and warm strings. It also carries a strong flavour of Gothic-metal within it's gorefilled notes.

    Wolfsong explores the idea of the original shamanic origins of the "Little red riding hood" fable. Where the wolf is a man/wolf (werewolf, vampire) crossover. A hybrid mythical creature existing on a plane somewhere between the Natural/animal world and the Un-natural human world hunting down his sacrificial victim.

    a poor lost red-caped girl stumbles through a chilling winter forest of ice and snow to escape the ineviatble... This song also deals with the fact that the man/wolf's manic love is the desire for total possession through the act of devouring and that red-riding hood's loss of fear and final surrender to the love (and the teeth) of the wolf is to experience the ultimate psycho- sexual death trip...



    composed in the style of tradition "classic" Celtic folk ballads like "song for Ireland" etc. This is an autobiographical song about the great Celtic land with it's timeless ancient cliffs and lonely moorlands where Steve Sic grew up, and which has influenced his search for the original spiritual/nature religious roots of our culture.



    the ending piece of the cd, again it's an autobiographical, intuitive poem which captures one moment in time... in a log cabin,in the snow, at night , in a deep dark forest where Jenny and Steve wrote most of this album. It is very precious to them because it was "written" real-time. ie: the words and the music made themselves up as they were playing them... thank the gods for portable recorders!


    total time: 63:21min

    all tracks written by Steve Sic and Jenny Evans van der Harten except where noted*




    It will be on sale for the first time coming weekend!

    See ya at Castlest! (or in the webshop ;-)




  10. Ne znam koliko je karata ostalo, ali ne planiram da kupujem pre Nove Godine najverovatnije.

    Nije se još kod nas desilo da se koncert ovog tipa rasproda pet meseci pre termina, tako da sam opušten...


    Btw, on topic fora..


    Zna li neko od vas metalaca kako se zove telohranitelj Saše Matića? :)





    Ne zna.















    Pa Blind Guardian! XD

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