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Posts posted by Avro

  1. . Не знам само зашто нису свирали 'Black Magic'. Ја је чекао, и чекао, и надао се да ће свирати за крај, али ништа. По мени апсолутни врхунац је био 'Postmortem'.


    "It seams like you have been preparing for this WAR for a very long time !"


    HELL YEAH ! ! ! icon_rockdevil.gif




    yeah black magic,



    kad je poceo da lupa u cinelu posle raining blood

    ja sam hteo da umrem . . .

    kad ono kurac



    ali jebiga,


    povreda ima,ali nista znacajno . . .

    sve me boli . . . joj icon_mrtav.gif



    vazno je da je SLAYER vidjen.


    ja sam se popeo na ogradu i sve sam lepo video evotigana.gif


    musik19.gif Hannemanovi rifovi me oduvali u kurac

    a tek "dupla" Lombardova icon_rockdevil.gif



    bili je strasno puno ljudi,

    criminaly insane su bili od ogrde do kamere

    i svi smo se bacali i slemovali

    dok su opusteniji fanovi bili u daljini i samo klatili glavu u ritmu ph34r.gif

    sta li su koji kurac pa dolazili kad nisu osetili tu enooooormnu energiju



    ocekujmo ponovni dolazak BOGOVA icon_rockdevil.gif

    obecao je covek ( Araya )




  2. user posted image


    intervju sa Jeffom:


    Metal's Slayer knocks 'em dead


    Journal Sentinel pop music critic

    Posted: Aug. 9, 2004


    The fans of heavy metal can be as brutal as the music.




    Slayer's Jeff Hanneman, Kerry King (from left), Dave Lombardo and Tom Araya were drenched with fake blood on cue during the making of their live DVD.


    If You Go


    FYI: Event details






    Headbangers will discard a band the moment they perceive weakness, the same way dogs smell fear.


    To make a career out of metal without charges of selling out (Metallica) or descending into self-parody (Ozzy Osbourne), you have to be relentless. You have to be uncompromising.


    You pretty much have to be Slayer.


    Emerging in the early '80s in the vanguard of speed metal, Slayer has kept its credibility intact by playing loud and fast and angry and dark.


    The 1986 album "Reign in Blood" - which the band recently performed in its entirety for a live DVD to be released Sept. 28 - is one of metal's all-time classics. Slayer's main stage slot Saturday at Ozzfest 2004 at Alpine Valley Music Theatre, featuring the original lineup of founding guitarists Jeff Hanneman and Kerry King, bassist and singer Tom Araya and drummer Dave Lombardo, will be one of the evening's highlights for sheer brute force and intensity.


    Slayer has survived hair metal, grunge, nu-metal and charges of corrupting youth. Much like the Great White (the shark, not the band - please), Slayer keeps doing what it was designed to do: swimming through the murky metal waters unceasing, unchanging, unthreatened - and scaring the hell out of people.


    We caught up with Hanneman recently by phone to find what it's like to be in the world's most scarily intense band.


    Q. Why film a live performance of "Reign in Blood" now, 18 years after it was released?


    A. We've been thinking about doing this for a while, ever since Lombardo came back to the band. We were actually planning on putting out an album, but (longtime collaborator) Rick Rubin and his label are changing distributors, so we had to wait. We thought we could put this out and tour behind it.


    Q. Why not just record the album now and release it once the new distributor was in place?


    A. We didn't want something sitting on the shelf. We're the type of band that's really spontaneous. We might not be sounding the same in January.


    Q. The "Reign in Blood" DVD ends with the band getting doused with blood - during the song "Raining Blood," of course. Yet in the post-show photo your publicist sent, you're the only Slayer dude curiously unbloodied. What's the matter, Jeff, did you chicken out?


    A. (Laughs) I was having guitar problems all night, and I totally was out of it. I missed my mark. After the big dousing, everyone was covered but me. I was waiting for that moment all night!


    Q. What, aside from not getting covered in fake blood, is hell for you?


    A. Hell for me is an airport. They're so (expletive) boring. Especially in Europe. We go from one airport to another to another. You play for an hour and then go back to the airport.


    Q. What do you fear?


    A. Not much. Electricity. My dad was a carpenter when he was young, so when I was growing up, he was always building (expletive) and there would be exposed wires all over and I'd be running around and would get shocked. Gaack, I hate that! I hate that feeling of being attacked by something unseen.


    Q. How is the vibe different for you at a big festival such as Ozzfest than when you go out on your own to tour?


    A. It's not. (With festivals) we usually play in the daytime. Slayer in the daytime just doesn't work. It seems kind of, I don't know, kind of silly. Otherwise, Ozzfest is a big party. . . . It's kind of like a big picnic.


    Q. In the new book "Hell Bent for Leather: Confessions of a Heavy Metal Addict," author Seb Hunter says this about the band: "Slayer couldn't do a ballad if you sprinkled their breakfast cereal with Ecstasy and sleeping pills and locked them in a room with just harps. . . . Not only are they sounding more brutal than ever these days, but they actually look ten times scarier than they used to." Your reaction?


    A. Wow. (pause) That's pretty good. I don't know if we're more brutal. It's not something I ever think about. But he's right about the ballads. We couldn't write a ballad if you put a gun to our heads.


    Q. Does playing "Dead Skin Mask" and "Angel of Death" over and over, night after night, ever get old for you? Be honest.


    A. No . . . they're exciting, they're fast and fun to play, and you've got to think about what you're doing. . . . That's what we live for, the songs, the crowd reaction. The rest of what we do is just traveling.


    Q. When will you hang up the guitar for good?


    A. We've always been a band that doesn't plan that far ahead. I think we've got at least another seven years. I guess if one of us was in a wheelchair. Or if I got on stage and something went pop! I'd be, "OK, that's it." Or after all this headbanging, if one of us needed a hip replacement. Or a neck replacement.


    Q. What is Slayer's legacy?


    A. We really don't think about that stuff. I don't know. Maybe, um, we did a good combination of metal riffs with punk intensity.


    Q. That's not a very scary answer.


    A. I know. Sorry.


    Q. Ozzy has his reality TV show, Metallica has its warts-and-all documentary. Does Slayer have any plans to let someone film the band up close and personal?


    A. You know, I don't know. We haven't had anyone come up to us and offer. (pause) Everybody stays away from us, for some reason.


    E-mail Gemma Tarlach at [email protected].




    konza komedija



    unuk luciferov

    njegov otac je trenutni vladar pakla

    treba prepustiti presto jednom od 3 sinova

    gde cela zajebancija pocinje . . . vrata pakla se zaglavila icon_da.gificon_smile.gif


    ima dosta metal zike u filmu pogotovu Ozzy

    koji se i pojavljuje u filmu mhihi.gif




    Najjaca komedija koju sam ikad odgledao,

    bolja od mrak filma sva 3 dela u paketu




    Let the SIN begin!



  4. jer citao neko clanak o "gothik pokretu" wallbash.gif

    u bravo ili huper (jebem li ga sta je)


    neka riba,

    bleji po grobljima,

    nosi crno,

    ima bodlje po masnim zglobovima,

    ima i drugaricu koja se raspala od orgija,

    obelezija gothik pokreta su krstovi i pentagrami, wallbash.gificon_mrtav.gif

    jebe se samo po dvorcima i po mraku, ph34r.gif

    ima manowar mac . . .

  5. Zamisli ovakvu majicu

    icon_twisted.gif  icon_twisted.gif  icon_twisted.gif


    M-16user posted image


    Inace drac da li sam ti dao M-16 album?





    Malo moramo da se strpimo.



    dao si mi sve do Code Red



    nabavio sam wallpaper In Sing Of Evil,

    pa da odemo u vrabac da istampamo majce icon_twisted.gif

  6. Meni SVEM svaki dan ispira mozak o tome:


    Kao ajd donesi mi svesku iz Negotina.

    A ja je pitam gde je

    A ona -neznam

    A ja joj kazem-pa ti se astralno projektujes i vidis kaj verdz pe parec,kazi mi tacno gde je

    A ona kaze-Vidis nije to tako kako ti zamisljas


    Od tada sam prestao da joj verujem o AP

  7. Da nije to onaj koncert kada na kraju pesme Countess Bathory svi razjebu gitare icon_biggrin.gif

    Na tom koncertu na kraju Contess Cronos rzjebe bass

    a na kraju koncerta - pesma Blood Lust - razjebu svu opremu na stejdzu

    (To je ona fora kad izgleda da Cronos baca pojacalo u publiku icon_twisted.gif )

  8. Jel ima neko taj koncert iz 85' kao Divx da mi sreže?


    ljudi nije 85 nego 84 ( zbog nekog crackera sace belaj da bude )


    ja imam dve pesme sa tog koncerta:

    -Blood Lust

    -Countess Bathory


    zbog spominjanja krsta(ne obrnutog) na ovakvom forumu mozes samo batine da dobijes! violent.gificon_biggrin.gif

  9. U kolevci thrasha i black dolazi jedan novi bend koji je napravio revoluciju u ovim pravcima-VENOM.Oni su nastali krajem sedamdesetih u Newcastle-u Engleska.U pocetku sa petoclanom postavom i imenom OBERON, a onda iznenadno dva clana odlaze i ova grupa postaje trio- vokal/basConrad "Cronos" Lant, guitarista Jeff "Mantas" Dunn, i bubnjarTony "Abaddon" Bray.Tada menjaju ime u Venom.Pod uticajem heavy zvuka Motörhead-a i vizualnim izgledom Kiss-a , Venom su stvorili jedan crni i razbijacki zvuk, koji je stvaro put u razvijanju Thrash-a.Jednostavno njihov macabre. ponosno satanisticki izgled se pretvorio u glavnu inspiraciju za legije novih blacke metal bendova da se pojave u njihovoj senci, stvarajuci ovaj pravac on dobija ime po njihovoj prvoj LP ploci 1982 - Black Metal.(Njihov debi album Welcome to Hell sledi iste godine ).Venom-ov 3. album At War With Satan izlazi 1983, a dve godine kasnije izdaju Possessed.Postava se menja u godini koja sledi, Mantas izlazi iz grupe pri kraju 1985's Live Eine Kleine Nachtmusic.Na njegovo mesto dolaze gitaristi Matt Hickey i Jimmy Clare, a njihov debi se nalazi na novom albumu 1987- Calm Before the Storm.Zatim Cronos pocinje rad na njegovoj solo karijeri i ubrzo odlazi iz benda povedevsi sa sobom Hickey-a i Clare-a. Tog trenutka Mantas se udruzuje sa Abaddon-om i formiraju novi verziju Venom-a sa u svoje vreme "atomcraft" vokalistom Tony "The Demolition Risk" Dolan-om i gitaristom Al Barbes-om.Nova postava debituje 1989 u albumu Prime Evil, iste godine izlazi i Tear Your Soul Apart.Posle albuma Temples of Ice 1991 Barnes napusta Venom, njegovo mesto popunjava gitarista Steve "War Maniac" White koji dovodi sa sobom klavijaturistu V.X.S.-a.Oni su bili "regrutovani" za album The Waste Lands 1992. posle koga obojca napustaju bend.Opet kao trio Mantas, Abaddon, i Dolan nastavlju rad Venoma.U daljem radu su imali manje turneje ali nisu izdali ni jedan novi album.Najzad 1996. Cronos se vraca u bend uslovljavajuci Dolan-ov odlazk iz benda.Opet u orginalnom sastavu vracaju se u akciju i izdaju "mini" album Venom'96 koga prati puna verzija Madi in Stone 1997.Posle svetske turneje Venom izdaje dupli album New,Live & Rare sredinom 1998.

    Buried Alive izlazi godinu dana kasnije , a u prolece 2000 izdaju The Court of Death a kasnije albumi Resurrection-2000,Beauty and the Beast nakon cega slede albumi Kissing the Beast 2002 i njihov zadnji album Darkest Hour 2004.


    by drac pivopije.gif

  10. a evo i diskografije


    Darkest Hour 2004

    Kissing the Beast 2002

    Beauty and the Beast 2000

    Resurrection 2000

    Court of Death 2000

    From Heaven to the Unknown 1998

    Cast in Stone 1998

    Skeletons in the Closet 1994

    Leave Me in Hell 1993

    The Waste Lands 1992

    Temples of Ice 1991

    Prime Evil 1989

    Calm Before the Storm 1987

    Possessed 1985

    From Hell to the Unknown 1985

    At War with Satan 1983

    Black Metal 1982

    Welcome to Hell 1981 icon_rockdevil.gif

    Tear Your Soul Apart icon_rockdevil.gif

    The Book of Armageddon icon_rockdevil.gif


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