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Posts posted by bambayay

  1. Album kida koliko je dobar. Nikako da dosadi "premotavanje". Stargasm je za sada favorit i definitivno bi isao neki psihodelicni spot za pesmu. I artwork za Hunter je super. Definitivno, nesto sveze na metal sceni. To je taj Mastodon, sa mnogo novih i kvalitetnih momenata.

  2. Vec nekoliko dana se stalno pusta na plejeru!


    Aenaon - Cendres et Sang (2011), http://www.mediaboom.org/344333-aenaon-cendres-et-sang-2011.html


    Well, Greece has done it again. They’re already able to claim Septicflesh and Rotting Christ as their own, and now the Greeks have unleashed Aenaon. This avant-garde black metal group possesses such strong technical ability and songwriting chops that it’s damn hard to believe this is their first full-length album. Cendres et Sang (which is French for ‘Ashes and Blood’), is a wonderfully creative and exceptionally well-produced record that should not be overlooked. Aenaon has a mature and compelling sound, and they create their multifaceted, innovative, and chaotic brand of metal with four talented members.


    To put it bluntly, this band has their shit together.


    Aenaon opens the album with a shimmering saxophone intro (entitled “Kafkaesque”), followed by “Suncord”, which fully immerses the listener in black metal/jazz fusion that never becomes unlistenable or unnatural. Even though there are layers upon layers of genre-bending sound, the entire piece remains cohesive and engaging. The sections of atmospheric, haunting jazz are executed just as brilliantly as the momentous black metal segments. The band’s ability to create intricate song structures is certainly commendable, but they can also pull back and write aggressive and straightforward metal with mass appeal, as is the case on “Psychonautic Odyssey”. Even on this less complex track, Aenaon still incorporates their experimental side, and there’s Hammond organ alongside the chugging riffs and blast beats.


    Every track has great strengths, and there’s something on this album that will resonate with every listener. Aenaon doesn’t depend on their use of unconventional elements to define their sound, and their appeal is deeply rooted in excellent songwriting and genuine brutality. Cenres et Sang is full of brilliant performances from each member of the band; The rhythm section is crushing and tight throughout dynamic shifts in mood, vocalist Astrous provides commanding mid-range growls, and the guitar work is fantastically versatile.


    Any band that combines blackened jazz with David Lynch has my support, and Aenaon concludes their incredible first release with their take on the song “In Heaven” from 1977’s “Eraserhead”. Opening with eerie piano and female vocals, the unsettlingly subdued atmosphere is highly reminiscent of Unexpect. This soon gives way to complete mayhem, and the once-sung lyrics are roared as the decaying walls of sound come crashing down. Toying with the audience’s sanity for five minutes, the piece alternates between these two stark contrasts before the sinister piano fades into silence. “In Heaven” is an absolute masterpiece of a track, and a brilliant example of how a band can take pre-existing material and make it their own.


    Aenaon has admirable focus, exceptional musicianship, and magnificent songwriting. While they have certainly been influenced by bands like Emperor, Shining (Norway), and DHG, the group has created an experimental, yet accessible sound that is all their own. After hearing what this band has to offer, I can say without hesitation that Aenaon has boundless potential, and their music is a force to be reckoned with.

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  3. "An Eye For An Eye", the first song from THE RESISTANCE, the new Sweden-based metal band featuring former members of IN FLAMES, THE HAUNTED and GRAVE, can be streamed in the YouTube clip below. The track will be made available on the sampler CD that will only be distributed to the subscribers of Sweden's Close-Up Magazine in the August 2011 issue. In addition to the THE RESISTANCE track, the sampler CD will include contributions from all the other bands that are booked for the magazine's Close-Up Båten cruise that leaves Stockholm, Sweden on September 8 and returns one day later.


    As previously reported, THE RESISTANCE has also been confirmed for the new Sonic Rock Circus festival, set to take place on September 30 at Klubben in Stockholm, Sweden.


    THE RESISTANCE's lineup is as follows:


    * Marco Aro (FACE DOWN, ex-THE HAUNTED) - Vocals

    * Jesper Strömblad (ex-IN FLAMES, DIMENSION ZERO) - Guitar

    * Glenn Ljungström (ex-IN FLAMES, DIMENSION ZERO) - Guitar

    * Alex Losbäck Holstad (ex-DESPITE, DECAMERON, CARDINAL SIN) - Bass

    * Chris Barkensjö (CARNAL FORGE, GODSIC, ex-GRAVE) - Drums


    Strömblad quit IN FLAMES in February 2010 in order to continue receiving treatment for his alcohol addiction.


    DIMENSION ZERO's third album, "He Who Shall Not Bleed", was released in 2008 via Vic Records. The CD contained "11 tracks of aggressive, fast and melodic Gothenburg metal," according to a press release.


    FACE DOWN entered the Swedish hard rock album chart at position No. 19 with its last effort, "The Will to Power", which came out in November 2005.



  4. Meni je album, evo posle nekoliko puta slusanja, stvarno odlican. Malo sam se smorio kada sam video onaj klip gde najavljuju album sa komentarima "najbolji album i sl.". Ipak, sve je nekako na svom mestu - produkacija, kompozicije, vokali. Album je bas slusljiv, prija :)

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