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Iskreni članovi
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Posts posted by Luthien*

  1. uh.. tek 24og juna.. no.gif al vredi cekati icon_da.gif i jos rain delay ... puna kapa icon_da.gif

    Pa ovo ce biti super koncert, jedva cekam.

    Dobri ste bili sad u petak. Steta sto niste svirali bar malo ranije, jer bi sigurno bolje prosli.

  2. Majk ti nisi normalan ...


    Morgane Danko se žalio na obećanu pesmu te ne znam da li možemo da je izvedemo ...

    A koja je to obecana pesma, ajde otkrite...

    Nadam se da cete sutra razvaliti icon_rockdevil.gif


    Pozdrav sexy pastuvchini, Alpha muzjaku, otrovu za zene, Kazanovi, dlakavoj shecerlemici, pianisti Esgarotha...Ti si Sunce nasheg neba... Najlepshi uplakani cvetic na nashoj usamljenoj livadi...

    Ko je to, klavijaturista?

    Boze, ti si bas lud. orangelistening.gifmhihi.gif



    text Morgan / muzika Marko



    Ancient walls and marble stones

    Halls full od death and sorrow

    The monarchy of eternal grimness

    The dinasty of divine fate


    The Gods will give, the Gods will take

    The years will pass, the youth will wane

    For doeful death and eternal bane

    I have seen what you have not

    Vision, signs and eyes that rot


    I have seen what you have not

    Vision, signs and eyes that rot

    Then you’ll see what cannot be

    Shadows move where light should be


    I have seen what you have not

    The vulture and the chain

    Rotten flesh in hallow halls

    Where death awaits between the stones


    [spoken part]

    The Gods shall create, the Gods shall annihilate

    The mortals and their fate

    And a vacant force

    A deviant stream from a pure source


    I have seen what you have not

    The vulture and the chain

    Rotten flesh in hallow halls

    And a loss of eternal pain.


    No hope is left, no help can stand

    For I shall dwell there within.

    Dobar vam ovaj tekst, svidja mi se sto teme nisu o satanizmu.

  5. he,he!!Mogli bi!!!Ali pusti njih da odluche da li hoce zenski vokal!Ja iskreno mislim da ne!!A i da li bi Morgan zeleo sa nekim da deli slavu????

    Ne znam, mislim da njima bas i ne bi odgovaro zenski vokal. Ali svakako trebalo bi pustiti clanove da sami odluce.

    Sta, jel se ti druzis sa nekim iz benda pa znas sta ce oni unapred odgovoriti?

  6. Imala sam prilike jednom u skorije vreme da cujem ovaj bend na 202,a i gledala sam ih u proslom finalu. Super ste! Stvarno dobro zvucite. Jel' moze negde da se skine neka vasa pesme? Ajde ostavite link.

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