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Anonimus of Metal

Anonimus of Metal (1/6)



  1. nash mali goxy je kukavica.. eee bash kazah mami pri neki dan..reko majka kad mi next time budesh dolazila u positu triba da pogledash na trosid pri no sidnesh da mi ne zgnjechish pauka.. a ne voli da gleda pitoma pa moramo da pokrijemo kavez da ju ne strefi srcka.. dakle buduci chlan familije.. http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/6686/me...arantularf5.jpg
  2. ducan.. haha..ubice me Dushan..am voli njega zla tetka..
  3. ma lipshe mi opcija da ti kupish kartu do melba..a ja chu te chekat s NIN kartom.. eee ak uspim isfotkat koju od trent razor-a pozu..pa chu specijalno za tebe da postavim..samo sad da se nachekam do maja.. znam koliko volish NIN sheta bash shto ne dolaze tu do tebe..najsvjezije shto su kod nas bili bilo je '04..pa ev pozurili se lipo opet..
  4. hiihi shta da radim..da te uchlanim u privatni pakao.. jel itko chitao knjigu..kako vam se chini.. pony pony znam.. glupo sam se izrazila..mislila sam da je htio preko neta uzimat onu copiju znash shto se moze downlodowat knjiga..barem sam na jednom sajtu davnije ja tak vidila opciju..pa zato kazak da kupi original knjigu bolje je.. al' pazte ovdi ima dvi verzije jedna je only by Marilyn Manson..which is offered with a bonus chapter not included in the hardcover..a druga je Marilyn Manson & Neil Strauss koja je navodno editovana..haha da lele.. pogledajte ovdi ak vas zanima.... http://www.gnooks.com/discussion/marilyn+manson.html
  5. lavey je shecer.. pa bwe uzmi si original knjigu..kod nas ovdi ima po knjizarama.. More exciting, perhaps, are the numerous pictures scattered throughout the pages, documenting such things as girlfriends and band landmarks, to the rarer, such as Manson with Anton Szandor LaVey.
  6. 13 may 07 melbourne, australia metro nightclub ohoho opet nam dolaze dugi noktici..
  7. uh' slatkish..jedva chekam da mi jedan takav hodi po tilu..
  8. orange juice baby..power is in C vitamin.. dobarr je..al' moj dwechk je bolji.. hey mistress ne javih se na pp.. pa dobro..
  9. brate odlichan ti je potpis.. a nisam ja shtrunfeta..jeba te vuk..
  10. neeeeeeee seri da imash redknee tarantulu..aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa pa takvu nabavljam i ja..lele toooooooooooooooooo choeche..ikono.. stravaaaaaaaaaaa..barem netko normalan.. strava je..kazem ja ljudima..a svi pizde od fobije.. a i zmijuru imam/o kod frajera..zove se Laveya..vecha je..dobro dodju masni mishevi..
  11. jel si to zrtvovao kravu sotoni.. grom te spalio udav te udavio shto si joj glavu savio i na panj stavio chesh sad da se lozish ha.. mrzim cirilicu to je tak narocki..
  12. eee nema frke..pa da ne vidjeh ja druge likove iz MM banda ovdi..sem tebe JOHN5.. so yea spooky kids are still here..znam da je bia dolazio neki lik pod nickom Marilyn Manson..al' je ubrzo izcheznuo.. a moj nick ima samo 50% veze s T.R..ostalo je od mame..
  13. absinthe is bad... and absinthes are bad, m'kay.. so don't do absinthe, m'kay? and don't worship absinth, m'kay? u don't like me anymore.. dobro..dobro..pa worshipuyem laveya satan himself i njegovu teoriju podrzavam..a ne sotonu u formi mitologije..to su chista sranja znash..
  14. ovaj tekst mi mnogo znachi.. Slowly crossing as the river runs below Never stopping for whats waiting soon will show And this the last time looking back Ill see My home for he awaits me reaching for my Soul. he calls my name, and waves me on The fallen one he stands in flame Well the life that he has given full of riches And sucess has a price that I made good in Blood to pay. and the light he now is showing To guide my every footstep is insurance if I falter on my way. and what God has now Forsaken and man has never seen are the Riches of the underworld below all my Years of earthly pleasures gave support Unto the bridge I now cross it giving Him my soul Dark lord, I summon thee demanding the Sacred right to burn in hell, ride up on hells Hot wind. face one more evil than thou, take My lustful soul, Drink my blood as I drink yours, impale me on The horns of death Cut off my head release all my evil lucifer is king Praise satan I know the one who waits satan is His name, across the bridge of Death there he stands in flame I know the one who waits satan Is his name across the bridge of death There he stands in flame. He is my provider as I walk into the Void for eternity I give him my soul I shall do his bidding obey him Without question even walk among the living if Im told Satan dont forsake me I wait for You to take me grant me wings and as Your messenger Ill fly nije emotivan..al' je poseban..i zbog tog je emo
  15. blondice u shta se ti upushtash..volish opasne dechki.. aaa bash su swatki ovdi.. jbt nisam znala da voli shtrunfove..tet'
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