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Mia Tallica

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Everything posted by Mia Tallica

  1. Pa Lost In Space vec ima spot... radjen je kod nas...
  2. Savrseno, savrseno, savrseno!!! Sto neko rece, ima novih momenata, ali sve zvuci sjajno! Koji talenat jbt... nemam reci!
  3. Meni se skinule samo Twisted Mind i The Scarecrow! Jao, kako su savrsene!!!!! Kako sam happy happy happy!!! :) Sad cu da probam ove nove linkove...
  4. Jeste! Sad sam stavila da se skida...
  5. Je l` imaju da se kupe karte u Bilet servisu???
  6. AAAAAAAAA, nova Avantasiaaaaaaaa!!!!!! Jeeeeeej!!! Kolko se cekalo na ovo... Hvala puno vladream!!!
  7. Hehe, pa da, naravno... Mogu ja da ispisem sve pesme, al valjda ih znate I novi album nece biti kao EP, receno je vec... Ovo je bilo samo eksperimentisanje... drugacije je, a i dalje je odlicno. A novi album ce biti epic, kao do sada... Jedva cekam da cujeeem!
  8. Ta pesma je i meni najjaca sa drugog albuma... Ali svaka je posebna na svoj nacin... Poslusaj pesmu Seven Angels, pravo remek delo... I Neverland.. i Looking Glass... i... sve Sto vise slusas, vise ti se uvlaci pod kozu, ja sam milion puta izvrtela cd-ove... A zasto ja ne mogu da cujem te semplove???
  9. Evo i ja da pokazem veeeeeeliko interesovanje za Edguy!!!!! Nisi sam! Ali mozda i ne bi trebalo da bude sve pretrpano sada... sto se mene tice, odlicno, ali nece biti puno ljudi realno.. mnogo para treba za sve! Kako bude... mi smo zainteresovani!!! A da, Tobi jeste malko procelavio, pa se osisao... dobro mu stoji i kratka kosa..
  10. I vama sve najlepse za praznike, i zelim vam sve najbolje u Novoj godini!!! Da vam bude jos bolja, i da bude jos puuno svirki i zezanja ... i novi album nadam se! Veliki pozdrav za King Size
  11. I ja isto voooooooolim Kamelooot!!! Karma jeste naj album, ali svu su odlicni... i vredi da se cuje sta god da sviraju, iako se nekima ne svidjaju novi albumi... to je i dalje Kamelot ljudiiii...
  12. furija, super ti je potpis :) Ne mogu da uploadujem, prvo bih to uradila da mogu.. jbg snimila sam na kasetu :) eto, i Tobi se raduje ovome!
  13. Eve sad sam preslusala snimljeni intervju i zapisivala.. Ovo je valjda pocetak! Tobi: I haven`t been to Serbia, I mean, I have been to Serbia, shooting a video there, haha.. but I haven`t been playing in Serbia with Edguy, and certainly not with Avantasia, and I`m really happy to go there for the first time, and I`m so excited about that, and, umm, really excited about headlining your festival!!! Jet: Will you be able to get around all your supporters in Avantasia (Avantazia - po srpski ) Tobi: Sorry?! Jet: Will it be possible to get around all the actors of the Avantasia, cause they`re from the various bands, you know..? Tobi: Well, we`re gonna bring a huge ensemble. We don`t know who`s gonna be there yet. At the moment, there`s a lot of negotiations to certain people. You can be quite certain that we`re gonna come with a strong line-up, Sascha`s gonna be there for sure. I`m talking to a couple of singers who will join me, so we`re gonna be 5 or 6 singers. We`re gonna be with backing singers, we`re gonna bring the stage production, so you can expect a HUGE show, and you can expect some of the people.. I don`t want to come with 12 singers, because it doesn`t make sense to come with 12 singers, if you can play 14 songs or something, and you have 12 singers, everybody will come just for one song and sing one verse or one chorus, and that wouldn`t make sense. But you can be sure that we will come with a lot of people! Jet prevodi.. Jet: Mr. Tobias, are you still here? Tobi: Well, yeah, are you still there? Hahaa.. Jet: Yes, we`re translating your answers! Tobi: Yeah, I know! Hahaha... Jet: So can we expect some new songs until July, maybe some new single or something from Avantasia? Tobi: Well, you know you can expect the full album I mean, in January we`re gonna come with the new album, The Scarecrow, which is the real third chapter of Avantasia. I mean, we`re gonna release this album, and Lost In Space, the two EP`s, were just warm-up for the forthcoming album, and I think it`s a very strong album. I don`t know if there`s gonna be a new single until then, but you`ll gonna have a full album. We are certainly gonna play songs of that new album, but also songs from The Metal Opera part I and part II, so I think there`s alot of stuff, and we shouldn`t release something until then after the album, because then we would have to much stuff to play! Hahaha Jet: Mr. Tobias, thank you very much i (!) see you in July! Tobi: Thank You, and I`m looking forward to come to Serbia and play for you, and I hope fans would like it!!! i neko rece: For sure Eto, ako neko nije slusao... Pozdrav svima
  14. Sa Avantasiom dolazi 20 muzicara!!! Unthefuckingbelievable!
  15. Jeeee, odlicno! Ajoj sta me snadje :) Neverovatno.. sta nam se sprema...
  16. Avantasia.. Znala sam! Oh Boze... Ljudi, ja vas obozavam... nemam reci stvarno.. :D
  17. `De ste bre ljudovi? Super, znaci bice svirkica... vidimo se uskoro... Koliko ja ulaz za Holidej? Veliki pozdrav!!!
  18. E, bravo ti ga.. Dakle, jeste ovo promena zvuka, al` sta god da Tobi uradi, to zvuci savrseno... odlicne su nove pesme......
  19. Sta je to za 10 dana? Sta je to za 10 dana??? Aaa, nemojte da me strefi srcka... molim vas :) Ok, ok, sacekacemo... strpljivo... m` da!
  20. Hahahaha... :) pa eto, sta ces... "Lepo" se provedite u subotu... budite dobri... Dodajem Kamelot - Temples Of Gold
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