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Sleaze Glammer

Iskreni članovi
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Posts posted by Sleaze Glammer

  1. Poslednji put


    Očigledno je kako se jedan popularan trend nadovezuje na drugi,istoriju koja se ponavlja ne primećuju samo društva u nesvesnom pre-apokaliptičnom transu, kao u predratnom Berlinu,i svuda gde danas dominira moderna pop kultura.


    Bendovi kao što su Kiss,ZZ Top i Janis Joplin bili su svojevrsni most između folf/blues inspirisanog roka i pop masa,i prolazili su svugde gde prolaze ogoljene emocije,i pojednostavljen,često nostalgičan rant.Njigovi moderniji rođaci Motley Crue,Twisted Sister i Dio čine još uočljivijim i jasnijim ovaj obrazac donošenja pop muzike masama odraslim na rock zvuku.U najmodernije doba, klinci odrasli na Limp Bizkitu,Nirvani i FNM zdušno su gutali naočigled degetisane mutacije tipa Rammstein(uočite glavni rif na Los koji finišira očiglednom besciljnom rastrzanošću) i Evanescence,a i prog rock fanovi Rusha i King Crimsona našli su svoje moderne favorite.Javnost nikad nije slovila da ima neke specijalno razvijene kritičke sposobnosti. Čak i stondirani fatalisti tipa Doors,Jefferson Airplanes i Black Sabbath više su učinili za rock progresiju od ovih marketinških spodoba.


    Metal je nastupio konkurentno sa punkom,uzimajući tipičan disidentski stav koji će finiširati sa Miltonovskim i DeSadovskim pop moralnim relitivizmom death,thrash i black metal populizatora Cannibal Corpse,Pantera,Metallica,Slayer,Kreator,Emperor,Satyricon sa jedne strane,i romantičarskim vizionarstvom

    Burzuma i Gravelanda. Očigledno,po principima moderne demokratije,onaj sa više fanova je trenutno trijumfovao,a potonji je zadobio duše onih kojima socijalizacija nije primarna životna aktivnost.Slična se stvar dogodila i panku,ali je on,hraneći se neodrživom ideologijom autodestrukcije,zdušno prihvatio ulogu muzike za one sa nedostatkom kapaciteta da bilo šta promene(očit je fatalizam bendova Testors,New Bomb Turks,a i oni skloniji destrukciji nisu postigli baš ništa svojim besnim izlivima emocija).


    Ovaj pokušaj teži da bude manje analitičan,i više praktičan,kao poslednji poziv muzičarima i fanovima da pogledaju kuda su se to sa ostatkom čopora zaputili.

    Jer,kao što zaključuju čak i pojedini osvrti konvencionalne umetnosti na ovu našu stvarnost (Ko To Tamo Peva,Lepa Sela Lepo Gore),put kojim se većina odlučila da pođe ne vodi nužno čak ni u privremenu sigurnost,a kamoli ka(nedajbože,pljuc pljuc) tim prokaženim idejama boljitka,napredka,evolucije.Vozi Miško!


    Sokrat je popio svoj otrov,Pitagora je živ goreo,i nije bio ni prvi ni poslednji,u tom svetlu,ne smemo se bojati smešnih demonizacija generalne javnosti. Naša iskrenost i nesebičnost moraju da govore za sebe,jer dok postoji jedan,nije gotovo.


    ovaj odgovor spada u kategoriju: NAJSMESNIJE U METALU!

  2. Anytime je do jaja pesma... Napisao sam jednom jednu pesmu koja je imala vrlo slican refren toj pesmi ( u nacinu pevanja ne u recima ) , i ostatak je bio slican i bio sam uzasno ponosan na pesmu. A onda sam nedelju dana cuo tu pesmu i smejao sam se ko ludak. Napisao sam slicnu stvar ko njih dvojica :D

  3. Ma ja mislim da je moj plan najbolji... mada si i ti u pravu u vezi par stvari. Ali, covek je u pravu. Brate, nas mentalitet je da uzmemo ( ili ukrademo ako je moguce ) sve sto neko ne cuva, nenapljacuje i sl. Razumem skidanje kao neku vrstu chekiranja pre kupovine, ali skidanje bez ikakve zelje da kupis nesto sto vredi / novo je / ima potencijala mi je bez veze!

  4. MÖTLEY CRÜE bassist Nikki Sixx has issued the following update:


    "10 songs done for the new CRÜE album so far, I'm very proud of the songs. I think we're onto some of the better songs weve had in years... Time will tell, of course. A couple of song titles on the CRÜE album are called 'A Scar On Hollywood Blvd' and 'The Saints Of Los Angeles'. As it's been leaked out before, this is no suprise... but the album is called 'The Dirt' and lyrically follows the story of the MÖTLEY CRÜE bestseller 'The Dirt'.


    "It's challenging and exciting to have to write the songs into time capsules spreading over years... I've written a lot of songs with Mick Mars [guitar], of course, along with James Micheal, Marti Frederiksen and DJ Ashba... The chemistry in the studio as we're writing is unbelievable. I look forward to leaking some to you all in the next few months...


    "I haven't gotten anything tattooed in years except 'Tag Here' on my toe.... I think it's time to step it up, I'm feeling the itch. Kat's [von D] gonna do one probably this weekend. I've been wanting to get 'Los Angeles' tattooed on me for ages, and then the other day I noticed Kat has it on her left shoulder. We both have had so much happen in our lives in this city, why not make it permanent? The band started it here, I've died here, had kids, married and divorced here.... my life is in 'Los Angeles'...


    "Proudly not smoking still and still sober seven years this July... Amazing the desicions you make when you think of others first.... and you get that by becoming selfless and that is a huge part of getting to the core of your issues.


    "What a [Censored] great year... I can feel it in my bones."

  5. Stavio sam i na Whitesnake stranicu, ali ajde i da stavim ovde just in case...

    Ovo je nesto malo skracena verzija, na Whitesnake topicu cete naci punu




    January 23, 2008


    To celebrate their 30th Anniversary, Whitesnake will release "Good to Be Bad", through SPV / Steamhammer end of April in Europe and USA - their first studio album in a decade. The album features 11 new, slamming Whitesnake songs which are guaranteed to take their place alongside their multi-million selling catalogue.


    Legendary front man, David Coverdale, says, "The new album contains all the elements I enjoy about Whitesnake, and more. I can hear moments that take me back to the bluesy, early years of the band all the way through the band's musical history to fully embrace the more electric aspects of where we are now, as a band. I'm thrilled with it and can hardly wait to unleash it on an unsuspecting public! If this is indeed the last Whitesnake studio record then I'm happy to finish like this. It was a labour of love making this record...a joy... and I'm still enjoying listening to it. Can't be bad!"


    The 11 new songs, written by Coverdale & guitarist Doug Aldrich (who also co-produced the album with Coverdale & Michael McIntyre) provide a good balance of 8 rocking tracks and 3 ballads. Coverdale feels it's the first 'real' Whitesnake album in almost 20 years, commenting "It's very butch. Very muscular..."



    Call On Me, Can You Hear The Wind Blow, Best Years, All I Want All I Need, Good To Be Bad, All For Love, Summer Rain, Lay Down Your Love, A Fool In Love, Got What You Need, 'Til The End Of Time


    With their blend of hard rock, soul, blues, and balladry plus a healthy dose of priapic posturing and good time fun, Whitesnake brings a welcome, positive energy to the current musical climate.


    Additionally, Whitesnake will be taking to the road with Def Leppard, playing a series of co-headline shows across the UK, major festivals and headliner shows in summer of 2008. The internationally renowned, multi-platinum band will be featuring songs from David Coverdale's colourful career including the hits (for the choir to join in with) and new material from 'Good To Be Bad'.


    This is an opportunity to experience the ultimate line-up and celebrate 30 years of Whitesnake, who are:- Doug Aldrich on guitar; Reb Beach on guitar; Timothy Drury on keyboards; Uriah Duffy on bass; Chris Frazier on drums and of course, the inimitable David Coverdale on vocals.


    "I can't wait to get back on stage - after being in the studio for most of 2007 I am most definitely ready to let off some steam. The front row should definitely be prepared!" says Coverdale


    You have been warned!!!


    Whitesnake: Headliner Shows and Festivals:

    02.06. BA-Banja Luka - Borik Hall

    03.06. HR-Split - Tvrdjava Gripe

    06.06. SE-Solvesborg - Sweden Rock Festival

    08.06. FI-Tampere - Sauna Open Air

    10.06. IS-Reykjavik - Laugardalsholl

    12.06. NO-Oslo - Spektrum Scene

    13.06. DK-Copenhagen - Vega

    27.06. B-Dessel - Graspop Metal Meeting


    Whitesnake: UK-Tour with Def Leppard:

    17.06. GB-Glasgow - SECC

    18.06. GB-Birmingham - NEC

    20.06. GB-Manchester - MEN

    21.06. GB-Belfast - Odyssey Arena

    23.06. GB-Sheffield - Arena

    24.06. GB-Newcastle - Arena

    26.06. GB-London - Wembley Arena


    Courtesy of www.spv.de





    January 23, 2008


    To celebrate their 30th Anniversary, Whitesnake will release "Good to Be Bad", through SPV / Steamhammer end of April in Europe and USA - their first studio album in a decade. The album features 11 new, slamming Whitesnake songs which are guaranteed to take their place alongside their multi-million selling catalogue.


    Legendary front man, David Coverdale, says, "The new album contains all the elements I enjoy about Whitesnake, and more. I can hear moments that take me back to the bluesy, early years of the band all the way through the band's musical history to fully embrace the more electric aspects of where we are now, as a band. I'm thrilled with it and can hardly wait to unleash it on an unsuspecting public! If this is indeed the last Whitesnake studio record then I'm happy to finish like this. It was a labour of love making this record...a joy... and I'm still enjoying listening to it. Can't be bad!"


    The 11 new songs, written by Coverdale & guitarist Doug Aldrich (who also co-produced the album with Coverdale & Michael McIntyre) provide a good balance of 8 rocking tracks and 3 ballads. Coverdale feels it's the first 'real' Whitesnake album in almost 20 years, commenting "It's very butch. Very muscular..."



    Call On Me, Can You Hear The Wind Blow, Best Years, All I Want All I Need, Good To Be Bad, All For Love, Summer Rain, Lay Down Your Love, A Fool In Love, Got What You Need, 'Til The End Of Time


    With their blend of hard rock, soul, blues, and balladry plus a healthy dose of priapic posturing and good time fun, Whitesnake brings a welcome, positive energy to the current musical climate.


    Additionally, Whitesnake will be taking to the road with Def Leppard, playing a series of co-headline shows across the UK, major festivals and headliner shows in summer of 2008. The internationally renowned, multi-platinum band will be featuring songs from David Coverdale's colourful career including the hits (for the choir to join in with) and new material from 'Good To Be Bad'.


    This is an opportunity to experience the ultimate line-up and celebrate 30 years of Whitesnake, who are:- Doug Aldrich on guitar; Reb Beach on guitar; Timothy Drury on keyboards; Uriah Duffy on bass; Chris Frazier on drums and of course, the inimitable David Coverdale on vocals.


    "I can't wait to get back on stage - after being in the studio for most of 2007 I am most definitely ready to let off some steam. The front row should definitely be prepared!" says Coverdale


    You have been warned!!!


    Whitesnake: Headliner Shows and Festivals:

    02.06. BA-Banja Luka - Borik Hall

    03.06. HR-Split - Tvrdjava Gripe

    06.06. SE-Solvesborg - Sweden Rock Festival

    08.06. FI-Tampere - Sauna Open Air

    10.06. IS-Reykjavik - Laugardalsholl

    12.06. NO-Oslo - Spektrum Scene

    13.06. DK-Copenhagen - Vega

    27.06. B-Dessel - Graspop Metal Meeting


    Whitesnake: UK-Tour with Def Leppard:

    17.06. GB-Glasgow - SECC

    18.06. GB-Birmingham - NEC

    20.06. GB-Manchester - MEN

    21.06. GB-Belfast - Odyssey Arena

    23.06. GB-Sheffield - Arena

    24.06. GB-Newcastle - Arena

    26.06. GB-London - Wembley Arena


    From 1973 to 1976 Coverdale was the vocalist with Deep Purple, one of the biggest bands in the world. In late 1977, a year after leaving, he formed Whitesnake as a blues-based, melodic rock band to tour and promote his solo records 'Whitesnake' and 'Northwinds'.


    The band then took on a life and an identity of its own, attracting not only the supporters from Deep Purple, but a whole new audience hungry for the blues, soul and good time rock Whitesnake offered.


    In the early 90's Coverdale spent 3 years working with Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page, on the rock classic 'Coverdale Page' album, before retiring from the music business for several years.


    Courtesy of www.spv.de

  7. Ovo mi je Steven rekao preko maila => Rade na njemu, bice mesavina Just Push Playa i Honkin' On Boboa, ponovo uradjene stare odbacene stvari uglavnom, mozda i ceo album bude od njih ( most probably ). Trebao bi da izadje sredinom - krajem godine. Mada ja mislim da ce taj album tek mozda sledece da ugleda svetlost dana

    2day sam kupio original Aerosmith - Just Push Play u novom merkatoru za samo 475 kinti. Inace vec sam imao piratsku verziju cda i mp3, ali original je original

  8. sviramo uglavnom whitesnake, motley crue,bon jovi itd


    Do jaja znaci neki glem? Os te imati koju svirku u BGu pa da vas chekiram?


    Sextasy => ona percepcija pesma zvuci ko neki pank, barem kada mi je Andja pustila je tako zvucalo

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