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Posts posted by F4R15

  1. Happy holidays everyone and thank you for an exceptional year! Sorry I haven't been around much lately, I've been working on not working for a couple of months, which for me is hard work. 2010 has a number of things planned including new material from nine inch nails and something else that isn't nine inch nails. I am in a state of rediscovery and reinvention that feels unfamiliar, unsure and exactly what I need.


    In the meantime, here are some miscellaneous performances from 2009.

    See you and speak to you soon-




    Ja skapirao da su prestali sa radom :S

  2. Svakako da su bendovi sto vise kvalitetniji ako imaju bolju tehniku, mislim, koja je tu fora nauciti od 3 do 5 tona i svirati kroz celu pesmu (da zanemarimo muziku SOAD-a koja je dosta promenljiva i dosta izmeshana razlichitim elementima), a za ovo drugo me briga, jednostavno, ne interesujeme.







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