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Posts posted by Protagonist

  1. Sorry Dear



    "I wanna go home! it’s so cold down here"

    "I don’t like the dark"

    "Where are you Mommy?"


    "Will I ever see you again?"

    "Please come back and take me away from here"


    "Sorry Dear"



    To je sa Abigail II : The Revenge :wink:

  2. Abigail




    "Abigail! I know you're in control of her brain, Abigail!

    And I know that you're the one that's speaking through her,


    Miriam, can you hear me??"

    "I am alive inside your wife.

    Miriam's dead. I am her head...."

    "Abigail! Don't you think I know what you've done, Abigail?!

    I'll get a priest! He will know how to get her soul back!"

    "Oh, Jonathan! This is Miriam!

    Our time is out!

    Remember the stairs! It's the only way!"

    "Abigail! Nothing I can do but give in, Abigail...."

    "Jonathan, I agree.... Yes I do...."

    "I am alive inside your wife.

    Miriam's dead. I am her head....

    Soon I'll be free!!!"

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