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Posts posted by Nightwing

  1. Ma Picard je definitvno naj-faca,. Ali stvarno moram da priznam da mi nisu jasni Janeway i Sisko, ajd Archer je cool, Kirk je džiber, pa mož' da prođe kao cool, ali ovo dvoje su mi baš ne-harizmatični likovi. Čak i da zanemarimo to da su oni verovatno produkt naleta tolerancije, ali nekako su mi skroz bezveze likovi, pogotovu za protagoniste.

    svaki kapetan je olicenje vremena u kom je serija nastala

    Kirk - baja svinger iz 70tih,svaka riba je njegova,sve resava sa 2 torpeda

    Pickard - umeren i pravican,kolege su mu prijatelji ali se zna da je njegova poslednja

    Sisko - crnac sam i ponosan sam zbog toga

    Janeway - radim muski posao posto su 90te

    Archer - new age filozof,svi ucimo na greskama,jesam glavni ali smo svi mi ravnopravni




    sta se iz ovoga moze zakljuciti: jedan je



    :) :) :)

  2. strajku se ne vidi kraj,tako da ja sezonu 3 ocekujem u sep. 2008


    US TV Strike Talks Called Off


    Talks between the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers and the Writers Guild of America have broken down, it has been confirmed.

    In a statement, the AMPTP said: "We’re disappointed to report that talks between the AMPTP and WGA have broken down yet again.

    Quite frankly, we’re puzzled and disheartened by an ongoing WGA negotiating strategy that seems designed to delay or derail talks rather than facilitate an end to this strike."




    Ratings for Monday's episode were down from the previous week, and the conclusion of Volume Two was the

    lowest-rated finale episode for the show yet, according to Nielsen Media Research.

    The second season of "Heroes" was cut short after the Writers Guild of America went on strike.

    Ventimiglia says he's seen no scripts and has no clues about what will happen when the show returns.

    "We ran out of stuff to shoot," he said. "That's basically what it boils down to."



  3. ja mislim da Lost room ima bas zanimljiv koncept i da ne lici ni najmanje na Heroje

    iste one Heroje koji nista originalno nisu doneli vec pokrali fore iz stripova

    obozavam Heroje ali da se ne lazemo - sve je to vec vidjeno tj procitano

    a i oni nemaju S vec samo F od SFa


    da.....gledajte Tin Mana...nova mini serija SFa koja je oborila sve rekorde gledanosti

    novi pristup Carobnjaku iz Oza

  4. Dobro da ste odgledali, odlicno je! Sajler je super negativac. Jedini minus seriji koja fura fazon stripa je sto nema negativca koji master mind. A to definitivno nije kompanija.


    Not to worry. There are plenty more baddies coming after the writers' strike concludes. In fact, the title of Volume 3 — "Villains" — says it all.


    "We've introduced a cadre of them over the course of the show and we're going to see them rise up," Kring says. "Just as the heroes have found each other to save the world, the villains will do the same with the opposite intent." And their numbers may be legion. "The Company has catalogued many of these people over the years. There may be more of them down in that basement than we have alluded to so far."


    Will Sylar (Zachary Quinto) be their ringleader? After being electro-zapped by Elle, Mister Eyebrows escaped to a back alley and skeevily injected himself with Claire's (Hayden Panettiere) blood. Then, in a wicked salute to Popeye, he telekinetically grabbed a can of spinach and said, "I'm back!"

    "Sylar getting his power back does not bode well for our heroes," says Kring, who admits there is one upside to the writers' strike: Originally, Quinto was not going to be available for much of Volume 3 because of his commitment to the new Star Trek film. Now, with the strike dragging on, he'll likely be done playing young Spock by the time Heroes returns to production.


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