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Everything posted by Effy

  1. Effy


    Za to vreme, u stvarnosti: http://www.burzum.org/eng/library/war_in_europe05.shtml To Breivik I can only say I hope you do kill yourself. You have killed more Norwegians than the entire Muslim population in Norway has done the last 40 years, and you claim to be a Norwegian nationalist and patriot fighting (alongside your Jewish masters) against Islam, to protect us against their crimes!? I am sorry to say so, but you have made a big mistake. Islam has been imported to Europe by Jews, so that guys like you would run to the Jews and fight for them like you did when you murdered future mothers of Norwegian children. Death to you and to all other "European" Zionists out there as well! You are the main problem for Europe, because guys like you allow the Jews to run Europe into the ditch. The Jews would not have been able to do anything to us if it hadn't been for Christian losers like you!
  2. Effy


    Opus Diaboli? Naravno da odlicno zvuci kada je blatantno dubovan.
  3. ... Ovo u sustini *jeste* Paracletus. Nekakva vrsta reinterpretacije u svakom slucaju -- ne mogu biti siguran kakve dok ne vidim tekst. Na prvo slusanje sam vec primetio nekoliko direktnih citata (pre ce biti parafaza) iz Paracletus-a. Fiery Serpents pri pocetku direktno priziva Wings of Predation, kasnije I Malconfort. Crackled (... Zar ne bi trebalo "Cracked"?) Book of Life je ocigledno nekakva perverzija teme iz Epiklesis II i Apokatastasis Panton, dok neobicni sample sa samog kraja zvuci skoro identicno kao kraj druge Obombration sa Fas. Lajtmotivi i manipulacija istim su sustinski deo DSO jos od pocetka, ali ovde skoro da su komicne prirode.
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