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About Lenka

  • Birthday 11/11/1989

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    Novi Sad

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Anonimus of Metal

Anonimus of Metal (1/6)



  1. E pa sad, koliko bi ti da znas? Jedino da sad potrazimo neki sex intervju sa njenim muzem..
  2. Cek, u stvari nije Taca kriva. Taj intervju je neko prevodio sa ne znam kog jezika na engleski (mozda sa finskog?), pa su greske verovatno do prevodioca, s obzirom da i u pitanjima ima gresaka (pise prefere umesto prefer, a i especially like on sex mi se cini nepravilno, valjda in sex?mada mozda i nije...kako god) Eto pametna je Taca
  3. Ovo je malo starije, poboljsala je ona engleski. Mada - ona je slatka i nasmejana , ni ne mora da prica Zena se predomisljala da li da prihvati sex sa deckom i jos jednom zenom..slobodoumna zena Cak je rekla i kakav donji ves nosi.Ko bi rekao da je tako otvorena sto se toga tice
  4. Aneti treba povisiti platu..da plati stilistu
  5. Uopa Tarja sex interview With her sympathic smile the finnish vocalist react, as we ask her on the bar of a kölner hotel, if she want to talk with us about the sex. "why not?", was her answer. we adjourned to an canny bar and start an open, truely and adult talk about the famous topic. metal heart: can you remember your first time? tarja: it was with my first real boyfriend. i was nearly 17 years at this time. he was 5 years older than me and had collected many experiences before. but the different experiences doesn't matter him. we stayed together for a few month till it happend. he don't want to me and waited till i feel up to do it. even now i find it very, very wonderful when i think back. i can say that i had many luck with him. he was an amazing first boyfriend - like you imagine him. metal heart: what do you especially like on sex? tarja:If you can trust each other. If you don't have to be afraid that you will be misunderstood while doing it and you know your partner well. and when you love him besides, of course. only in this way has "making love" deserve this description. and only in this way its a very intensive experience, in which you can totally abandon yourself. it is an undescribeable feeling to realize that you'll be together with somebody for a while and you love him always more. you wake up and think, you can love nobody stonger and only one week later you feel more for exactly this person. that's wonderful and makes the fun of sex more special. metal heart: what do you don't like on sex? tarja:if you don't really know your partner and you feel nothing for him. i'm out of this age in which you have the need to collect such experiences. although i don't had an one-night-stand i had some shorter affairs from time to time. but this affairs don't fulfil me and have had everytime a bitter aftertaste and they more frustrated me and maked me sad than they give something to me. i draw the conclusion for myself, that i cant await anything more from such affairs. you don't know your partner and you don't feel anything for him. under such conditions sex can't be fullfilling, because the right feelings doesn't exist. so the act itself will be reduced of something very mechanical. and this is really not beautiful. metal heart: what kind of underwear do you prefere by men? tarja: oh a nice topic! anyway i like simple wear. men who think that they look pretty in pink tangas i find laughable. generally tangas don't fit to men. unfortunately you can often see thin on the beach. this are men, who think they are the most amazing ones. normally i like a little more formfitting dark-blue or black slips. metal heart: which underwear do you wear? tarja: mostely black one. i have very light skin and on this black looks the best. when i get some sun-brown i sometimes like red or white. furthermore i like string-tangas because you nearly can't see them under trouthers. i don't think that i have the right figure to wear it, but they are simple discreet and affect better under your cloth. also i like feminine things with lot of lace. in argentina the women wear a lot of female wear. in finland it doesn't matter so much. because of that i buy my underwear only in argentina, there you got the most beautiful. metal heart: could you imagine sex with a woman? tarja: good question. i think the idea that 2 women have sex with each other is more erotic for everybody than the idea of 2 man with each other. definitaly there are pretty women you find erotic, although you don't stand on women. but i can't really imagine this. my last boyfriend, with wich i was together before my man would have a night with a second woman. in this time i was thinking very long about if i can do it. because i loved him i would make his wish come true. on the other hand the imagine to share him with another woman wasn't definitely not ok for me. at any time his wish became a very big problem for us. metal heart: could you imagine sex with 2 men? tarja: no! definitely not! if i'll be ardent of one man i only want him and no other one besides. as i go to university at the age of 19 there were a lot of girls who meet with more than one man at the same time. a few of them had also tried to plead me that i will come with them, but this wasn't a thing for me. i was never been on such partys. that i can't imagine to look at 2 man while doing it shouldn't mean that i have something against gays. far from it some of my best friends are gay and i like to be together with them because you can go shopping with them very well and they often think like women. i know to overassess this! metal heart: what do you think about porn-films? tarja: i saw many of them in tourbusses. male musicians have the attribute that they have to watch it at any time. i don't have something against it, i must even confess that i own one for myself. but in the tourbus isn't the right atmosphere for it. porn-films are, if any, a thing for very private moments with your partner. and then the aesthetics plays a huge role. if the actors and the szenes aren't aesthetic, a porn-film fastly gets scuzzy. metal heart: what do you think about prostitutes? tarja: this women often were abused and coerced to prostitution against their will. i think thats not nice. especially in argentina such women respiting a poor and hopeless existence. such things mustn't be. i see prostitutes as a kind of service and they schould get a better esteem. they offer something like other service providers. because of that they should be treat and esteemed in the same legal and social way. http://www.freewebs.com/myangelsdreampressarchive/ pa Metal Heart Ne voli Taca roze tangice na muskarcima (Mozda joj se zato Toma nije svidjao)
  6. Moze Volim da citam o okultizmu,ali kriticki..volim stvari u koje mogu da verujem i koje jesu ili mogu biti tacne sa stanovista nauke (dakle mozda nesto sto jos nije otkriveno). Npr. Ezoterija ima knjiga koje mi se zaista ne svidjaju jer nemaju dubinu..nekako je pisano senzacionalisticki.Ne znam,mozda je to tacno,ali ja nekako nisam ubedjena.
  7. Sta je enohijana? Da li se koristi u haotici?
  8. Ima li ovde neki psiholog? Jungova psihologija je zasnovana na ideji o arhetipima,koji bi ako sam dobro shvatila trebalo da predstavljaju nesto iskonsko u ljudima.. neke vecne teznje koje se nisu menjale tokom razvoja drustva.. E sad,tarot bi trebalo da predstavlja arhetipe...i da se tako koristi za analizu nas samih. E sad,ako ovde ima neki psiholog,bilo bi kul da to bolje objasni.. Ja mislim da bi neko pre rada sa tarotom trebalo da razume tarot i da se poveze sa kartama.Da li je neko to radio? Ako jeste,zanima me kako je to radio? Ja sam nesto pocela da citam o kartama odnedavno..u sustini ne znam puno o tarotu. Imam neki,ali jako los sto je kostao 200 dinara zajedno sa knjigom na ulici pisala ga je neka nasa zena,za koju (iako ni ja ne znam nesto puno) moram reci da sam stekla utisak da je napisala knjigu o tarotu,a da ne zna sta je tarot. Inace,takodje sam skontala da ako nekom bacas tarot karte,on ce reci da je tacno kako god mu protumacio..uvek ce naci nesto sto se poklapa.
  9. opa,dobar joj je decko a je l' ona nesto sad bolesna? meni se ne svidja njen glas kad ga operski izvuce,nekako joj ne ide ups,ja citala samo 1. stranu,pa postovala sad videh da je cela strana o njenoj bolesti
  10. ja nisam nikasd cula nijednu njihovu pesmu... kakvi su?Na koga lice? Ja ovako simfonik,zenske vokale,klasicne instrumente,napetost,dramu..znaci tipa Therion,a volim i atmospheric tipa Leaves eyes,pa ne znam da li bi mi se Sentenced svideo? ;p
  11. Za koju su jos pesmu snimili spot? Znam da su odjenom u LA snimili sopt za Amaranth i za jos jednu pesmu.... Ja upravo skidam video sa youtube-a ...svako ko ima dial up konekciju moze da skine sa ovog linka http://www.youtubex.com/misc/download-video/id/2716661 Kvalitet je losiji,ali zato ima i mnogo manje MB,pa svako moze skinuti.. Anette inace ina sina...bila je udata valjda za nekog clana Alyson Avenue (njen bivsi bend). U stvari mozda je jos uvek udata.Ne znam. Sajt posvecen njoj http://www.anetteolzon.tk/
  12. ja cu sad da ispadnem TAKO glupa,ali moram ovo pitati....jbg.... Sta je u stvari Amarath?Znam da je nesto iz mitologije.....
  13. super ste tekstovi su odlicni ova Paganjska trijologija pogotov Ocu da vas gledam u Droljistu!!!!! Ima negde da se skinu pesme?
  14. FANTASTICNI SU! sajt im je www.demether.tk gothic power metal,malo (vise) kopiraju Nightwish svidjaju mi se tekstovi,pogotovo Silence
  15. Slusala sam ih na Exitu,gde se malo obrukase dugo su probavali,pa onda pocnu,pa ne valja,pa stanu,pa jedva pocnu posle par pokusaja...onda im puknu klavijature..na kraju su pevali na matricu pevacica Smiljka nije bila gothic obucena,vise je izgledala ko skejterka,a i svi su bili dosra zbunjeni.. steta..muzika im je dobra Ali,Smiljka je ipak odlicno pevala,a i muzike sa matrice je odlicna
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