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Chlan 787

Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by Chlan 787

  1. Chlan 787


    Na koje stvari mislis? Mozda su svirali obrade(sto cesto rade).
  2. Chlan 787


    Pesma je iz '94.,i zove se "The silence of the twighlight".
  3. Chlan 787


    "My friend here's a little gift to you,so many troubles together we've been through,side by side always ready for new.....in the silence of the twighlight" Zna li neko ovu stvar(da,da,Eyeburn je u pitanju)?
  4. Znam da necu moci da prisustvujem toj veceri,ali pustite bar jednu pesmu za mene:"Temple of love"(u verziji Crematory).
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