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2010.07.05-10. *Tolmin,Slovenia* Metal Camp


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Ove godine održaće 7mi po redu Metal Camp festival.Kao što većina već zna,održava se u Tolminu u Sloveniji,predivnoj lokaciji u blizini italijanske granice.Ono što je bitno za nas,sem blizine festivala,je to što nam NISU potrebne vize za odlazak tamo,niti gomila papira za vađenje istih,te je samim tim i trošak dosta smanjen.MC je godinama unazad jedan od najvećih metal festivala u Evropi,a po samom line up-u možete videti kakva se imena tu pominju.


Što se tiče odlaska tamo,najbolja varijanta je ići preko Belvi travel-a,a više informacija i samu cenu možete videti na ovom linku http://www.multimedi...php?tekstID=669


Ono što je takođe interesantno jeste što će ove godine Tolmin,odnosno MC ground,biti domaćin prvom Magic Circle Festivalu koji se održava van granica Nemačke.Datum je 11 juli,a ko će pored Manowar-a znaće se uskoro.






Kako je bilo prethodnih godina možete pogledati ovde :






Za više informacija oko prevoza,hrane,smeštaja ili čega god pogledajte





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Prvo sam stvarno pomislio da bi mi ova ponuda Belvija odgovarala - ono,cena celog aranzmana (put+karta) je 140 evra,od cega samo karta kosta 114 evra - kad sam procitao na kraju plana i programa putovanja ovo:

"10. jul 2010, subota:

Posle završetka festivalskogprograma (oko ponoći), napuštanje kampa i polazak za Beograd. Noćnavožnja, dolazak u Beograd na mesto polaska, u nedelju, 11. jula, uprepodnevnim satima."




Znaci odlazak posle festivala,tj. nista od ostanka na Magic Circle...jebi ga :(

Oh well...


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Pa da l` misliš da ću ja da se vratim 10og i ne gledam Manowar i Holy Hell i finale svetskog prvenstva na mega bimu hahahaha


Vraćanje vozom jbg :)


A inače mali update u odnosu na plakat,potvrdili su i Exodus,Crowbar,Nevermore,six feet under,Hammerfall,Paradise Lost,Obituary,Decapitated,Trail of Tears....

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Za vracanje...kako znam i umem,haha :haha:

Kombinujem mozda da produzim u Cesku (Manowar,Manowar,livin' on the road... :) ),al videcu...ima vremena...



U jebote,ko je jos sve potvrdio za Metal Camp... :icon_eek::rockdevil:



EDIT:hehe,izgleda da cu i rodjendan da proslavim tamo u Tolminu :haha::alkos::)


Edited by LazaGNR

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MANOWAR will hit the stage right after the final game of the Football World Cup, and fans will have a chance to watch the game on a big screen! Beer, Football, Party and Metal. What more do you want?


Hahaha meni je ovo najjače pivopije.gif

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Line-up sjajan (meni), bas bih volela! Planirala sam pre par meseci, al' odustala sam jer je u prvom planu bio Metal fest u Madjariji (imam drustvo za to). E sad, posto mi bas ne odgovara datum za taj Metal fest, pre bih otisla na Metal Camp, a i lepse je mesto, bas bih volela da ga vidim. :da:

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Hahaha, sjajna ideja, i moguce da bih ja to nekako izvela (mada ne verujem da bi se moji slozili jer oni placaju, je l' xD), al' ne odgovara mi maj i taj Metal fest jer su tad ispiti (u muzickoj imam ispite na kraju svek godine -.-), pa posle prijemni, i ta cuda. -.-

A Metal Camp mi skroz odgovara (ok, cena ne bas xD), jer je u julu, sva ta frka se zavrsi, upisem fax koji hocu (valjda xD), i taman mi to dodje kao poklon, posto pocinje dan posle mog rodjendana, i laganica. :mrgreen:

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line-up neverovatan: IMMORTAL, Cannibal Corpse, Overkill, Obituary, Exodus, Suicidal Angels i Hammerfall su moji favoriti... mada fali tu par nemackih imena.. dosta cudno sto nema ni jedan nemacki bend..


koncerti, festivali sevaju na sve strane i sada su nam i granice otvorene a para nigde.. :rockdevil:


nazalost minimalne sanse da cu ici... mada gledacu da makar nekako izmuvam da odem na immortal...

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Pripreme za MC su pocele! :rockdevil:

Sjajno, krece se na moj rodjendan, tj. to vece, jel... Ovo ce biti savrsen poklon za rodjendan, ako odem, naravno, a prilicno sam sigurna da hocu. Necu dopustiti da me ista zezne. :D

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Kad nece niko da pise na ovoj temi moram ja (cotoha ce me zamrzeti eternally) :)








Anyway,as usual,ima problema sa copy/paste-om iz e-mail-a,ali sad sam nasao jos jedan izvor,pa evo copy/paste-a odatle:


The Magic Circle Festival Activities Tent! 

Wednesday - June 02, 2010


The Magic Circle Festival Activities Tent will be open on Friday, July 9th and Saturday, July 10th. It will be conveniently located in the middle of the campground and is certain to be party central.


The Magic Circle Festival Activities Tent will be the best place for you to have a great time, meet with your friends and most importantly, make lots of new friends who would die for metal just like you (and MANOWAR, but you already know that)!


In addition to plenty of beer and food, tent will feature activities for the fans by the fans. You'll be able to leave a message for MANOWAR on the 'Wall Of Metal', which will be located inside the mega tent. If you prefer to leave a video testimonial, the Manowar Video Team will be at the tent at select times throughout both days to interview fans. The footage will be given to the band and could possibly end up on a Manowar DVD! How cool is that?


There will also be Heavy Metal Karaoke, an Air Guitar Contest and the Manowar Lyric Game featuring lots of great prizes for the winners! So, start practicing!


In addition to these already stellar activities there will be sexy strippers and pole dancing shows, a sword fighting show and demonstration, and Wolfgang Hohlbein, Germany's best selling fantasy author and collaborator with MANOWAR on 'The Asgard Saga' project, will host a reading session (in German and in English) from his book THOR. Hohlbein will also be available for a Question & Answer and an Autograph Signing Session with fans. For more info on 'The Asgard Saga' project, visit www.asgard-saga.com


Are you into Norse Mythology? If so, get ready for the Norse Mythology Trivia Game; you'll be able to win great prizes!


Wanna prove that you are a true warrior of metal? Participate in "The Warrior's Triathlon" which includes beer drinking, Eric Adams-style screaming and an endurance test!


Witness what is probably the most popular and hottest fan event at Magic Circle Festivals: The Miss Manowar Contest! A real treat for the male audience! Open to the most beautiful and sexy female heavy-metal fans in the world: Manowar Fans! As usual there will be an incredible collection of prizes for the winner!


At the end of each night the tent will host the Heavy Metal Disco, so you can party with your friends, drink beer and enjoy the greatest heavy metal classics until dawn.


Don't miss out! The Magic Circle Festival Activities Tent is where the action is! If you would like to participate in any of these events, sign up NOW to guarantee your spot! Send an e-mail to [email protected] and include your:


- Full name

- Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY)

- City

- Country

- Mobile phone number

- And specify which contest(s) you would like to join in (Karaoke, Air Guitar, Manowar Lyric Game, Norse Mythology Trivia, The Warrior's Triathlon or Miss Manowar Contest).


The number of participants will be limited, so sign up early!


(You must be 18 or older to participate in The Warrior's Triathlon or in the Miss Manowar Contest)


You'll also be able to sign the Official Magic Circle Festival Guestbook (and even include a photo of yourself in the book if you bring it with you!).


Also, unfortunately, we will not be able to offer the Ultimate Fan Package at this Magic Circle Festival, but don't worry; the UFP will be back on future tours and festivals.


And by the way, admittance into the Magic Circle Festival Activities Tent is free.


For a detailed schedule of all the activities, click HERE. To buy your ticket for the Magic Circle Festival @ Metalcamp, click HERE.



  :rockdevil:  :rockdevil:  :rockdevil:








Ko ode na Metal Camp,a ne ode na ovo - taj je picka,taj nije metalac,i treba ga spaliti na lomaci  :rockdevil:




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e ljudi, kako nabavljate karte za ovo? drugaru bi trebale 2 jednodnevne ulaznice. kaze da je narucio preko metal camp sajta jos odavno i da mu nije stigao predracun i ne odgovaraju mu ni na mail... balkanska posla..

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To za Belvi je stvarno skoro dzaba,jer samo karta za Metal Camp (za sve dane) kosta 125 evra u Eventimu.


A ukupan aranzman u Belviju (karta za sve dane+put) je 140 evra.





Inace,ako je neko resio sam da se uputi tamo,izgleda da je najjednostavnija varijanta da se ode prvo do LJubljane (vozom il kako vec),a onda odatle ima bus za Tolmin.Kaze mi drug da je cena karte za bus 20 evra i da se putuje 2 i nesto sata do Tolmina (posto se putuje preko Alpa).



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hvala jludi za informacije! :pivopije:


jeste jako povoljna ona varijanta preko belvija ali ortak ide kod neke rodbine u italiju pa bi u prolazu uleteo da pogleda immortal. a ja bolestan ko ker i najverovatnije se necu oporaviti skroz do tad... :icon_ne::no: a i pare su mi problem pa ako idesh tamo na nedelju dana treba brdo hrane i pica itd a to znachi vise para.. ja bih bio neopisivo srecan ako bih uspeo otici na immortal a taj dan je i exodus :muzicar:

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otkazan organizovani prevoz preko belvija.. nedovoljan broj prijavljenih.. javio mi ortak, hteo da ide sa devojkom. prosle nedelje im je lik iz belvija rekao da ce mozda biti veca cena zbog nedovoljno prijavljenih ili da ce cak mozda biti otkazan prevoz, danas im je javio da je otkazano..

Edited by kiki

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