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Џонсон ph 5.5

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Everything posted by Џонсон ph 5.5

  1. Скоро сам поново упао у трип да преслушавам њихове албуме. Онакве гитаре... се не могу чути често. Легендаран бенд, уз Godspeed ме је увео у пост-рок.
  2. Баш бију. Оно што су одсвирали у суботу се не виђа често код нас. Дуго се нисам онако увукао у песму на на неком церту као на "Без" на Гориборовој свирци. Није певач онај из Супернаута, ово је други лик. Штета што овакав бенд мора да изда за хрватску кућу и тамо постане иоле познат да би људи чули за бенд овде.
  3. Rate Your Music Sigur Rós ( ) Reviews *** Scene: interior of Sigur Ros' management offices on a cold day in Iceland. All exchanges will be in English to make it easier for the reader. Manager: Alright lads!! How's it going? How's the new album? Come in, come in, give us the lowdown. You got a name for it yet? Jonsi: No, we're err, we're not going to have a title for this one. Manager: Right, right. Might be difficult, but I like it, yeah, good marketing point. Okay, but what about the songs, have they got...... Jonsi shakes his head slowly No, of course not, why have song titles if you haven't even called your album anything? Okay, I can probably get round that too. What I need is an idea, some themes, what are you singing about? Jonsi: Well, I'm not actually singing any words, just making noises with my mouth that sound a bit like words. Manager: O............K. Jonsi: Well, technically, it's our own made up language, but it doesn't mean anything. Essentially I'm just going la la la la, blurblurble, lala. Manager: Again, interesting, but I'm really going to be struggling selling this one to the public. You crazy kids. I mean, how are you going to sell this? Jonsi: Well, look here, look. Peer into the mystical sea shell and your questions will be answered. Inside the sea shell there is a vision of Heaven, it is the day after Judgement Day, the results are in and God is handing out the prizes. God: SO, THAT WAS THE CORRECT WAY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE. NOW, NEXT UP WE HAVE THE BEST ALBUM BY A NON ETHEREAL BEING. THE CONTENDERS ARE: RADIOHEAD, PINK FLOYD, THE BEATLES AND SIGUR ROS. SO, LET'S OPEN UP THE ENVELOPE. AH, MY FAVOURITE TOO, THE WINNER IS................SIGUR ROS WITH THEIR ALBUM WHICH IS UNUTTERABLE BECAUSE IT IS IN FACT THE WORD OF GOD, AND DOWN THERE ON EARTH, YOUR TINY LITTLE EAR DRUMS WOULD HAVE BLOWN APART IF YOU HEARD ME SPEAK. RYM Member with little respect for the supreme being: But why that one sir, why not Revolver? We all know that that is commonly regarded as being the best. God: WELL, WHY DON'T WE ASK MATTHEW OSBORNE, HE CAN PROBABLY EXPLAIN IT BETTER THAN I CAN. Matthew Osborne: Thanks God, the reason it is the best is because it can move you like when you realise that one day you're going to die, but at the same time it reminds you of all the goodness and light in the world. God: THANKS MATTHEW, VERY SUCCINCT AS USUAL. NOW, IF WE CAN MOVE ON TO THE NEXT CATEGORY OF BEST ASS.................. Jonsi closes the sea shell and gives the manager a knowing look Manager: Okay, I'm sold, that sounds pretty good, and a recommendation from Matthew Osborne gets my approval every time. One thing though lads, why didn't you just play me the album, rather than reveal that you have secret powers beyond those of mortal men? Jonsi: Well, that wouldn't have made for a very interesting review now, would it? екстра
  4. Феноменална је она компилација коју је неко поставио горе. Скип Џејмс - Девил Гат Мај Вуман је инстант класик. Могу увек да је слушам.
  5. Каже се 'најстроже'.
  6. Branko Miljkovic ne znam da li je bilo, mrzi me da gledam celu temu jedan od nasih najvecih pesnika
  7. RN je razbio u Inđiji, ali u fazonu ja i još 10 ljudi od cele publike smo znali pesme, pa je bio prilično mlak prijem. I nisu svirali Ne
  8. uploaduj obavezno bilo je fenomenalno, šteta što nije bilo u bašti, ali su svejedno svetski zvučali
  9. Minutemen - Double Nickels On the Dime Face to Face - Face to Face Propagandhi - Potemkin City Limits Nas - Illmatic Bad Copy - Najgori do sada
  10. mislim ja nisam od onih koji ih pljuju zato sto su promenili zvuk, po mom misljenju oni su ga samo unapredili ali mi je nekako glupo da izvode Ne iako mi je to jedna od omiljenih
  11. "... ne, ja necu postati novi ja cu uvek biti ko pre..."
  12. steta sto Sepultura nije sa Maxom sada, kako bi StS zvucala i onaj pevac iz Ignitea ubija... sad je ponovo razbio
  13. skinuo sam juce, prekjuce taj album-odlican je... ima nekih gej bendova za koje sam se plasio da ce da upropaste neke klasike ali je generalno ispalo sasvim dobro - npr. Walls of Jerich su razbili Us vs. Them
  14. juce sam dobio novi album evo sad ga pustam
  15. Ajzak je kraljina, ali meni je mnogo gotivniji u Bad Copy-ju nego solo
  16. aha, odlicno je bilo svirali su sve najjace pesme i Kebra je carina!
  17. jedino sto gotivim od njih je Final Countdown i to zato sto ju je Laibach obradio
  18. od Raised Fist-a obavezno slusajte Dedication i Ignoring the Guidelines, jbn remek-dela jel slusao neko novi Ignite? meni se bas svidja, njihov najjaci album do sada
  19. Seasons in the Abyss, Arise i Vulgar
  20. No Sleep 'til Hammersmith najjaci live album ikad.
  21. e, mrtav je onaj link gore aj neka neko stavi neki svez link ili neka upuje ako ga ne smara
  22. meni su Gorilla Biscuits najbolji youth crew bend, ali onaj Break Down the Walls od YoT-a je klasik stvarno ne znam jel slusao neko Raised Fist-mnogo dobar bend
  23. ma nova Pekinska patka je Multimedijino reizdanje dva albuma i singla Patke... meni nije lose
  24. prekosutra svirka... jbt, jedva cekam evo bas sad mi ide Ovaj zid stoji krivo-strasan bend
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