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Everything posted by freya

  1. Mnogo kvalitetan bend,originalan vokal.. Forever autumn mi se posebno izdvaja nekom atmosferom,smo da je malo bolja produkcija.
  2. Stvarno dosta metal textova zvuči patetično Al meni je tužan,tj.naslućujem da je tužan(ne mogu ga skroz provaliti jer ima dosta arhaičnih izraza)Theatre of tragedy-A distance there is Pa evo ako ga neko razumije 100%,nek kaže šta misli: Come in out of the rain thou sayest - but thou ne'er step'st aside; And I am trapp'd - A distance there is... None, save me and the bodkin - pitter-patter on the roof: Behold! - 'tis not the rain; thence me it has to be - I will not drink thy vintage wine, my dear; Thou hast heed'd that I am of innocence, yet thou let'st thy lass into peril - Thou let'st me be parched; My heart is of frailty, my pale skin is hued damask. When thou thy tears hast hidden, "Come back!", thou sayest - There I soon am to be - but how am I to run when my bones, my heart! Thou hast me bereaft! - But run thou sayest; I run - And there and then I behold that a time will come when I again dead will be. Thou tell'st me to leave without delay - I leave with my bodkin and my tears in my hands; Lo! - the shadows, the sky - descending; So by a dint of smite I gait ere I run and melt together with dusk. In my mind in which is this event, But it seems as if naught is to change anyway?! After all these years thou left'st me down in the emotional depths - The sombre soaked velvet-drape is hung upon me, Turning my feelings away from our so ignorant world: All the beatiful moments shared, deliberatlely push'd aside - ...a distance there is...[/color]
  3. TIAMAT-Wildhoney METALLICA-prva 4 albuma DREAM THEATRE-Scenes from a memory THERION-Vovin OPETH-Damnation
  4. Možda najmračnija muzika koju sam slušala!Imam THE UMBERSUN i WEEPING NIGHTS. Apocalyptično,nema šta Moon of ember je najjača!
  5. E jel ima ko neki link sa koga mogu skinuti Tarijinu novu pjesmu TIRED OF BEING ALONE??
  6. Zaista morbidna!Mračna muzika,nema šta. Al je poslužila kao velika inspiracija raznim metal bendovima,naročito black metal. Svejedno..mislim da je ne bih baš mogla slušati često,samo u posebnim raspoloženjima.
  7. Uh malo li je Kako je nam kavcima koji smo daleko od Bg.Ja samo: SOULFLY METALLICA MEGADETH BENEDICTION SLAYER Najveći je problem finansije,prenoćište u Bg ili Exitu i slično. Nikad neću preboljeti što ne vidjeh Therion! Mada moram reći da mi je Metallica upropastila sve koncerte koje ću ikad odgledati.Šteta što njih nisam vidjela zadnje..onako kao šlag na torti.
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