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Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by Predator

  1. Kume, kad je tebi sta bilo neobicno...mojne to kume!
  2. Kumashinstvo najvece i najstarije!
  3. E, novi album ce da bude do jaaaaaaaajaaaaaa.......
  4. Alo bre, kakve su to iskrenoce u avataru? Nedelja 00:00, pa to je veceras, da li odvojiti vreme na ustrb brutaliteta da se gleda druzionicarsko drustvo Rain Delay, pitanje je sad.
  5. Hehe, dobar naziv za album, momci ne odustaju, ako ako valja se.
  6. Au pa dobro da, dobro je. Treba pohvaliti kako su odradili poslednjih 30ak sekundi bezanije vozom i unistenje citadele. Jako lepo. Ovime su taman napravili mesta za sledecu epizodu koja verujem nece biti poslednja ove godine.
  7. Covek iz Shumu, i dalje se pilji a? Alal vera.
  8. Auuu, secam se tog Dune RPG-a. "Malo" je ruzno izgledalo... Al je bilo dobro, hm ja mislim da je to to sa po malo elemenata strategije.
  9. He, to bi bilo isto kao da kazemo za Aeternus da je Dark metal ili pak za Dissection tamo sve sto je Jon kenjtrao o svom bendu. Evil, hateful, satanic bla bla. Inace nisam bio ozbiljan za Turisas.
  10. Stos je u tome sto battle metal vec postoji, al to nije Manegarm. Pre ce biti Turisas. I njemu slicni...
  11. Skinuh i ovaj novi, pa da, sta reci, vm. Sasvim ocekivano od Manegarma. Hm, jedino nekako malo pesama...no dobro.
  12. Hahaha! Mocvarni akrep. E da, samo si zaboravio "gorilica".
  13. Hehe, ne znam bas koliko je ovo RPG no - Moon Stone! To je kvlt!
  14. Sad but true. Editor pre avgusta.
  15. Hohoho, evo i patcha. NARAVNO, u njemu ni govora o Editoru il pak Random Map Generatoru. Evo changeliste: Features added: - Auto-patcher - EASY mode Bugfixes: - MP does not start if the player states differ - "Ubi.com error" message does not appear after a win in a rating game - Random cities use name and description from map - Profile screen fixes (experience, alignment) - Haven: stables message is back, other messages fixed - Profile screen: random race games now shown correctly - Camera glitches in Rebellion' campaign map cutscene removed - Item selection in lobby screen fixed - Ghost mode 'guard' command fixed - Ghost mode after disconnection turn transfer fixed - Profile info for other players now accessible - Map info for MP games is localized - The spells added by the library are given to the hero immediately - MP game preferences panel fixed - "Resisted" combat text fixed - Training games results are not reported to Ubi.com now - Hero perk rolls fixed - Elemental creatures not affecting by Wasp Swarm spell now - Druid Elder's Mana Feed ability fixed - Temptress hero specialization fixed - Some points of Combat AI fixed - 'The Promise' campaign map 3-th cutscene sound fixed - ATBBar refresh fixed - Separate stacks displayed in Combat Results - Heroes planned paths searching at turn start/after whirlpool fixed - Invalid level ups (double skill increases) blocked - Representation of heroes on boats in ghost mode now is correct - After all players disconnected from Ghost mode game ending correctly - Combat pathfinder does not ignore the moat - Artifact Merchant submenu can not be called by hotkey without the building - Reconnected players can't see themselves on Ubi.com now - Dark Raider retaliation strike fixed - Creatures under Berserk spell effect always attack now - Refined Mana perk fixed - Hut of Magi still shows areas after pressing Esc key - Castle gates are closed immediately - Zero-count monsters on low difficulty levels fixed - Water shaders fixed - Startup videos playback fixed - Grail map called from underground fixed - Ghost mode phase message fixed - Sound glitches fixed - MP game name length is restricted - Interface sounds are not 3d fixed - Fixed prerequisites for Urgash's Call, it was impossible to take it. - Campaign map 'The Conquest' Main Sylvan hero Gilraen weakened, his script fixed - Maeve added as haven random hero - double hero portraits prevented - Now after 'The Attack' campaign map loading right 'Invasion' map instead 'The Regicide' map - 'The Defence' campaign map scripts fixed - Shadow Witches have new model - 'The Cultist's' campaign map garrison fixed - Credits fixed - 'The March' campaign map keymaster blocked for AI - Demon character fixed - Zehir's flag color changed - Map tags fixed for MP maps - AI-geometry for Pyramid and shipwrecks fixed - Dungeon town: Grim Enclosure and lightmaps fixed - Random heroes on MP maps fixed - Hero Jhora gets Magic Missile spell due to her specialization description - Inferno and Necropolis lightmaps recalculated - Maeve hero Tactics removed - '954 YSD: Hot Pursuit': some map objects fixed - 'Dragon Pass': object fixed, rebalanced - fixed instant travel holes - Duel presets rebalanced - 'The Betrayal' campaign map message for garrison approach added - 'The Expansion'campaigm map multiple fixes added (hero skills, messages, added guards) - 'Raelag's Offer' campaign map: texture near Inferno Military Post fixed - The game works with onboard video and some of the older video cards now - LAN games can now be played in different segment configurations Dosta al ipak nedovoljno. Ima ovde da se skine.
  16. Slazem se. Mozda mu treba jos vremena.
  17. Vaistinu, vise je na cim nego prvi hl2. Ako valja se to. Tek sam ga malo igrao al za sad je dobro.
  18. Hehe, nema nista bez random map generatora.
  19. Sa zakasnjenjem da kazem samo da je Armada maestralan album! Istina nije bas standardni black al sta smeta, valja...
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