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Iskreni članovi
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Posts posted by Osiris

  1. Au jebem ti sunce, ala je ovo dobro. U odnosu na trenutnu muzicku scenu ovo mi dodje tako osvezavajuce, kao onaj bokal limunade s omota u ove vrele dane...

    Album godine u najavi, posto mi novi Opeth i Textures od kojih najvise ocekujem pomalo smrde...

  2. Lots of exciting stuff happening in camp Townsend!


    First off we have just announced full album playback shows at University London Union´s venue where the DTP will perform the albums ´Addicted´ and ´Deconstruction´ from front to back. Together with the already sold out ´Ki´ and ´Ghost´ album shows the four gigs combined are the accumulation of two years of highly successful touring which brought the DTP to all corners of the world.


    The dates are as follows:

    November 2011

    10th – UK, London, Union Chapel – KI SHOW (Sold Out!)

    11th – UK, London, ULU – ADDICTED SHOW

    12th – UK, London, ULU – DECONSTRUCTION SHOW

    13th – UK, London, Union Chapel – GHOST SHOW (Sold Out!)


    In addition to general admission tickets all four shows also offer VIP packages which contain some pretty exclusive goodies as well as a meet n greet with the whole band and early access to the venues. Only a handful of VIP packages left for the Union Chapel shows. More information on this can be found here: www.hevydevy.com/tours/


    And of course we wouldn´t pass on the opportunity to film all four shows for a DVD box set release to come out sometime next year.

  3. Evans sabio, jebiga nije Schleck imao sta da trazi danas... Sutra treba da se desi cudo da Evans ne zadrzi zutaru, tipa da ga pogodi meteor, jer, kako kazu, u poslednjoj etapi nema begova, to je valjda neko nepisano pravilo...

  4. Pratim i ja, kad prodje skupstina pa ako ostane jos nesto malo od etape, posto mogu jedino na rts-u jer nemam kablovsku... Inace, ona dva komentatora ubijaju u pojam koliko smaraju, jedan drugom upadaju u rec ko ludi, jedan drugome zavrsavaju recenice, al se ovaj Matic uvek zajebe pa ga onaj strucni ispravlja, ma ubijaju...

    Inace, navija se za Andy Schleck-a, prosle godine mu je izmakla titula za dlaku, ove godine isto ima sansu al' ce morati da zapne zestoko...

  5. Following the turbulent and successful release of “Road Salt One” in the year 2010 and the touring activities in its support which climaxed with shows in India and South America earlier this year, Sweden's PAIN OF SALVATION can now reveal the cover artwork and tracklisting for the “Road Salt Two” album as follows:


    PAIN OF SALVATION – “Road Salt Two”


    1. Road Salt Theme

    2. Softly She Cries

    3. Conditioned

    4. Healing Now

    5. To The Shoreline

    6. Eleven

    7. 1979

    8. The Deeper Cut

    9. Mortar Grind

    10. Through The Distance

    11. The Physics Of Gridlock

    12. End Credits


    “Road Salt Two” is scheduled for a September 26th, 2011 release date in Europe and an October 11th, 2011 release date in North America via InsideOutMusic.




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  6. Pravo da ti kazem i jesu, pre par godina u Novom Sadu, i bas sam posle toga imao takve paranoicne tripove i nisam se osecao bezbedno tamo, mada mi je sad ok, tako da ga potpuno razumem, samo mi bilo malo smesno ono kad je rekao da tripuje kako bi covek koji sedne pored njegove zene mogao biti serijski ubica... :smile:

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