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Iskreni članovi
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Posts posted by rebel_grunge

  1. Да, али ми је стварно жао што не знаш колико ја тебе уствари волим!!!

    Volish me ? icon_uhoh.gif Zhao mi je, ali ti se meni ne svidjash. icon_cool.gif

    * stavio sam naochare i sad sam coooool

  2. Sreckov studio AMADEUS rulz icon_smile.gif)) 300 kinti proba od 2 sata. Imaju bunjeve + pojachalo+ pojachalo + bas pojachalo + mikrofon, sve je 20ak godina staro, a sve to u 2 kvadrata. Ako odluchite da iznajmite bas, ponesite 100 kinti vishe + neki alat za odvrtanje chivija.

  3. We chase misprinted lies.

    We face the path of time.


    And yet I fight,

    And yet I fight

    This battle all alone.

    No one to cry to

    No place to call home.


    My gift of self is raped.

    My privacy is raked.


    And yet I find,

    And yet I find

    Repeating in my head:

    If I can't be my own

    I'd feel better dead...



  4. NE VERUJEM!!!!!!


    CNN news,30th march:


    "...Unfortunately we have to let you know that entire Pearl Jam crew including band members had terrible airplane accident last night from Seattle to Boston.Nobody has survived.I am so confused right now and don't know what to say in this very sad moment for all of us..."

    interview by KAT,10c pearl jam


    ...nemam reci









    ....sem aprilili icon_smile.gif

    God damn you ! icon_mad.gif Ja chitam post 5 puta i razmishljam 'ok,neshto nije u redu sa mojim engleskim'... icon_mrgreen.gif





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