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Vic Rattlehead

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Everything posted by Vic Rattlehead

  1. Dave ima potpuno pravo da odjebe takve bendove i uzme za predgrupu koga hoće. Nas ne treba da bude briga za to. Uostalom, većina tih bendova koji se lože na satanizam veze nemaju sa muzikom, tako da nije velika šteta.
  2. Snimaju ponovo prvi album za američku izdavačku kuću.
  3. Pa valjda su trenutno u studiju, a datum izlaska se samo nagađa. Valjda. Ali, sigurno neće još, nedavno im je onaj film izašao. Je l' njega gledao neko?
  4. E meni tek sad nije ništa jasno!!! Izgleda da je tačno i jedno i drugo!
  6. Dobro ti je naš najiskreniji trešer rekao!!! Bombarder zakon!!!
  7. Takođe sam našao i ovo: Anonymous writes "LEGENDARY ROCKERS HEAD BACK TO SCHOOL FOR NEW SOUNDTRACK PROJECT ALICE COOPER, IAN GILLAN, DAVE MUSTAINE, BILLY IDOL, ANN WILSON AND MORE TEAM UP WITH MUSIC STUDENTS FOR THE 'ROCK SCHOOL' SOUNDTRACK 'ROCK SCHOOL' SOUNDTRACK SET FOR RELEASE VIA TRILLION RECORDS ON MAY 31, 2005 The soundtrack to the much-anticipated film 'Rock School' will be released on May 31, 2005 through Trillion Records. The documentary, which will hit theaters early this summer through NewMarket Films, chronicles the inception and success of Paul Green's School Of Rock Music, which was founded in Philadelphia in 1999 to teach young musicians and singers to play and perform classic rock 'n' roll. Produced by Grammy® Award-winning Phil Nicolo (Lauryn Hill, The Roots, Train), the soundtrack to Rock School takes a unique approach by featuring the actual students that appeared in the film re-recording hits alongside legends like Alice Cooper, Deep Purple's Ian Gillan, Yes' Jon Anderson, The Police's Stewart Copeland, The Ramones' Marky Ramone, Heart's Ann Wilson, Megadeth's Dave Mustaine, and Billy Idol. The track listing is as follows: 1. “Black Magic Woman” Gregg Rolie 2. “I Wanna Be Sedated” Marky Ramone/Tyson Ritter of The All American Rejects 3. “School’s Out” Alice Cooper 4. “Barracuda” Ann Wilson 5. “Highway Star” Ian Gillan 6. “LA Woman” The Paul Green School of Rock Music 7. “Heart Of The Sunrise” Jon Anderson 8. “Rebel Yell” Billy Idol 9. “Don’t Stand So Close To Me” Stewart Copeland 10. “Iron Man” The Paul Green School of Rock Music 11. “Peace Sells” Dave Mustaine 12. “Hocus Pocus” The Paul Green School of Rock Music “When the producers asked me to be a part of Rock School, I said okay and asked them to send me a track of the kids performing our song. What I heard was a bunch of kids giving it 100%, and it sounded great. It was good fun,” said Ian Gillan of Deep Purple who performs the band’s hit “Highway Star” on the soundtrack. 'Rock School' is the soundtrack to more than just a temporary fantasy camp. It's the beginning of the kids' new way of life. The movie trailer can now be viewed at an FTP site (in QuickTime, Windows Media and Real Player formats in small, medium and large sizes): http://www.liquid8records.com/video/trailer.htm.
  8. Soldier of Fortune, Send me an Angel, Wind of Change, a od domaćih Invazija - VEČERAS.
  9. Mislim da je ova tema gdje joj je i mjesto - zar da Therion bude na istom forumu kao i Dream Theater ili Blind Guardian?
  10. Izgleda da su baš velika kuća...
  11. Baš ću sad da googleujem Reality Entertainment.
  12. Pazi da ti ne bude previše!
  13. Nema, imam ih ja na kompjuteru. A gdje si ti čuo da se pominje Rock School?
  14. Ali gluplji naziv za grupu odavno nisam čuo!!!
  15. Ni u jednom postu prije ovoga nije pominjao School of Rock (imam ih 20-ak kopiranih na kompjuter).
  16. Droogies! Well, today was very interesting indeed. I was approached to sing over a cover version of "Peace Sells" for a movie/soundtrack. This version was done by young kids from the "Real" School of Rock, the story that Jack Black based his hilarious comedy film on. Things got interesting when I got to the studio and Lance said that the producers never sent the drives with all of the tracks on it. Uh, whoops?!? So, hours are grumbling by, and we finally get the track downloaded off of the internet, but naturally it is not in the correct format. Now, a great deal of time later we finally start working and things are clicking. I only had to make a slight adjustment to the arrangement, but excluding that, these kids were terrific! Thank God for that, because from the moment I walked back into Phase Four, I absolutely hated it. It seems that the owner has built a patio over the parking lot, got a liqour license, and now runs a very public bar over what SHOULD be a very private studio. I asked him (the owner) about having the place locked out (which means I am the only one there - that's how I like to work) because I heard a lot of people talking and he said, "I specifically said there was a bar now, and no one was to come down these steps, blah, blah, blah, biddy-boop a lop, an a jizz jazz a razz." I guess you can see I turned off my ears while he was playing hot shot telling me about his "bar" meanwhile a wanker bartender comes down the steps right after his sermon. I had hoped to have time to go see Mike Learn, Mike Ferguson – the fabricator making the new drum rack (so we can get rid of the one Nick played), and get my ears lowered, but the day was completely shot. I did however see Ralph Patlan and we talked about a lot of cool stuff coming up. I wish you all could meet this dude; he is awesome! Anyway, "Peace Sells" has now been officially sung by me with the "School of Rock" kids and will be hopefully in yer sweaty mitts sometime soon. If not for the (hopefully) awesome version that these kids did, then just for the fact that they are little guys playing Megadeth. Thanks to my dear friend Bob Chipardi for the tremendous opportunity to get outside of the box and do something that I would not normally do. And thanks to the kids and the "School of Rock" for even thinking about me. I look forward to meeting you all personally someday soon. __________________ MSGD!
  17. Svaka čast, samo naprijed!!! Baš bih volio da vas čujem!
  18. I ja, ali on je u nekom postu na zvaničnom forumu objasnio grešku i rekao da je oduvijek bilo "sinking". Jeste li znali da su djeca iz School of Rock odsvirala Peace Sells, i da im je Dave, kao specijalni gost, to otpjevao?
  19. Moram i ja da te ispravim: It gives me a migraine headache SINKING down to your level.
  20. Kako si to uspio? Webmaster je Dave McRobb, zar ne?
  21. Kako je ovo dobat bend!!! Imam Awakening the Centuries i Eppur Si Muove, oduševljavaju me svaki put kad ih slušam, pogotovo ovaj prvi!!!
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