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Everything posted by ResurrectioN

  1. (416): Dude, she's so old there's a chalk outline where her reproductive organs used to be.
  2. 'Oce. http://xxxxxxxx/level2.htm -> http://xxxxxxxx/level3.htm
  3. Ah, zvazda skocko pik fazon 2 kljuca uzeo i palim. 3. kad se vratim. Dojaj glavolomka.
  4. Mene nervira onaj "tranzistor".
  5. Samo pomocu ovog gore ili ima medjukorak? (ako ima nemoj da mikazes sta je) Nemojte da spojlujete EDIT: Otvoren sef XD
  6. (717): i just ate something from under my fingernail. i dont know what it was, but it tasted half decent Bash.org ? Potencijalno, ali jos je "mlad" sajt pa im mala arhiva. Sa bash-a: <Khassaki> HI EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!! <Judge-Mental> try pressing the the Caps Lock key <Khassaki> O THANKS!!! ITS SO MUCH EASIER TO WRITE NOW!!!!!!! <Judge-Mental> fuck me <MooseOnDaLoose> Hey Mike <goatboy> what? <MooseOnDaLoose> Pussy. <goatboy> er? <MooseOnDaLoose> Pussy. <goatboy> and? <MooseOnDaLoose> Pussy. <goatboy> ... <MooseOnDaLoose> Pussy. <goatboy> i dont get it <MooseOnDaLoose> AND YOU NEVER WILL. <goatboy> bastard
  7. http://www.textsfromlastnight.com/ best nights: (812): My girlfriend went down on me and as she did she hummed the theme from star wars and pretended my dick was a lightsaber...I'm buying the engagement ring tomorrow (214): Sex on bubble wrap = best decision ever. (775): before smithy murders me i need you to know 3 things. 1) i got with smithy's little sister last night. 2) i will always love you like my own brother. 3) smithy's little sis digs anal. worst nights: (314): So I went on a date with this girl...and whos our waitress? My girlfriend got a second job she didn't tell me about to afford my bday present. (404): Can I crash on your couch? I just came home to find my wife giving two guys blowjobs. (1-404): Two? (404): Two. (603): not only are you not the girl i fell in love with, but from the looks of it, you ate her (514): just so you know, the whole club saw your tits last night. and booed.
  8. Prekjuce sam seo i procitao poslednjih 40 epizoda (od 60ak) Transperopolitena u jednom dahu. Odlican je strip a narocito mi se svido deo gde su pojedin epizode posvecene apektima tog buduceg drustva u meglaopolisu.
  9. I bolje bi ga sacuvala da je naputila cionicu nego se svadjala i tukla sa kretenom. Pa? Jel ona treba zbog toga posebno da se potrese i da se izjada na svom blogu sto deca imaju naopake uzore i idole? I ovako moze da joj se obije oglavu pocevsi od toga sto je i protiv nje pokrenut postupak.
  10. Kakva hiperbola. Cinjenica je da ti se nepostojanje dosijea uzima kao olaksavajuca okolnost ali nije bas da radi u slucajevim ubistva i ostalih teskh krivicnih dela. I taj afekt koji pominjes je olaksavajuca okolnost jer nisi pri cistoj svesti. Three stirkes law radi ovako I saglasan sam sa postom iznad.
  11. Poceo danas i stigao ad 4te epizode. Zanimljivo stivo za sad. So this Zealot comes to my door, all glazed eyes and clean reproductive organs, asking me if I ever think about God. So I tell him I killed God. I tracked God down like a rabid dog, hacked off his legs with a hedge trimmer, raped him with a corncob, and boiled off his corpse in an acid bath. So he pulls an alternating-current taser on me and tells me that only the Official Serbian Church of Tesla can save my polyphase intrinsic electric field, known to non-engineers as"the soul." So I hit him. What would you do?
  12. Mozda je neko vec pomenuo: Pogotovo preporucujem ljubiteljima Gejmenovih radova.
  13. <Firefly> Time for my prayers: <Firefly> Our Father, who 0wnz heaven, j00 r0ck! <Firefly> May all 0ur base someday be belong to you! <Firefly> May j00 0wn earth just like j00 0wn heaven. <Firefly> Give us this day our warez, mp3z, and pr0n through a phat pipe. <Firefly> And cut us some slack when we act like n00b lamerz, just as we teach n00bz when they act lame on us. <Firefly> Please don't give us root access on some poor d00d'z box when we're too pissed off to think about what's right and wrong, and if you could keep the fbi off our backs, we'd appreciate it. <Firefly> For j00 0wn r00t on all our b0x3s 4ever and ever, 4m3n. <blazemore> omg i love this song <blazemore> Now playing: Unknown Artist - Track 2 @ 128 Kbps. (0:47/3:24) <Javi> blazemore: yeah, that's a bad ass song bash.org
  14. Trebalo mi je vremena da nadjem stari sejv:
  15. ResurrectioN


    Malo zajebano ako se pokvari rajfeslus.
  16. Jel problem sto je protagonista smrt ili sto "proziva" metalce? Ako je toliko neukusno s obzirom na situaciju, mada ne vidim kakve veze ima sa istom, najmanji mi je problem da editujem.
  17. http://www.autoblog.com/2009/05/26/franco-...2cv-hybrid-w-v/
  18. How many Vietnam vets does it take to screw in a light bulb? You don't know, man. You don't KNOW. Cause you weren't THERE
  19. Podseti me sa tim "Juzna Amerika": jednom sam krenuo sa Inkama i ziv se smorio; prvih 100 godina stavio na fast forward kad sam vazalizovao neke narode u Centralnoj Americi i samo su se pojavili Spanci i rasturili me. Kakva je EU3 odnosu na EU2? Koje su bitnije izmene? Turci rasturaju u EU2, pogotovo kad, nedugo po pocetku, vladar postane Mehmed II koji ima 2. po redu njjace statove u igri (posle Napoleona).
  20. Njazajebanija je Grenada, muslimanska zemlja sa jendom provincijom na granici sa Spanijom - nema gore. Ni Srbiji nije lako izmedju Turaka i Ungra a pravoslavace nigde i diplomatija nepostojeca.
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