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Shores Of Antartica

Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by Shores Of Antartica

  1. Kroz par dana info o nabavci demoa za Srbiju bice postavljen na sajt...
  2. Nisam ja rekao da nisu u redu nego rekoh da to nisu originali postavljeni od strane clanova benda... Kakve zalbe?
  3. Ni ne moze se naci. To su adaptacije drugih ludi i pitanje da li su tacne jer Gaahl je rekao u intiju da on nikad nije objavljivao tekstove tako da pazite sta imate i da li je dobro...
  4. www.unchained-magazine.com - E vandale
  5. Pa vuk jeste poseban ako svi pevaju o vukovima Nego fin je back diska, onaj pentagram sto je onako zabledeo nad pejzazom pod punim mesecom i ima i dosta dobru ljubicastu boju. Ajde videcu da skeniram disk pa da okacim da ljudi komentarisu.
  6. Kako ko gleda, ja vise ne vidim atmosferu koji su stvarali na ranijim albumima, ja vidim samo tehnicki odradjen album bez imalo duse, a ako za tebe enrgija postoji to je ok ja sam rekao samo kako ja gledam na to.
  7. Fina diskusija... Mada negde procitah post o unosenju energije i slazem se. Treba jaka energija energija da se unese u black metal da bi se stvorila atmosfera. Tako danas u sinjem moru bendova ti po energiji osecas koji su debilni sto kazu childish black metal bendovi jer energija dolazi iz inspiracije, a ispiracija dolazi iz tvog razuma i ono oko cega se zalazes. Ono iza cega stojis u svako vreme u svakom trenutku. A ako ne stojis iza toga onda sve pada u vodu. Mozes da sviras black metal koliko hoces i da bude primitivan ali to nije to. Tako je i sa Satyriconom, oni su ljudi u pocetku znali sta zele i prva tri albuma su predstavili njihov rad i tu energiju, ali kako novac i slava su ih obuzeli tako je ta energija izceznula i nece se vratiti sve dok im novac i slava budu pratilje... Eto toliko od mene.
  8. Da optuznici dodamo i napastvovanje maloletnica
  9. Ja sam ga vec nabavio iako sve ovo vec posedujem po demoima i albumima. Iskreno naziv "Sons Of Eastern Darkness" . Zaboravih pitati sto je nisu nazvali "Sons Of Serbian Darkness", ali ajde...
  10. Ja mislim da ti je to od drogiranja
  11. Upravo zato mi je jedan od najdrazih. Lepo se uklapa uz muziku mada bi album po meni cak bio bolji od Let the... da su ubacili one horove sa Land of The Dead sa Oatha na neke delove tih pesama. A sto se tice atmosfere Minas Morgul je majka. Taj nekako ima i najpotpuniji zvuk...
  12. Ajde evo nesto o ovom bendu sta sam dobio na mail: Blessing Force" brings together two of the most revered instrumentalists of our time who join together in an unparalleled musical exchange of compositional skills and soloing abilities, creating a high energy neo-classical prog album that ranks among the greatest in the genre. Great and powerful Progressive Metal. The name "Blessing Force" is synonymous with modern musical virtuosity. Zoran's an amazing guitar player who brings out classical and metal influences within the hard rock forum. Blessing force is an all instrumental offering comprised of aggressive rock and metal compositions which highlight compositional prowess and legendary guitar and keyboard skills. Joined by keyboard player Laila Afsoon (Faith, Love & Hope, Eclipse), Zoran returns to the intense neo-classical style that established him as one of the most innovative musicians of our time. Blessing Force is a stunning instrumental barrage of outstanding musicianship and is rooted deeply in the progressive neo-classical style that generated a legion of loyal fans. "The First Resurection" is the Zoran A. Jovanovic album prog and guitar fans have been eagerly anticipating. Incredible rhythmns, ensemble playing, and great melodies create a tight canvas for each player's phenomenal soloing ability. Blessing Force delves deeper into the Metal Virtuoso idiom, soloing over advanced rhythmic patterns and adventurous chord progressions. Spectacular album from those fabulous players with a display of virtuoso guitar and keyboard playing and great melodic songs. Zoran has gained a reputation as being one of the most melodic but powerful guitar players in the metal and rock arena. Great and spectacular work on this album from those highly talented musicians will blow you away. The members of the band, these amazing live and studio artists are: Vocals: Marko Mishic - One of the founding member, being his long experience singing in Prog Metal bands. Before participated in other side projects, as well as being finalist in national and international singing competitions. The stuff of singing which flits in his voice runs across Soto's to Halford's with the mist of Boal's and Dio's unique style. Keyboards: Laila Afsoon - Classical strains of philharmonic orchestra in an apparent heavy-duty Metal magic. Stringblaze that fills the music with symphony and unbelieving harmony that flits on their songs. The charm and beauty are fascinating, intense; but surely unveiled and wrapped in folds of an eternal mist of an orchestra and assault of violines with gurgle of santur. So there you are. A specific string of surprises in store. Started playing in bands while in high school. Formed a band called "Eclipse" in 1984, which eventually evolved into "Faith, Love & Hope" in 2001. She has actively participated in recording sessions for other artists since then, as well as forming "Blessing Force" with Zoran A.G. Jovanovic. Drums: Ivan - Pivce, He has been parcipiated in many jazz & blues projects for many years, and in session with other musicians, as well as amazing studio artist. Also, well-known as a great guitar and bass player of ex-Yugoslavia and abroad. At present, he is taking parts in some International projects with other studio artist from France and Italy, so his frequent moving from one place to another and meeting with new prosperios musicians, makes his music become so popular in the cities he performs. Bass: Marko - Trichko, He has been playing the guitar and bass for eleven years. A very modern bass playing with new techniques which makes it sound so perfect and strong. He is also in session with other prog musicians, and has been participated in other side projects too. Also member of the band "Corridor" Guitars: Zoran A.G. Jovanovic - the band’s guitar master and frontman, writes his own lyrics and composes his own notes. Influenced by guitar legends like Yngwie Malmsteen, Jason Becker, Tony MacAlpine, Vinnie Moore, Paul Gilbert, Marty Friedman, Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Patrick Rondat and bands like Dream Theater, they have hit the international music scene with a vengeance. While you are watching his amazing playing and listening to the guitar you will find that his guitar doesn't play, then it simply talk. Formed a band in 2001, the Neo-Classical Progressive Metal band Faith, Love & Hope. Founding member of "Mr.Body Builder", as well as executive producer. After the demise of Mr.Body Builder, participated in recording sessions for other artists as well as other side projects. Also fronts the band Blessing Force. The band's guitarist and keyboardist arose the attacks in the cities of ex-Yugoslavia with their previous bands and bore prominent strokes and brilliant progress in Canada and India. Current Line-Up: Marko Mishic - Vocals Laila Afsoon - Keyboards Ivan - Pivce - Drums Marko - Trichko - Bass Zoran A.G. Jovanovic - Guitars Previous members: Gary Bramil - Vocals (on "Into The Flames") He has long experience singing in Death Metal bands. Participated in other side projects, such as "Cobi's Death" and "Treatfull Silence", as well as being finalist in national and international singing competitions. Discography: 2005 "The First Resurection (Promo CD)" - Independent Into The Flames The Throne of the Sky Prayer of Undeceased Souls Evo vam jedna stavr tj link : Direct Link to download the song 'Into the Flames' - "Neoclassical Progressive Death Metal": http://www.badongo.com/file/1561346
  13. To je zato sto nemas pojma o kvalitetnoj muzici Inace jako dobar bend evo poceh da sakupljam njihove originale (nadam se da cu stici Morgana ). Inace Let The Heroes je jako dobar album kao i Oath Bound mada mi je jako dobar i Stronghold nekako malo odudara od navedenih
  14. Moze i da se snima 50 evra po pesmi vadljda...
  15. Stevo siso jedna kad ces bre da mi vratis onaj mikrofon? Ima godinu dana da je kod tebe a sad mi vec jako treba a jos si mi duzan i pice
  16. Dobro ja znam sadasnju postavu jer je pevac/gitaros sin moje bivse profesorke geografije...
  17. http://www.mor.st/ Eto black metal bend Mor je sada i webu. Demo "U Spoznaji" je izdat kroz Forgotten Wisdom http://www.forgottenwisdomprod.fr.st/ Ajde komentari posto su i ranije svirali uzivo...
  18. Ma neka posalje na black metal i reseno...
  19. Evo da ja prokomentarisem... Ova dva snimka zvuce bas dobro a bilo bi lepo da ostavite info o tracklistu EPa i kako se moze nabaviti...
  20. Evo ja da pomognem 30kn je 300 dinara pa vi racunajte koliko je to u evrima.
  21. 1. Graveland - Thousand Swords 2. Catamenia - Closed gates of hope 3. Nokturnal Mortum - Kolyada 4. Vike Tare - Low tide (Tide Of Relevation pt.2) 5. Summoning - Legend Of Master-Ring 6. The Stone - Zakon Sile - Trijumf Smrti 7. Carpticon - The imprint of corrupted souls 8. May Result - Mesec je sad sa nama 9. Sutthof - Vampyric Metarmophosis 10. Gontina Kry - Krew Naszych Ojców Ovo nije to 10 pesama koje su najbolje ali njih sam ono cesto vrteo/im u playeru a sto se tice top deset to ce biti bendovi koji su vec kult Bathory, Gorgoroth, Marduk, Mayhem, Satyricon, Burzum, Emperor, Dimmu Borgir, Graveland, Nokturnal Mortum etc.
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