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Everything posted by Valtiel

  1. Ako bas hoces, mogu napisati neke mirror linkove tog koncerta ali i ovi od pre rade, ne vidim u cemu je problem.
  2. Black Symphony koncert izglada kao na pijaci, nije dovoljno imati simfonijski orkestar da bi zvucalo dobro, gitare monotone i u desetom planu i nek sad kazu da je WT jos uvek metal. Nesto kao Epica, kao da nema gitara. Bezveze.
  3. Ja procitah tako na sajtu jednog fan kluba, a ti ako hoces namerno da me miniras - pitaj ih da nam sviraju Hijo De La Luna.
  4. Posto vidim da se prica o Hijo De La Luna, nju su svirali samo u juznoj americi umesto Herr Mannelig ali je nece biti za evropski deo turneje.
  5. Skoro pogledah The Novella Vosselaar - Live in Belgium DVD i jako su ubedljivi uzivo.
  6. Zanimljivo je da su u apsolutno svim magazinima dobili maksimalne ocene za oba albuma ali prodaja je isla vrlo slabo.
  7. 1. Intro 2. Tales Of Ithiria 3. Per Aspera Ad Astra 4. In A Fullmoon Procession 5. Observer 6. The Day As Heaven Wept 7. The Sleeping Child 8. Herr Mannelig 9. De La Morte Noire 10. La Terra Santa 11. Heavenly Damnation 12. Final Victory 13. Upon Fallen Autumn Leaves 14. Prophecy Fulfilled 15. Eppur Si Muove ------------------------------------------- Bis 1: In A Pale Moons Shadow Bis 2: Awaking The Centuries
  8. Pu, kaki je aljav ovaj rapidshare, ne mogu nadjem "Fervent Dream" a da link nije dead. O tempora, o mores.....
  9. Da, Nanovar cuveni. Hvala za pohvale za sajt mog benda\projekta.
  10. A LETTER TO TARJA (Tuomas version of A Letter To Dana, Sonata Arctica) Tarja my darling I'm writing to you 'Cause I'm kicking you out, don't have no doubt I don't want you in the band anymore I used to hope you'd break up, but not anymore Tarja You're eyes didn't betray you, this letter is real I'm not really sorry for the pain that you feel And I hope Marcelo and you die in misery Tarja my darling I'm finally free Tarja my darling I'm writing to you 'Cause the dead boy is dead, it was really really sad And I wanted Simone as the singer at first But we took you instead, we must be cursed Little Tarja Turunen oh Tarja my dear How I'm glad that you are not here We decided for Tarja Turunen one day To leave us away, far away No you can't suprise me anymore I slept with Marco before And it's so easy to let you go Tarja, Tarja, Tarja, TARJA I don't think that I told you, Jukka and I slept together But I know Marcelo is holding you, and just for you to know I slept with him too It's a sin, fucking with him, love is the feeling that I feel now I wish I could throw you out again, but I already did Simone is hotter than you Tarja oh Tarja I'm writing to you You probably didn't know that, I slept with Emppu too I'm old and I'm feeling like a fish By the way now the band's name is Faggotwish Little Tarja Turunen oh Tarja my dear How I'm glad that you are not here We decided for Tarja Turunen one day To leave us away, far away
  11. Uh, kako je jaka "His Cold Touch (Part 1)". Nisam znao da su imali growl jer sam poceo da ih slusam kad su izdali Clod Light Of Monday.
  12. Trebao si napisati i pass da ne moram da provaljujem.
  13. Ja licno imam Cold Light OF Monday i Still pa sam se dao u potragu za Fervent Dream (EP) i The Window Purpose. Ima li linkova neko?
  14. www.lux-venefica.tk Neo-Classical Dark Ambient iz Prokuplja.
  15. Ovde se ne komentarise konkretan izgovor vec samo glas.
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