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Blinded by Tear

Iskreni članovi
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Posts posted by Blinded by Tear

  1. Jedan od boljih i nezaboravnih dozivljala za pamcenje je koncert Nightwish, ne samo zbog atmosfere i ludog provoda, vec zbog jednog frajera... icon_mrgreen.gif


    Inace rata se sjecam... tesko djetinjstvo koje zaboraviti ne mogu, ma koliko got htjela, uvjek ce slike da mi se vracaju... sta da se prica, ko je prolazio kroz slicno, zna kako je.

  2. Meni nije prvi put da padnem u nesvjest, vec dva puta mi se desilo u vozu, tokom vracanja doma s faxa, imala sam cas ''Dark Room'' znaci gdje se izradjivaju crno-bjele fotografije, i jbga. odem zapalim po koju uoc odmora, i poslje me udrilo prejako sunce, a vode okusila nisam... i tak nadjem se na podu, i neki frajer mi prisao, i pita on mene dali se fixam, lol, reko ma jok brate, od vrucine, jer ovdje tokom ljetne sezone je ubitacno, i kad se nadjes u 4 sata popodne u vozu, to je tolika guzva da ne mozes disati, uh oh.

  3. Count me in my friend. icon_mrgreen.gif Bas tu ti superrrrrr textovi.


    Kako mi se svidja ovaj dio. biggreens.gif


    ''Our eyes don’t cry

    Extended moments don’t pass by

    A word is said

    A lie

    Our eyes don’t cry

    Extended moments don’t pass by

    The words I said

    Today I’m dead''



    slusam Rammstein (Du Hast) mislim, bas se uklapa nekako...





    Rock, Revenge, Redemption


    For those of us who experienced the late ‘80s metal explosion during our teens, Queensryche’s musical evolution throughout the decade seemed to mirror the growth of our own tastes: every album sounded more mature, more bold, more assured. The band’s musical horizons were expanding and they were demonstrating a flowering of progressive rock influences an idea which would reach it’s fruition with the pending release of the greatest progressive metal concept album of all time.


    Queensryche have built a career based on conscious recording, tireless touring and fierce devotion to their tremendous global fan base. So it is only fair that after countless petitions their thousands of die hard Australian fans finally get to experience the amazing Queensryche as they deliver Operation Mindcrime 1 & 2 live in concert!



    Fri 14 July - The Palace Complex, Melbourne!!!!



    jedva cekam, jedvaaaaaaa cekammmmmm!!!!

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