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Everything posted by Knjaz_Ovoga_Sveta

  1. CD 10e: AMYSTERY (GER) "Grim Satanic Blessing" - (Bavarian Black Metal.Raw & grim!) Again in catalog! BANE (SER) "Chaos , Darkness & Emptiness" GR012 CD (Debut album of this fresh blood on Serbian Black Metal scene.Killer blasting Black Death Metal in the vain of almighty Dissection.Recorded and produces in cult Hellsound studios by Butcher (Avenger, Maniac Butcher, Judas Iscariot, Krieg...) CHILDREN OF TECHNOLOGY (ITA) "It's Time to Face the Doomsday" - (Nuclear-powered thrash and crushing crust-punk madness.For fans of Motorhead, Venom, Discharge...) DISHAMMER (SPA) "Vintage Addiction" - (Nihilistic Thrashing metal Crust Punk bombing!) EMBALMED (MEX) "Exalt The Imperial Beast" - (Bestial Black Death riffing, raw and filthy way!) FLAGELLUM DEI (POR) "Order of the Obscure" - (Wellknown Black Metal soldiers from Portugal with their brand new studio attack!True Black Metal heritage!) MORT (GER) "Raw & Cold" - (Pure traditional German Black metal) NOCTURNAL BLOOD (USA) "Devastated Graves - The Morbid Celebration" - (Black Death brutality in old nekro way as gods of Blasphemy, Beherit, Morbosidad, Titanblood...) WARHAMMER (GER) "The Winter of our Discontent" - (Very first studio album of these German Thrash Doom Blackers finally on CD again) Vinyl 10e: KOZELJNIK (SER) "Deeper The Fall" - (Second studio album.Cold grim Black Metal from Serbia)
  2. Pozivanje na glasanje = spam? Bravo kriticari svega sto se napise )) Umesto pripovedanja ovde, pozovite ljude da glasaju, ekstremni vidovi muzike su na margini postojanja kod nas i treba se boriti za njih!
  3. CD 10e: AORLHAC/DARKENHÖLD/OSSUAIRE/YSENGRIN (FRA) "La Maisniee du Maufe - A Tribute to the Dark Ages" - (4 way split CD.Crossover of Black, Doom, Dark spells all packed into authentic French aura) CHARON (GER) "Sulphur Seraph (The Archon Principle)" - (High-class German Black Thrash Metal with members of Hatespawn, Impending Doom...) STIELAS STORHETT (RUS) "SKD" - (Brutally emotional Black Metal in cold Murmansk tradition.Lot's of post rock influences!)) YSENGRIN (FRA) "Tragedie - Liber Hermetis" - (Hermetic Dark Doom Metal with obscure Black metal touch) Vinyl: HATESPAWN/CHARON (GER) "Split" 7"EP - (Black Thrash Metal split.Two hordes on one great looking splatter black vinyl.Traditional German way!
  4. Sa EXPLOSIVE facebook stranice; Metal, Punk, Hard Core and all you extreme music worshipers! Go here and vote: vote for your music style, vote for EXPLOSIVE! EXPLOSIVE crew \m/
  5. HORDES OF DECAY "The Kings Will Be Ready" CD za Srbiju cena 700din (postarina ukljucena!) Greek Hordes of Decay (Including members of Ravencult, Profane Prayer) and their first studio album 'The Kings Will Be Ready' present strong mixture of wide open Extreme Metal styles all concentrate around dark Black Metal base. Material is well balanced and created with lot's of skills and cleaver arrangements. 'The Kings Will Be Ready' is good lead to something that could be called new stream into Black Metal genre as music offered here is way to original and authentic then simple Black Metal is. Perfectly recorded and produced by George Bokos from legendary Rotting Christ this album will satisfied all seekers of Black Death Metal originality.
  6. CD 10e: ABIGAIL/MANTAK (JAP/MAL) "The Eastern Desekkatorz" - (Wicked Asian Black Metal unity by legendary Abigail and Mantak) AMPUTATOR (USA) "Intolerence DeathSquads" - (Warlike Black Metal sickness.Wild & ugly!) ANTAGONIZED (PAN) "Intence Perversions" - (Death Metal strike from Panama!) BOMBER (CHI) "Satans shitfuckers" - (Maniacal crossover of raw Black Thrash Punk, dirty Chilean oldway!) DEVASTATOR (USA) "The Summoning" - (Black Thrash Metal armageddon.Raw, filthy and provoking) DEVASTATOR (USA) "Nocturnal Slut" - (Black Thrash Metal armageddon.Raw, filthy and provoking) DEVASTATOR (USA) "The end" - (Black Thrash Metal armageddon.Raw, filthy and provoking) LUTOMYSL (UKR) "Lutomysl" DigiCD - (Latest studio album by this very active Black Metal artist from Oriana lands) NIHASA (HEL) "Brahamanda Xul Grimoire" DigiCD - (Orthodox ancient Black Metal with amazing Greek spirit by members of: Acherontas, Stutthof, Acrimonious...) NOVAE MILITIAE (FRA) "Affliction Of The Divine" - (Religious French Black Metal grimness.Recommended!) POSSESSION RITUAL (GER) "Incense Of Opened Gates" - (Pure Black Metal art without compromise by Scorpious of Ancient, Crimson Moon, Demoncy...) WARGOATCULT (SPA) "Pentaprolokhaos" - (Newest studio desecration, Brutal nekro Black Metal hammering ala Blasphemy!) Vinyl 10e: INSIDIOUS DECREPANCY (USA) "The Inerrancy of Profanation" LP - (Intense Brutal Death Metal with lots of Gore influences made in Texas wastelands.Greta looking vinyl version of the album)
  7. SOUNDS OF EXTREME Tour 2012 Satnica: 19:30 ulaz 20:00-20:30 Hatesower 20:45-21:35 Vital Remains 21:50-22:40 Malevolent Creation 22:55-23:45 Krisiun Grom Records nece imati prodajno mesto na koncertu, moguca isporuka zeljenih artikala po dogovoru u klubu! Sve pogledati ovde: www.gromrecords.net Vidimo se! \m/
  8. Ulaznice, sve koje su bile u Felixu su rasprodate! U Gun-u nikada nisu ni bile najavljene niti planirane da se prodaju, sem na dan koncerta od 19h... Ostavljen je dovoljan broj ulaznica za sam koncert tako da nema brige. Vidimo se \m/
  9. Satnica: 19:30 ulaz 20:00-20:30 Hatesower 20:45-21:35 Vital Remains 21:50-22:40 Malevolent Creation 22:55-23:45 Krisiun \m/
  10. CD 10e: ABSURDOOM (SER) "Drowned Souls" pro CDr - (Depressive and melancholic Black Metal from Serbia. Poster like booklet and pro-done Cdr) 2e AVSKY (SWE) "Mass Destruction" - (Black Metal made in Swedish hell. For fans of Craft and Khold legacy!) HATS BARN (FRA) "Primitive Humans Desecration" - (Direct sharp merciful Black Metal madness!) KOZELJNIK (SER) "Sigil Rust" - (Cold dark Black Metal. Limited slipcase release) 8e LA DIVISION MENTALE (FRA) "Totem Simius" digiCD - (Hypnotic, frenetic sick Dark Black Art) 6e SATOR MARTE (CZE) "Termonuklearni Evoluce" - (Aggressive militant Black Metal attack from Czech) 8e Vinyl 10e: ASSAULT (CHI) "Nuclear Deaththrash" - (Thrashing Black maniacal Metal in highest power!Killer looking red/black splatter vinyl!)
  11. CD 10e: ABYSMAL DARKENING (HOL) "No Light Behind" - (Transcendental, sharp, suicidal, old school Doom Dark Metal) ATRUM INRITUS (USA) "Prognatus In Vorago" digiCD - (Black Metal with grim melancholic atmosphere.Very good stuff!) CHAOS DEI (FRA) "Arising From Chaos" - (Intense dark and cold Black Metal.French weird artistic way!) HIGHGATE (USA) "Black Frost Fallout" - (Extremely dark Doom Black Metal) HIGHGATE (USA) "Shrines To The Warhead" - (Extremely dark Doom Black Metal) KOZELJNIK (SER) "Sigil Rust" - (Cold dark Black Metal) KRYPT (NOR) "I Am God" - (Strong Norwegian Black Metal with Tsjuder members..) LORDS OF BUKKAKE (SPA) "Desorden Y Rencor" - (40 minutes of sickening slow motion Sludge Doom Metal, perverted Spanish way!) LURK (FIN) "Lurk" - (Chaotic mixture of Sludge, Death, Doom Metal.Raw and primitive, dark and down-tempo!) MAY RESULT (SER) "Slava Smrti" digiCD - (Latest studio album, Black Metal in the name of Death!Battlegod release!) PYRAMIDO (SWE) "Salt" - (New album!Perfect mixture of Stoner Rock meets Sludge Doom Metal.Killer oldway!) THE STONE (SER) "Neke rane krvare vecno" - (Raw Black Metal attack!Rare sold-out stuff!) 13e THE STONE (SER) "Magla" - (East European Black Metal legacy) THE STONE (SER) "Umro" - (East European Black Metal legacy) TORT (SPA) "Tort" - (Unique mix of old school Doom, Sludge and Thrash. A primitive atmospheric trance of 40 minutes.) MC: KOZELJNIK (SER) "Deeper The Fall" - (Cassette version of the album) 4e SATAN'S CURSE FOR CHRISTIANITY "Compilation" - (Bethor, Angelgoat, Iguman, Catastrophy, Rex Satanachia, Temple of Baphomet....13 hordes in total.An raw orthodox Black Metal gathering for true maniacs only!) 4e TEMPLE OF BAPHOMET (DEN) "In Morbid Fascination of Sathan" - (Killer dark grim Black Metal art!) 4e Mags: ANTICHRIST Magazine #12 (44 A4 pages, pro-printed on glossy paper, English written) Inside: AFFLICTION GATE, BLASPHEMOPHAGHER, BLASPHEMOUS NOISE TORMENT, DEMONA, DENOUNCEMENT PYRE, DIE HARD, HELLISH CROSSFIRE, MOONREICH, MORBOSIDAD, NARGAROTH, NUNFUKRITUAL, OBSESSOR, PEK, PROCLAMATION, PSEUDOGOD, SKULL FIST, TEITANFYRE, TYRANEX, VASSAFOR, VIETAH, WITCHRIST... + tons of reviews, list of musicians who died in 2011, Chinese hell article, fresh advertisements...Real publication for true underground maniacs! 3e ANTICHRIST Magazine #7 (36 A4 pages, pro-printed on glossy paper, English written) Inside: ABRASIVE (Ger), ADASTRA (Fin), LIVIDITY (USA), PATHOGEN (Phi), DEAD TO THIS WORLD (Nor), SAURON (Pol), UTLAGR (Ca), AASGARD (Gre), METAL CHURCH (Ger), SCARED TO DEATH (Ger), GORETRUST (Hun)… also MANY fresh reviews, articles, rapports, advertisements...! 2e
  12. Zbog interesovanja i zahteva popust je produzen do 12.02. Uslovi ostaju isti: 1 CD = 500din, minimalna porudzbina = 4 CDa! 1 LP = 700din, minimalna porudzbina 2 LPa! 1 EP = 300din, minimalna porudzbina 2 EPa! 1 KASETA = 250din, minimalna porudzbina 4 KASETE! Popust vazi samo na date kolicine istog nosaca zvuka! Proverite listu ovde: www.gromrecords.net 5% naslova nije na snizenju!
  13. Od 31.01 do 07.02. 95% naslova sa kataloga na rasprodaji! 1 CD = 500din, minimalna porudzbina = 4 CDa! 1 LP = 700din, minimalna porudzbina 2 LPa! 1 EP = 300din, minimalna porudzbina 2 EPa! 1 KASETA = 250din, minimalna porudzbina 4 KASETE! Popust vazi samo na date kolicine istog nosaca zvuka! Proverite listu ovde: www.gromrecords.net 5% naslova nije na snizenju! Horns Up!
  14. - Prevoz na koncert iz Novog Sada po dogovoru sa Travel Music 060-3147511 (cujte se sa covekom radi ture auto, kombi..sve)
  15. http://www.kupindo.com/Heavy-metal/9998712_PANYCHIDA-Woodland-Journey-ltd-CD http://www.kupindo.com/Ploce/9998706_LUNATIC-GODS-Mythus-ltd-LP http://www.kupindo.com/Ploce/9998701_NILE-Black-Seeds-of-Vengeance-ltd-pic-LP http://www.kupindo.com/Heavy-metal/9998716_SEPULTURA-Schizophrenia-CD http://www.kupindo.com/Heavy-metal/9998722_DENIAL-OF-GOD-Klabautermanden-ltd-CD
  16. CD 10e: DOBYTCI MOR (CZE) "Syndrom" - (Pure Grind Core massacre!) EVERLASTING DARK (CZE) "Return to Darkness" - (Atmospheric Doom Metal with lot's of influences from different styles) INSANE (CZE) "Preserve To Diverse" - (Strong attack of Death Thrash Metalers from Czech) MATER MONSTIFERA (CZE) "On The Mirrors Lies" - (Brand new studio album.Quality Melodic Black Metal like old Cradle Of Filth) PANYCHIDA (CZE) "Woodland Journey" - (New release of this Black Pagan Metal band from Czech. new songs, cover versions, lot's of guests as Hoest of Taake etc etc...really nice collector's release)
  17. http://www.kupindo.com/Heavy-metal/9973019_CREST-OF-DARKNESS-Evil-Knows-Evil-ltd-CD http://www.kupindo.com/Heavy-metal/9973117_ZLOSLUT-Pustos-i-prevare-izgubljenih-dusa-ltd-MCDr http://www.kupindo.com/Ostalo/9973130_IMMORTAL-Demons-of-Metal-zastava http://www.kupindo.com/Heavy-metal/9973063_SEPULTURA-Arise-CD http://www.kupindo.com/Heavy-metal/9973068_CRIPPLE-BASTARDS-Your-Lies-in-Check-ltd-CD http://www.kupindo.com/Heavy-metal/9973098_THOU-ART-LORD-DV8-ltd-CD http://www.kupindo.com/Heavy-metal/9973051_ROOT-Dema-ltd-DCD http://www.kupindo.com/Heavy-metal/9973026_MORTUARY-DRAPE-Buried-in-Time-ltd-CD http://www.kupindo.com/Heavy-metal/9973037_NAV-Halls-of-death-ltd-CD http://www.kupindo.com/Heavy-metal/9972997_EXODUS-Pleasures-of-the-Flesh-CD http://www.kupindo.com/Heavy-metal/9973047_ANGST-SKVADRON-Fluk-ltd-CD http://www.kupindo.com/Heavy-metal/9973110_DEATHSPELL-OMEGA-CLANDESTINE-BLAZE-Split-ltd-CD http://www.kupindo.com/Heavy-metal/9972992_MEGADETH-Rust-In-Peace-CD http://www.kupindo.com/Heavy-metal/9973080_MORTAL-SIN-Every-Dog-CD
  18. CD: ANGEL'S DECAY (SLO) "Odiumspace" - (Oldschool Death Metal) 7e PORFYRIA (SLO) "Enjoy The Pain" - (Melodic Death Metal) 7e TAAKE/SIGH/MEADS OF APHODEL/THAS DEFILED "Swine of Hades" - (Brutal split release!Taake performs GG Allin's hymn Die When You Die!) 12e WITCHBURNER (GER) "Blasphemic Assault" digiCD - (101% True Thrash Metal madness!) 12e WITCHBURNER (GER) "Final Detonation" - (101% True Thrash Metal madness!) 12e VINYL: SILVA NIGRA (CZE) "The New Age For The New God" LP - (Newest studio spell! Blasting brutal Czech Black Metal! Killer come back on the scene!) 12e WITCHCURSE (HEL) "Still Evil" EP - (Traditional olschool Heavy Metal screams!Awesome!) 5e
  19. CD 10e: CAUCHEMAR (CAN) "La Vierge Noire" - (Doom Metal with lots of traditional Heavy Rock influences) CONQUEROR (CAN) "War, Cult, Supremacy" doubleCD - (Another brutal collector's release by NWN prod.This time Conqueror followers will be more then pleased!Kult!) 12e DECEASED (USA) "As The Weird Travel On" - (Traditional oldschool Death Metal legends with their awesome studio album!Kult!) EMBRACE OF THORNS (HEL) "Atonement Ritual" - (Darkness and Hell!Amazingly brutal and dark Death Metal hammering by members of Dead Congregation, Nuclear Winter...) EMBRACING (SWE) "Dreams Left Behind" - (Strong Swedish Death Metal attack) HIRAX (USA) "Noise, Chaos, War" - (Thrash Metal lesions! Kult Hirax Thrash bombing!) 12e HIRAX (USA) "El rosto de la muerte" - (All greatest and rare hymns gathered at one release.Thrash 'till Hell!) 12e HIRAX (USA) "Not Dead Yet" - (Finally available again, that great collection from 1987) 12e HORROR OF HORRORS (USA) "Blood, Fangs And Foulness" doubleCD - (After years of waiting here we have real diehard collection on double CD package.Death Metal Darkness!) 12e KERASPHORUS (USA) "Cloven hooves at the holocaust dawn" - (Raw Black Death Metal with members of hordes as : Order From Chaos, Revenge, Arkhon Infaustus..) MYSTIC CIRCLE (GER) "The Bloody Path of God" - (Latest studio album before they split up. Melodic German Black Metal) OCTOBER 31 (USA) "Stagefright" - (Oldway Heavy Metal warriors and their official live album.Real dedicated Heavy Metal without craps!) PROCLAMATION (SPA) "Messiah of Darkness and Impurity" - (True sons of Blasphemy legacy!Nekro obscure Black Death Metal grimness!) 12e PROCLAMATION (SPA) "Advent of the Black Omen" - (True sons of Blasphemy legacy!Nekro obscure Black Death Metal grimness!) 12e PROCLAMATION (SPA) "Execration of Cruel Bestiality" - (True sons of Blasphemy legacy!Nekro obscure Black Death Metal grimness!) 12e TUDOR (CZE) "Ultra Black Metal" - (Czech Black Metal since 1987!History of the band on greatly packed double CD!) VANHELGD (SWE) "Cult of Lazarus" - (Aggressive oldschool Death Metal, made in Sweden)
  20. CD 10e: ALTARS OF DESTRUCTION (FIN) "Gallery of Pain" - (Fast technical aggressive Thrash Metal bomb!Killer!) APOLION (ITA) "Death Grows Into Sperm" - (Nihilistic Black Metal art for fans of Craft, Armagedda, Khold, Pest...Recommended!) ASTROFAES (UKR) "Dying Emotions Domain" Digi CD - (Wellknown Black Metal force from Ukraina.Killer stuff!) 12e BLOODRIDE (FIN) "Crowned in Hell" - (Need Thrash?Get Thrash!Fucking great piece of Thrash Metal madness!) HATETREND (FIN) "Violated" - (Massive powerfull Groove Metal with lot's of Thrash influences.Very good stuff!) NECROVILE (ROM) "The Pungency of Carnage" - (Brutal Death Metal attack) OLD WAINDS (RUS) "Where the Snows Are Never Gone" - (One of the best grim Black Metal albums hailing from Russia!A must!) 12e ORDOG (FIN) "Remorse" - (Sorrowfull dark Doom Metal from cold Finish lakes) PUTRID PILE (USA) "Collection of Butchery" - (Insane sick Gore Death Metal) WITHERIA (FIN) "Vanishing Order" - (Highclass Thrash Metal hammering in old honorable way!) Tapes 5e: ABSU (USA) "The temple of Offal" - (Cult old demo!) ARMAGEDDA/ SVARTHYMN (SWE) "Split" - (Rare tape release) BURZUM (NOR) "Reh. Demo’91 + 2 bonus tracks!" - (Cult old demo!) CARPATHIAN FOREST (NOR) "Bloodlust and Perversion" - (Cult old demo!) ENTOMBED (SWE) "But Life Goes on" - (Cult old demo!) EVOL (ITA) "The tale of the horned king" - (Cult old demo!) GEHENNA (NOR) "Black Seared Heart" - (Cult old demo!) OLD FUNERAL (NOR) "Abduction of Limbs" - (Cult old demo!)
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