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Everything posted by Jefimija

  1. Predivan je omot....a ja sam mislila da ce biti o nekoj ribetini.... Ovo je ipak vise u NW fazonu... Mada,pretpostavljam da je neka tuzbalica u pitanju
  2. Zivite na Nightwish strani zivota
  3. Ma,dajte ljudi,komentarisacemo kada saznamo ko je i kada se malo odomaci...sada mozemo samo da izvaljujemo gluposti Imam pozitivan predosecaj
  4. Naravno da nije Vibeke....sama je to otvoreno porekla....Elldamare...reci nam vec jednom...ako znas
  5. oooozbiljno...ajde nam jos nesto otkrij.....
  6. Bas je interesantno to....kao sto sam rekla na VoW-u...verovatno je jako mlada....i sigurno nije Skandinavka a great song with spooky elements in it... I think it's a combination between The Grudge and Tim Burton's movies...jedva cekam to cudo
  7. Odlicni su...bas dosta ih slusam u poslednje vreme...omiljene pesme su mi Howland road i Leaving Hollywood
  8. Po Valley counter-u ostalo je jos 24 dana 7 sati i 58 minuta...do izlaska novog singla,a samim tim i objavljivanja nove pevaljke....bice onda njenih slika...don`t worry
  9. xaxaxxaa...ima dojavu iz posebnih izvora.... Btw...Bojane...preslusaj Betty Blue,Stigmata i Graveland...ako imas normalne verzije
  10. I ja se nadam...ali ne verujem da ce izabrati pevacicu sa takvim glasom,i sami znaju da im ne treba prosek.....
  11. Kao sto sam vec napisala na valley-u...refren me zabrinjava....ili je cista patetika,ili sa Tuomasom nesto ozbiljno nije u redu...nema nicega izmedju...
  12. hahhhaa...imam flashbacks....mislim da cu tiamat vecno pamtiti
  13. smecje...ahaaa.....oni su bas dobri,jeste da su se malo iskomercijalizovali i da previse koriste tudje ideje i predjasnje radove...ali su dobri...after all
  14. hahhaa...mozemo samo cekati...ili traziti da nam elldamar otkrije tajnu
  15. Da...desava se Mada ipak mislim da ces se razocarati,kao i ja...i meni su ranije bili no.1 bend
  16. Izgleda da ne moze,nw nas tera na velika razmisljanja,koja najcesce nisu povezana sa ovom temom
  17. hmmm...tako sam i mislila....no cekam da i ja nabavim to,pa cu onda da strucno ispljujem
  18. ja sam slucajno skinula par pesama...nesto totalno obicno i bezlicno....
  19. Nemam nista protiv...samo da taj muskarac ne bude Tuomas
  20. xaxaxaxxa.....nisam bas obratila paznju.....nema veze....ionako su lepe pesme ala ste vi stogiii :mhihi:
  21. Sisters Of Mercy Something Fast All the things We never needed I don't need them now All the things we ever did Were always confidential And hidden from me anyhow You can stand all night At a red light anywhere in town Hailing maries left and right But none of them slow down I've seen the best of men go past I don't want to be the last Gimme something fast God knows everybody needs A hand in their decision Some of us are not so sure I seen his own held out For a ride on television I think he's still in Baltimore You can stand all night At a red light anywhere in town Hailing maries left and right But none of them slow down I seen the best of men go past I don't want to be the last Gimme something fast The Cure "Charlotte sometimes" All the faces All the voices blur Change to one face Change to one voice Prepare yourself for bed The light seems bright And glares on white walls All the sounds of Charlotte sometimes Into the night with Charlotte sometimes Night after night she lay alone in bed Her eyes so open to the dark The streets all looked so strange They seemed so far away But Charlotte did not cry The people seemed so close Playing expressionless games The people seemed So close So many Other names... Sometimes I'm dreaming Where all the other people dance Sometimes I'm dreaming Charlotte sometimes Sometimes I'm dreaming Expressionless the trance Sometimes I'm dreaming So many different names Sometimes I'm dreaming The sounds all stay the same Sometimes I'm dreaming She hopes to open shadowed eyes On a different world Come to me Scared princess Charlotte sometimes On that bleak track (See the sun is gone again) The tears were pouring down her face She was crying and crying for a girl Who died so many years before... Sometimes I dream Where all the other people dance Sometimes I dream Charlotte sometimes Sometimes I dream The sounds all stay the same Sometimes I'm dreaming There are so many different names Sometimes I dream Sometimes I dream... Charlotte sometimes crying for herself Charlotte sometimes dreams a wall around herself But it's always with love With so much love it looks like Everything else Of Charlotte sometimes So far away Glass sealed and pretty Charlotte sometimes
  22. A,onda je Evica...nasaaa Mada cisto sumnjam da ce procureti...za sada je top secret
  23. hehehhee....bilo bi lepo...ali nazalost ima da cekamo jos 64 dana
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