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Dark Preachers

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Doors Of Dark PreacherS


Through the doors of hell, im spilling your blood,

This is a call, for you to let me inside!!!


Don’t you…face me…like a cubes..of destiny!!!

Don’t you…turn me…into a source…of fallen souls!


Die in me, cry within, within the flames

Of the old dark preachers tales!!!


Castle of death have joined us,

In a six fragments of eternal wind.

Over the night rage grown up,

And let the burning circle dooming you.

Stay with us and watch of

Of the black tears and colored sea!!!


If you close that door, you will never see the sun,

Or the forest air, which opens your mind,

And the smoke will reveal direction of your path,

We’ll be listening a begging cause you were touching our crown!!!


Don’t you…face me…like a cubes…of destiny!!!

Don’t you…turn me…into a source…of fallen souls!


Die in me, cry within, within the flames

Of the old dark preachers tales!!!




Third Chapter Of Death


Beware…back there…until you recognize your own demise!

Make toy…of me…and you have eternal enemy!

For now…my pain…make me running wild through your brain!

One day…will rise…everything that is meant to be!


Take last…sweet lips…and memorize the taste of it!

Our eyes…are sealed…for your horrifying life will!

That is…third step…final plague of living dead!

Again…make toy of me…and you have eternal enemy!


…And how…to save the flames inside,

Of the heart’s stronghold line,

And to keep the holy,

Deserved glory,

And ancestry BLOOD!!!


Beware…back there…until you recognize your own demise!

Make toy…of me…and you have eternal enemy!

For now…my pain…make me running wild through your brain!

One day…will rise…everything that is meant to be!





...what is that smell?

...it’s a human flesh...


You have forsaken life story,

Entity of life isn't glory,

And you should be sorry,



What is your goal?

You're loosing your soul,

I'm wondering are you glad,

For spilling children's blood...


Forsaken sory....

Entity, glory...

You should be sorry...



No,and again no!!!

You always just go,hundred times in a row!!!

Your bloody tanks,

Your dead-body banks,

We can't take it no more,

Cause you're spreading firewall!!!


Like a glass in the milk,

Like a joining the filth,

Now death is everywhere,

I'm wondering how you dare...


Who are you to judge?

Maybe superior human beeing?

No,you're devil’s fallen angel,

You're God's stranger!!!


No,and again no!!!

You always just go,hundreds time in a row!!!

Your bloody tanks,

Your dead-body banks,

We can't take it no more,

Cause you're spreading firewall!!!


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Sinoc je bilo super, hvala svima koji su dosli.

Drago nam je da je nova pesma 'Doors Of Dark PreacherS' naisla na fenomenalne kritike.

Hvala Morganu za gostovanje na 'Death in Fire'.


A NAJVECE HVALA Ivanu kome je ovo bila poslednja svirka sa nama!

Hvala ti matori,sve najbolje!!! :)



Dark PreacherS



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E pa ovako...


Hvala puno svima koji su bili, mi smo se zaista fenomenalno proveli, i hvala na divnoj atmosferi!


Hvala puno i ljudima na pozitivnim kritikama!


Moze to i mnogo bolje, ranije je bilo ali dobro, malo promenjena postava, prva svirka nakon duzeg vremena...videcemo se mi opet u nekom..sjajnijem svetlu biggrin.gif


AMVF- iskreno, bio sam pomalo skeptican jer nisam bio upoznat sa muzikom uopste, ocekivao sam neki standardni screamo emo metalcore...medjutim razuverili su me momci skroz...prijatno sam iznenadjen, jako mi se svidjaju rifovi, a vokal posebno...tako da, samo napred(i preporucujem nikada vise Kids fore i tako dalje...ne treba vam to u zivotu) :pivopije:


Dark PreacherS- Hvala jos jednom! :D


Follower- pa ovako...slazem se sa duzinom sviranja...ali dobro...nije ni prvi ni poslednji put... ok su bili medjutim kao da mi je nesto falilo sve vreme...da li prateci vokali, klavijature...ne znam...ali jedino sto mogu da pohvalim je odabir pesama...Medjutim i te pesme su svirali i Doomrash i Vox Deorum, i sve to sa kljavam i back vokalima mnogo bolje zvuci tako da... nisam impresioniran, ali samo napred. To je samo jedna svirka, i samo moje misljenje


Resister- e zbog toga sam hteo da poludim...cuo sam samo nesto malo na pocetku i morao sam hitno da palim zbog nekog vec organizovanog prevoza...verujem da su pokidali, a i vase kritike su fenomenale. bice jos svirki...


Toliko od mene!



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Evo da stavim i ovde jedno vazno obavestenje.


Kao sto vec znate, postava je malo izmenjena dolaskom Janka(Nexus, Doomrash) na mestno basiste, a sada je doslo do jos vaznijih promena...


Naime, Dark PreacherS ce ubuduce zvucati malo drugacije, i resili smo da promenimo stil...


Bend ce se sada mnogo vise bazirati na rifovima i In Flames i At the Gates fazonu. Samim tim, vecinski je odluceno da bend nastavi dalji rad bez klavijatura.


Nije bilo nikakve svadje sa Milanom, sve smo se lepo dogovorili jer je ipak bilo previse razloga da ne radimo vise zajedno.


Sledeci put cete slusati potpuno promenjen repertoar jer prosto necemo vise svirati Children Of Bodom(osim mozda 2 pesme ponekad za nasu dusu), dve autorske pesme su takodje izbacene, i imacete prilike da slusate nove autorske u vec pomenutom novom fazonu, kao i At the Gates-Blinded by fear i In Flames-Behind space...


To bi bilo to..Shvatamo da nas je dosta ljudi slusalo samo zbog tribute-a Bodoma ali nazalost, jednom je i to moralo da se zavrsi.


I nadam se da smo napravili dobar korak.


Vidimo se za par meseci!



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neeeeeeeeee :(

Milance je jedini teo dotu samnom da igra :'( i nikako da odigramo :)

sad kada Sandman bude video At the gates ima da svrsi :) :) :)





sad mogu Mianceta da savatam za klavijature :twisted:


a mogli bi i Death da svirate sta mislite?

mislim u tom nekom smeru(kasniji radovi)

Edited by Mita

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cudno jos nisu okacene najnovije vesti benda >.<



aj gl momci bilo je do jaja svirati sa vama, :rockdevil: :rockdevil: :rockdevil:



Nadam se da cemo ostati u dobrim odnosima ( alexic nece da me bije xD ) srecno u daljem radu i uchinku, pa se vidjemo nekada ... pozzzzz

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