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tema za pedere i dukatlije (random)


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ma, ja imam samo zadnji serijal..

danilo ima sve, ali nije hteo juče da mi da. no.gif

ako ti imaš, možeš da mi narežeš, dajem orignal hrossharsgrani (ili neki mp3 po izboru) za dvd pun south parka..


ideš na block out danas?

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ma ne treba nista, to je 6 diskova, nemam dvd rezac (a ni player), mogu da ti nareckam za sutra ako 'oces, ne treba mi nista, daces nesto drugom prilikom, mislim da nemam bas samo zadnji, vidimo se na bo-u icon_cool.gif

jao care!!!


ok, onda ti neću ništa rezati.. 6 diskova kažeš.. daću ti onda samo prazne diskove sutra.. + hrossharsgrani icon_smile.gif

i onako gledam da ga se otarasim.. laugh.gif


kad počinje cert uopšte?

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šta, hrossharsgrani??


vrh bend.. idi na http://www.metal-archives.com/ , ukucaj hrossharsgrani

pa proveri..


svojevremeno je rogošić ispisao jednu 10/10 recenziju, album meseca, pa je valjda prodavao preko magazina taj disk, i mnogi su se izjebali..


ko zna koliko će ruku taj disk promeniti.. meni ga je firey dao, ja ću tebi, a ti gledaj šta ćeš s njim laugh.gif




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Edited by KRANG

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ima i uruk hai, side projekat jednog od članova ovog kultnog vrh benda.. nedavno sam slušao to kod solija, on je stručan za njih, pa nek ti kaže kako je dobar ambijental


edit: e, i disk se ne sme baciti jer nosi nekakvo prokletstvo.. moram da ga prosledim dalje, inače će me stići kletva..

Edited by KRANG

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da li si svestan koji je bruce car??!???!!?!???!??!!?



pazi ovo: pošaljem mu ja mail žalopojku kako nemam pay-pal u srbiji, i kako bih želeo da naručim 3 diska, a on mi ladno kaže da će mi ih poslati iz londona..




mora da sam bio mnogo jadan. hahaha



da pojasnim malo.. Bruce je mastermind Pineapple Thiefa, najboljeg prog benda današnjice.

Edited by KRANG

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ima i uruk hai, side projekat jednog od članova ovog kultnog vrh benda.. nedavno sam slušao to kod solija, on je stručan za njih, pa nek ti kaže kako je dobar ambijental


edit: e, i disk se ne sme baciti jer nosi nekakvo prokletstvo.. moram da ga prosledim dalje, inače će me stići kletva..

PA taj Uruk Hai i nije bas moja uza specijalnos' .... prv ialbumi imaju i neshto buke i scream vocala ako se dobro secam, a ovi zadnji radovi su cisti ambiental sa motivima Gospodina Od Prstena ... znaci ono ... topot konja, mars orka, jeza Mordora i sl .... suvise je to sporo za mene ... ako je do ambijental-instrumentala preporucujem MIDNIGHT SYNDICATE ... oni su vrh !!!!!

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zajebavam se..


uruk hai je govno!

kao i ovaj hross..kakogod




1: Let's take the Earthlings to a heckmabar!

2:Oh, yeah!

1: Oh yeah, let's see those heckmas!

2:Meeh, screw this place!Let's go get a hotel room and a hooker!

1:Oh yeah!


1: Booyagh! Boy, Earthlings, is this a party or what??

2 : Oh! Oh, that's it baby! You're getting my jagon hard!

1: Wohh. Yeah, let's party

2:Yeah, suck my jagon!

1: Yeah! Now you suck on my jagon! Oh yeah!! Stick your finger in my thrusher!Oh yeah, suck it. Suck that jagon!

2:Oh yes!! Oh yeah yeahyeah! Oh yeah!



2: Oh, God. Eh eh, my head. What did we do?

1: Oh man, I can't believe I sucked your jagon.




btw, ova tema je zakon:






Okay. Last night, all four of us were at the bowling alley until about 7:30, at which time we noticed Ally Sheedy, the Goth chick from the Breakfast Club, was bowling in the lane next to us, and we asked her for her autograph, but she didn't have a pen, so we followed her out to her car, but on the way we were accosted by five Scientologists who wanted to give us all personality tests, which were administered at the Scientology Center in Denver until 10:45, at which time we accidentally boarded the wrong bus home and ended up in Rancho de Burritos Rojos, south of Castle Rock, and finally got a ride home with a man who was missing his left index finger, named Gary Bushwell, arriving home at 11:46.

Edited by KRANG

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