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a iskopao sam i neki info o agalloch..

don anderson, takođe:


"People really shouldn't be too concerned about the "rock" comment. All over the internet I've seen people express concern over this term. We are not using the term "rock" in the sense that we are now incorporating Chuck Berry and John Cougar Mellencamp influences. We mean rock to express a style of "heavy" music that isn't predicated upon palm muting, low-E string, distorted riffs against double bass. Rock is not as limiting a term as "metal."


When we say "rock" we mean stuff like: Anekdoten, Godspeed, My Bloody Valentine, Red Sparowes, Interpol, and progressive rock (particularly of the scandinavian variety).


But, believe me. I personally will be channeling "Transylvanian Hunger" during the recording. "



"Oh yes, you can bet the "rock" influences will not only retain, but accentuate our dark atmosphere.


I think people can expect less instruments this time around. We'd like "Ashes..." to be a little more stripped down recording than "The Mantle." But, it will still be massive."



"We've got vocals left to do. I couldn't be more happy with this new album. It will undoubtedly be our most emotional, darkest, and heaviest album yet. I can't wait for all to hear it.







intervju ovde:






a pazi samo ovaj deo intervjua:


As much as I love 'The Mantle',' I sometimes think it's a bit unfocused. I like to think of the new material as a more focused 'The Mantle'. There are more 'dark rock' influences in the new material that is reminiscent of bands like Kent, My Bloody Valentine, Slowdive, The Album Leaf and so on. We are also channelling our progressive rock influence with bands like Thule, Anekdoten, and Landberk. But, one can still detect a distinct black metal foundation that keeps it all together. I can even hear 'Pale Folklore' here and there. I think these songs are going to be some of our moodiest.


agalloch koji zvuči kao black metal verzija kenta?




ovaj album mi je već bio najočekivaniji uovoj godini, ali sada... orangelistening.gif

Edited by KRANG

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jebote.. taj florian iz escape d dej je bio na katatonia forumu..


što se ubio koji kurac?

jebote ne seri!!


taj florian mi je poslao pp letos preko ultimate metala, bio je u beogradu!


trebalo je da se nadjemo, ali sam ja bas taj dan nenadano otpalio na more pa nismo uspeli da se vidimo.


rekao sam z-li da se mozda nadje sa njim, ali mu je z-la samo rekao da dodje ispred kst-a pa da se tu eventualno nadju. lik se nije pojavio.


secam se da je imao nekakvu 'suicide note' poruku u potpisu, ali nisam to shvatao bas ozbiljno..(svako ima nesto u tom fazonu na katatonijinom forumu)


kakvo sranje jebote. ne mogu da verujem.


EDIT: I now see this package as a going-away-gift to me, partly because of that opening line “Enclosed you will find a CD-R of the Ghostless album, two car stickers I brought back from Belgrade…and some more CDs I would like you to have.”

Edited by slowdiver

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