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Guns N' Roses: Illusions albumi?  

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Kako se usudjujes da me optuzujes za nesto tako strasno icon_smile.gif , jedino na njemu sto je bilo isto kao kod Slash-a je prsten na levoj ruci i Les Paul icon_da.gificon_biggrin.gif

Za Les Paul mu odajem priznanje.Iskreno.Mislim,treba imati kinte za to posto je original.I svira fenomenalno i sve je to na mestu,ali kao sto rece darijus valjda,bio bi jos bolji da ima neki svoj stil. icon_biggrin.gif Ne znam da li si ga videla sa sesirom a la Slash nekad...

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Nesto razmisljam, zao mi onog Axl-a

On bi da bude ono sto je bio i trudi se svim silama iako je to nemoguce

To je veoma zacudjujuce, kada se uzme u obzir da je covek bio profesionalac, valjda bi trebalo da zna da je dostigao vrh i da sad moze da ide samo dole

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Ne salzem se, mislim da ono sto smo culi od novih pesmama (Silk Worms, Chinese Democracy, Madagascar i Blues)- kao i Axlov sadasnji imidz jasno pokazuju da uopste ne pokusava da ozivi stara vremena, vec naprotiv, da pokusava da bude veoma moderan, po cenu toga da izgubi fanove.


Oh My God je definitivno bila prvi korak ka preokretu zvuka

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A, mislis na toooo...


Pa dobro, meni ga nije zao zbog toga, to trckaranja i mjaukanje je deo njega i mislim da bi bez toga potpuno izgubio pojavu. Volim ja njega, i jako ga postujem i zato ga suptilno branim cak i kada je neko drugi u pravu ph34r.gifwub.gif

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Ma, ne znam, jel' si gledala Rock in Rio, ocajnicki pokusava da postigne ono sto je postizao ranije... Trci sa scih svojih 150kg, gubi glas, zavija....

Ja nisam gledala rock in rio, ali sam gledala dodelu MTV nagrada kad su nastupali. Gadno... koliko li je botox-a taj covek stavio u lice. no.gif

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Ne razumem na sta mislis kad kazes "tako mu i treba", sta mu fali? To sto se ugojio, uh, uh, jaka stvar, da nece da bude takav nebi ni bio. Sto ne snima album, da hoce da ga snimi, snimio bi ga. Verovatno mu ovako odgovara.

lol.....ovo je bilo dobro...."verovatno mu tako odgovara"...hm...ne verujem da nekome odgovara da se onako ofuca i da ga neki tamo eminem imitira na mtv-ju.....strashno shta se desilo tom choveku..... no.gif

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Ne razumem na sta mislis kad kazes "tako mu i treba", sta mu fali? To sto se ugojio, uh, uh, jaka stvar, da nece da bude takav nebi ni bio. Sto ne snima album, da hoce da ga snimi, snimio bi ga. Verovatno mu ovako odgovara.

Ma, nemam ja nista protiv toga sto se ugojio, ali on ocigledno ima... Ako si debeo, ponasaj se u skladu s tim... ne moze opet da oblaci one svoje bokserice, da trci po bini i da izvuce dobar zvuk... A, "tako mu i treba", se odnosi na to sto ocekuje staru popularnost, koju nikad nece ponovo imati, a to zasluzuje zato sto nesto ne mislim da je dobraq osoba... Mnooogoo je "Ima sve da bude kako ja kazem"... "Izbacite onog momka napolje, ili prekidamo koncert", "Necemo mi da sviramo prvi veliki koncert, jer nam nije javljeno unapred, bez obzira sto Metallica ne moze da nastavi, koncert se otkazuje", "Mi prekidamo svirku dok se ne javi onaj ko je bacio flasu, dogovorite se izmedju sebe"....

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Zaboravila si ono kada ih je fan slikao na koncertu. pa je Axl to video i skocio u publiku, prebio ga i uzeo mu foto-aparat, ponovo se popeo na binu i rekao: "Show's over!" i otisao mrtav ladan.

E, da...

Ma, takvih primera ima koliko hoces

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« The interviewer asks Vince Neil about him throwing a punch at Izzy backstage at the MTV awards last year, and Vince replies », he begins, reading aloud in a voice heavy with sarcasms : « ‘ I just punched that dick and broke his fucking nose! Anybody who beats up on a woman deserves to get the shit kicked out of them. Izzy hit my wife, a year before I hit him.’ Well, that’s just a crock of shit! Izzy never touched that chick! If anybody tried to hit on anything, it was her trying to hit on Izzy when Vince wasn’t around. Only Izzy didn’t buy it. So that’s what that’s all about.... But this bit, man, where Vince says our manager, Alan Niven, wasn’t around, and that afterwards he walked straight past Izzy and me and we didn’t do a thing, that’s such a lot of bullshit, I can’t believe that asshole said those things in private, let alone to the fucking press! »


« The whole story is, Vince Neil took a pot-shot at Izzy as he was walkin’ off stage at the MTV awards, after jammin’ with Tom Petty, because Vince’s wife has got a bug up her ass about Izzy. Izzy doesn’t know what’s going on, Izzy doesn’t fuckin’ care. But anyway, Izzy’s just walked off stage. He’s momentarily blinded, as always happens when you come off stage, by coming from the stark stage-lights straight into total darkness side-stage. Suddenly, Vince pops up out of nowhere and lays one on Izzy. Tom Petty’s security people jump on him and ask Alan Niven, our manager who had his arm ‘round Izzy’s shoulders when Vince bopped him, if he wants to press charges. He asks Izzy and Izzy says : ‘Naw, it was only like bein’hit by a girl!’ and they let him go », he smiles mirthlessly.



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« The interviewer asks Vince Neil about him throwing a punch at Izzy backstage at the MTV awards last year, and Vince replies », he begins, reading aloud in a voice heavy with sarcasms : « ‘ I just punched that dick and broke his fucking nose! Anybody who beats up on a woman deserves to get the shit kicked out of them. Izzy hit my wife, a year before I hit him.’ Well, that’s just a crock of shit! Izzy never touched that chick! If anybody tried to hit on anything, it was her trying to hit on Izzy when Vince wasn’t around. Only Izzy didn’t buy it. So that’s what that’s all about.... But this bit, man, where Vince says our manager, Alan Niven, wasn’t around, and that afterwards he walked straight past Izzy and me and we didn’t do a thing, that’s such a lot of bullshit, I can’t believe that asshole said those things in private, let alone to the fucking press! »


« The whole story is, Vince Neil took a pot-shot at Izzy as he was walkin’ off stage at the MTV awards, after jammin’ with Tom Petty, because Vince’s wife has got a bug up her ass about Izzy. Izzy doesn’t know what’s going on, Izzy doesn’t fuckin’ care. But anyway, Izzy’s just walked off stage. He’s momentarily blinded, as always happens when you come off stage, by coming from the stark stage-lights straight into total darkness side-stage. Suddenly, Vince pops up out of nowhere and lays one on Izzy. Tom Petty’s security people jump on him and ask Alan Niven, our manager who had his arm ‘round Izzy’s shoulders when Vince bopped him, if he wants to press charges. He asks Izzy and Izzy says : ‘Naw, it was only like bein’hit by a girl!’ and they let him go », he smiles mirthlessly.

Obozavam ovakve pricice icon_cool.gif

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