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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Ova recenica moze da se prepravi na tako mnogo nacina...
  2. Stvarno, moj predlog ima previse testosterona da se nadje na temi u ovom trenutku.
  3. Dovedete vi lepo Hatebreed, na koncert dodju svi korovci u Srbiji (oni makar redovno idu na koncerte i ne jedu govna okolo) i jos malo metalaca pride, ja fino poginem na koncertu i cao.
  4. Talvi


    Vocalist Kelly Shaefer reactivated seminal technical metal pioneers ATHEIST has issued the following update: "We are currently deep into the writing of what I feel will be a defining moment in the career of ATHEIST and us as individuals. "The music is insane in the most catchiest of ways to me... It's complex, but very moody, and interesting to the 10th degree. "[it is] SO fun writing this music again, and hearing the quality that has developed. "We have all grown up so much, and people, and as songwriters. My guitar playing in the last year has really progressed, and my contributions on guitar to this new album are in my opinion my most ecclectic. So very heavy and quick as well. "Tons of fun. " cannot wait to get these fuckers out on the road later this year. "I have been teaching guitar in my hometown of Sarasota. That has been a very rewarding experience for me. "[My daughter] Skyelilly is four and moving through life like a diva freight train. "Just had a great deal of my painting professionally photographed by my good friend Amanda, so I will add them to my portfolio page, and soon I will have a line of limited-edition prints of some of my paintings. Only 100 will be sold per painting. Signed with a certificate of authenticity. "Have not been out much lately, just playing guitar four hours a day, and compiling as many riffs as I can write. "Heading to Atlanta to meet up with the boys from ATHEIST to continue organizing material. "We have been offered some amazing tours, but we have to make sure this album is the shit... so touring before we get this fucker done is just not in our best interest until after the album is done. "We will be heading to Europe in june to do a string of dates and to play some of the new material live. Centered around our appearance at Hellfest 2010, that's going to be a blast."
  5. Kapiram da idu u Finsku jer im je u komsiluku i tamo ima ljudi koji ih slusaju. Ne verujem nesto da je takva situacija i na ovim prostorima...
  6. Jes' vala, ali i oni wc-i izmedju Grcke i Makedonije nisu ni da se poseres u njih.
  7. Talvi


    Fensi spotic, mislim da ni ne treba da nosi neku ne-znam-ti-kakvu poruku i smisao. Ocigledno je napravljen da se vrti na tv-u, mozda u maniru neke moderne "psiho" zabave i to je to. Meni je kul.
  8. Znaci, CA izbacili one decije klavijaturice? Najs. Ja ne znam sta ovaj moj urednik vise ceka da mi nabavi account za Indie, hocu i ja da cujem 1349. Jesu Alcest i Les Discrets isto na pool-u ili si dobio diskove? Inace, trenutno rovarim po last.fm-u neku arhaicnu balkansku muziku za kaval: http://www.last.fm/music/Ezgija Ova atmosfera je black metal u sili i slavi.
  9. Ti zato ne provodis sate prevodeci intervjue na srpski. Kad mi je onomad stigao Ancient Rites intervju, mislio sam da cu da umrem.
  10. Ja sad malo kuliram, zgotovili smo novi broj i sad sam uzeo mali odmor od promosa pa nazad u akciju.
  11. E ovo sam video na mediaportalu, bas mi bese cudno kad videh omot u death metal fazonu a ono trance. Mada, zanimljivo zvuci, morao bih malo bolje da ga poslusam.
  12. Ja tek ovih dana otkrih Talamasca-u, album "Zodiac", sjajan je. Kuruze, imas slucajno link za onu kompilaciju sa suncokretima na omotu? Izgubih je negde.
  13. Skroz si u pravu. I onaj Pat O'Brien, to je nula od gitariste i veze nema, Karl Sanders go kurac, niko pojma o sviranju nije imao dok ovi nisu dosli.
  14. Cuo sam da oni The Devil Wears Prada sviraju rasprodate koncerte i prodaju hiljade albuma, 'ajmo svi da slusamo njih. Btw, trebalo bi da na leto gledam u Ceskoj ovo cudo Bozije kreacije u death metalu, pa da vidim i to.
  15. Sad me podseti, mada nije moj blam: jedan moj komsija se jedared toliko napio na jednoj sahrani da su ga doneli kuci obeznanjenog.
  16. Talvi

    Rotting Christ

    Da citiram Sakija iz intervjua koji uradismo: "There are always alternative ways on how Black Metal could sound and we have our mediterranean, Balkan answer on this." Drugim recima, ovi ljudi su svirali black metal jos 1989. a to sto taj black metal ne lici na ono sto ce Skandinavci kasnije da izmisle nije njihova stvar.
  17. Jel' slusao neko ovog manijaka iz Japana : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKyuJoBSEug
  18. Ako treba nekom, limited verzija sa dva bonusa na 320: http://mediaportal.ru/mp3/253443-dark-tranquillity-we-are-the-void-2010.html
  19. Nova stvar ("Buried Alive") na spejsu.
  20. Talvi


    After announcing their special BATHORY tribute set on June 12 as part of this year's Sweden Rock Festival, WATAIN were approached by Sweden Rock Magazine to record a BATHORY cover for a special CD. In collaboration with Sweden Rock Magazine and Season Of Mist, WATAIN has put together a special CD that all subscribers of the magazine will get with issue #70 (out April 6). The CD consists of a cover of BATHORY's "The Return of Darkness and Evil" as well as the brand new track "Reaping Death", from WATAIN's as-yet-untitled fourth album, to be released by Season Of Mist on June 7. "The cool thing about Sweden Rock Magazine is that it covers metal's traditions and history and what metalhead head isn't aware of the genre's history?" says WATAIN frontman Erik "E" Danielsson. "It felt like the right forum for a tribute to BATHORY, one of extreme metal's forefathers, especially the Scandinavian side of it. All the pieces fell into place." WATAIN didn't go for the obvious. Instead the band decided to do a cover of the early version of BATHORY's "The Return of Darkness and Evil", found on the cult 1984 compilation album "Scandinavian Metal Attack". "It was the first recording BATHORY ever did and to me it feels like that song, in that version, sums up BATHORY: a Satanic MOTÖRHEAD, a pitchblack G.B.H. It's rooted in what was heaviest at the time, but took it one step further," says E. BATHORY founder Quorthon died on June 3, 2004 from heart failure. What would he think of WATAIN covering his early work? "I hope and think that our love of BATHORY is very apparent and I think he would've been very proud," says E. "We've rarely agreed to do a tribute, except in the case of DISSECTION. Our version is a pure tribute. We're not trying to make it into a WATAIN song, we're just pointing a big fucking spotlight at BATHORY. Hail the hordes!" For more information, visit www.swedenrockmagazine.com.
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