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Everything posted by Surovi

  1. Hvala BOGU DA ste otvorili Temu. OVo je Metal Forum pa treba Navesti Metalce,ja cu i ostale. Najskorije je umro Pop Bilder,Vurzel,Emy Winehouse,Delca i Sklekovi. Ako planirate Samoubistvo ko ovaj Pop nemojte da skupljate diskove,da kupujete bas nista (Sta ima da Ostavljas Matorcima!) Da zavrsavate skolu,ne znam dali mogu ispiti da se prenesu na sledeci identitet,da se zenite, decu da ostavljate,niti da trosite pare na bilo sta sto sete da ostavite za sobom! Raspitajte se u policije KAKO DA SE UMRE?
  2. Kako moze organizator Da otkaze koncert? on pukne pare za muziku pa kolko zaradi od karata! Il vas ZAJEBAVAJU Sa tim koncertima?????? Jel neko Cuo za ove Mega-Domace-Zvezde sto pune ARENU i po par puta? Jesu li ludi ti sto TOLIKO idu na te koncerte, mozda je Politika u Pitanju,napr. Bas te Briga Da ides na Strane, Ako to Slusas KO DA GLASAS za Nekog Amerikanca ili Engleza?, u Semu je Fazon????
  3. Surovi


    Boris Tadic Ja najavio Borbu Protiv organizovanih Navijackih Grupa. Demokrate Sever,U Tome Ce mu pomagati Ivica Dacic i Crveni indijanci navijacka Grupa. Do sada su najvise bile na udaru: Navijacke Grupe-Grobari Zemun,Narkomani Zemun,Ovce na Steroidima.
  4. Na Raznim Vestima 15X Dnevno::: NAJVECE ZVEZDE Exit Festivala su: Boris Tadić & Anti Nowhere Liga Sampiona Vuk Drasković & ExYU Hooligans Velimir Ilić & New Metal Sribija Ivica Dacić & Partija of the Gypsys Tomislav Nikolić & Straight Edge,poznat po Radu sa Ex bendom Tomislav Nikolić & Nazi Punks Mladjen Dinkić & United Forces Regiona,poznat po Radu Sa Ex Bendom Mladjen Dinkić & THE Business Čedomir Jovanović & THE Resistance
  5. Surovi


    Vodja Navijaca:DEMOKRATE SA SEVERA-Boris Tadic otisao je u Bosnu malo Da popricaju. Usagladili Su Stavove Da prilikom huliganstva u Sportu odgovaraju Ministri Sporta pred Haskim Sudom.
  6. Surovi


    Za Huliganstvo u Sportu je Duzan Da odgovara Ministar Sporta, ide na Robiju!!! Poznate NaVijacke Grupe: Demokrate SEVER,SPS CIGANI,NAPRED SRBIJO,Radikalna partija Grobara,JRS-JUNAJTED REGIONI SRBIJE,SOCIJALISTICKA PARTIJA CIGANA, RADIKALNI GROBARI,HULIGANSKA LEVICA,ULTRAS 17+,DESNICARSKA PARTIJA GROBALJA, Najpoznatije Vodje Navijaca-Huligani Su: Vuk Draskovic,Bojislav Seselj i Mnogi iz Radikalne partija Grobara, Borislav Tadic ....
  7. Umro POP BILDER, pao sa splava i Udavio Se. Nek se pomole bogu i zapale mu Svecu,poslednji pomen svi koji ga poznaju ili ga se Secaju iz Teretana, Crkve, kolege sa Bogoslovije. Neko ce da procita ovaj Mail pa da im Kaze. :cry: :cry: Tolike Godine je Spremao Svoju SMRT Da je Red Vec Vise Da Ga Sahrane. Stedeo je Svaki Dinar, nigde nije Izlazio Nista Zivo nije kupio u kuci (sem televizora), ni dokumenta nije imao-licnu ili pasos,Naslusao se Silnih Predavanja Na Bogosloviji A ispite nije Dao. Sad moze i Da polozi ispite,da izvadi licnu kartu ili Da Kupi nesto Za Sebe. Slava. :cry: :cry: :cry:
  8. U ovoj Teretani Napreduju Masine i Ja.Ostali Stoje na mestu isti kakvi Su. Mislim Gazda kupuje masine a ja kupujem Meso i Slazem po Sebi.
  9. Bice ludo! Sto bi slusao da ti neko izmiksuje pesme, zar nisu dovoljno Dobre da ih neko pusti kakve jesu?? idi pa placaj skupo zurke--*/ Na Exitu inace i ne pustaju uopste techno zanrove koje ja slusam.
  10. Ovo je Sport gde imas Profesionalni ugovor 12 godina a posle sednes u lavor sa ladnom vodom i Ladis jaja. Ne Smes se Zeznes Neke pauze ili Se ugojis preterano.!.
  11. Dolazi Dosta Engleza i Drugih Stranaca! ODLICNA PRILIKA Da se Domaci Bendovi Prikazu u Svetu,Probiju!!!! i DJevi ako ih ima odavde. Ja licno ne bi placao kartu da mi Baja samo pusta muziku,na Exitu je Dance arena puna, ?????
  12. imas vagu u teretani meri do 160kg. planiram ovde da nabacim masu dok jos uvek mogu da se PRECIZNO IZMERIM. od onih takmicara jedan od 10 je mozda srednje Visine ili Visok, TO JE TAKMICENJE KEPECA !!!!!(po visini) IMAS FILM GOspodar Prstenova ovo su GOSPODARI MEDALJA
  13. DraganOvo Prorocanstvo Nostradamus: NEKA BUDE 20 KILOGRAMA CISTOTE MISICNE MASE, [sledeci post za Godinu dana]:: I TAKO I BI DRAGAN DOBI 20 kg mase [tacnije 16-18 CISTE,25 ukupno] Znaci 160 kg na prolece 2012, skidam na nesto manje od 150kg u DEFINICIJI!!!!!!!!!
  14. Teretana se zove NBG GYM (en-bi-dzi dzim) Sta to znaci?-Novo Bezanijsko Groblje teretana? Prosli vlasnik je bio Ubijen. Sadasnji ima pistolj i moze da prebije 5 kako ON SAM Kaze. Hoce li da ih bije ili puca sad ga pitajte. Evo i zaposleni sa ortakom prica o pistolju.Teretana smrdi ko Svinjac ponekad)( tamo vezbaju jaki ko Svinje. Gazda Daca je narko Diler valja Heroin i Marihuanu. Kaze da je to Dobro za Definiciju. A onaj sto radi je tezak kreten da nadjes takvog Soma da radi.
  15. Znam ja dobro koliko koncerata imaju oni po turnejama,mogu ako zapice Celu svetsku turneju i ~90, mislim u Beogradu!!!za novaka je bilo i zabadava na trgu; SVI SVI su zapucali na koncerte. Mozete recimo za 1 Maj Tradicionalni Punk koncert ili mini Festival.
  16. Otkud Ja Znam za jebanje,valjda Ce da se hvale, mogu da ti kazem koliko sam Video Publike na Televizoru: Bilo Je Puno!!!! Za Novu Godinu Su pravili koncerte:Sajam+Arena+Sava Centar+ Gomila kafica... Sad za osmi mart Arena+Sava Centar+Dom Sindikata i Sve puno.
  17. Sva 3 Benda su zanrovski Blizanci samo Sto je Soulfly Primitivniji od Sepulture, a Cavalera Conspiracu Primitivnija os Soulfly-a Najbolje da napravi jos jedan Bend da Drvi 1 Rif i Da se Dere 1 Rec Celu pesmu! 10 pesama 10 rifova i 10 reci.Ne moze da mu nikad ponestane inspiracije. Kad iskoristi Sve rifove na Gitaru moze da kombinuje drugu rec uz rif za sledecu pesmu.
  18. Iako ne Slusam Alternativu ,podrzavam nastup benda koji se zovu GUANO MAJMUNI!!! Postoji i hrvatska grupa Giboni (isto Vrsta majmuna),Gorillas, A inace je Retko da Bendovi Sebe Nazivaju po Majmunima a da nije neka Comedy muzika u pitanju.
  19. SRBIJA ZEMLJA LJIGAVACA,PEDOFILA I PEDERA.!!!. ko sve od Domacih Zvezda i Zvezda Regiona (mladji i matori-ExDomaci) nije punio Arenu. Ovaj otkazuje svaki cas koncert,Zali se kako ne zaradi nista, pola koncerata je bio Sranje Zvuk!Debili-! ovi brate svake nedelje izlaze u Arenu,kao petak subota udarni dani, dok smetalci zna se -KST i Akademija. Ja nikad U zivotu nisam pricao Sa nekim ko slusa Parni Valjak-eno 2 pune Arene A zamisli da progovorim sa Devojcicama sto idu na plavi orkestar ,Zeljka Jk.ili Sam. ili Slicno Jesi li plakala na baladici,jel te pogodio ljubavni Zov u srce?? Kolko ovi Pojebu posle koncerta??
  20. Na ovoj Temi: Reign in Blood Techno muzike: 5. VA - Terrordrome 10 - The Terrormaster Is Back (1997) ...p://1gabba.in/pics2/terrordrome10.jpg http://www.discogs.com/release/121826 [http://www.discogs.com/release/121826] 1-01 Xol Dog 400 - Holy Noises 1-02 Ad Absurdum - Paranoia 1-03 Max Death & Suicide Squad - Death Side Part 1 1-04 Der Sinn - Le Coeur Du Noyau 1-05 Lord Nord - Nia... 6. VA - Terrordrome 09 - Return To Planet Hardcore (1997) ...p://1gabba.in/pics2/terrordrome9.jpg http://www.discogs.com/release/44673 [http://www.discogs.com/release/44673] Dutch Gabba 1-01 DJ Rob & Tim B. - Holy War 1-02 Omar Santana - Mad Creator 1-03 Cardassia - Watch This 1-04 The Outside Agency - Brainwaves 1-05 Ace One - Razors Th... 7. VA - Terrordrome 08 - Hardcore City Downtown (1996) ...p://1gabba.in/pics2/terrordrome8.jpg http://www.discogs.com/release/112715 [http://www.discogs.com/release/112715] 1.01 Nordcore G.M.B.H. - Beta Test II 1.02 B.C.Kid - Smash The Guitar 1.03 The Cyberminds - Base Spatiale 1.04 E 605 - Hit 'em With The NC 1.05 E-De-Cologne - They'l... 8. VA - Terrordrome 07 - Badcore Massacre (1996) ...p://1gabba.in/pics2/terrordrome7.jpg http://www.discogs.com/release/121825 [http://www.discogs.com/release/121825] 1-01 Nordcore G.M.B.H. - Nordcore-Hölle 1-02 Neuwerk - Hella 1-03 Master Of Terror - Wavemaschine 1-04 The Speed Freak - The Doctor Is Back 1-05 Quindoor - Full... 9. VA - Terrordrome 06 - Welcome To Planet Hardcore (1995) ...p://1gabba.in/pics2/terrordrome6.jpg http://www.discogs.com/release/136905 [http://www.discogs.com/release/136905] 1-01 Nordcore G.M.B.H. - Welcome To Planet Hartcore 1-02 Nordcore G.M.B.H. - Planet Hartcore 1-03 The Obituary H.C. - Harder, Better, EF-Core! 1-04 The Obituary H.C.... 10. VA - Terrordrome 05 - Darkside From Hell(1995) ...p://1gabba.in/pics2/terrordrome5.jpg http://www.discogs.com/release/43951 [http://www.discogs.com/release/43951]1-01 Nordcore G.M.B.H. - Terrordrome V (Intro) 1-02 BSE DJ Team - Outbreak 1-03 Laurent Hó - Rkor Markine 1-04 Synthetic Anarchist - Wenn Du Exstasy Nimmst... 1-05... 11. VA - Terrordrome 04 - Supersonic Guerilla (1995) ...p://1gabba.in/pics2/terrordrome4.jpg http://www.discogs.com/release/70126 [http://www.discogs.com/release/70126] 1-01 Sonic Warrior - Supersonic Guerilla (Intro) 1-02 Technohead - Mary-Jane 1-03 Lock Jaw - Underground Funk 1-04 Search & Destroy - Iron Man 1-05 Titanium Steel - Pe... 12. VA - Terrordrome 03 - The Party Animal Edition - The Ultimate Hardcore Party Nightmare! (1 ...p://1gabba.in/pics2/terrordrome3.jpg http://www.discogs.com/release/104927 [http://www.discogs.com/release/104927] 1-01 Strontium 9000 - Totally Tranceparent Jungle 2000 1-02 Dyewitness & The Nightraver - The Future (Original Mix) 1-03 Chosen Few - Ravedome 1-04 Annihilator - Int... 13. VA - Terrordrome 02 - The Hardcore Cyberpunk - 21st Century Gabba Trance (1994) ...p://1gabba.in/pics2/terrordrome2.jpg http://www.discogs.com/release/112975 [http://www.discogs.com/release/112975] Part One 1-01 Chosen Few - Introdrome 1-02 DJ Fistfuck - Tyrannofuck 1-03 Cyanide - String X 1-04 Annihilator - I'll Show You My Gun 1-05 Shadowrun - Base U (Smash... 14. VA - Terrordrome - The Hardcore Nightmare (1994) ...p://1gabba.in/pics2/terrordrome1.jpg http://www.discogs.com/release/328836 [http://www.discogs.com/release/328836] 1-01 The Original Gabber - Headbanger 1-02 Lenny Dee & Ralphie Dee - I Control Your Body 1-03 Reanimator - Bigger And Bolder 1-04 Haardcore - Everybody In The House ... 2. VA - Thunderdome - Breaking Barriers (2010) .../gabber.od.ua/pics5/thunderdome-br.. http://www.discogs.com/release/2611188 [http://www.discogs.com/release/2611188] Barrier One 1-1 Justice - Breaking Barriers Intro 1-2 SPL & Triage - Valhalla 1-3 Day-Mar - Black Widdow 1-4 Tymon - Pain Tripper 1-5 Day-Mar - Spinnekop 1-6 Negat... 3. VA - Thunderdome Live Recorded At Mystery Land 1998 VHS (1998) .../gabber.od.ua/pics5/thunderdome-li.. http://www.discogs.com/release/87961 [http://www.discogs.com/release/87961] Promo given free with Thunderdome Live - Recorded At Mystery Land The 4th Of July 1998. 01 Unknown Artist - Intro 02 Unknown Artist - Untitled 03 The Masochist - Kill... 4. VA - Thunderdome The Collection VHS (1994) .../gabber.od.ua/pics5/thunderdome-th.. http://www.discogs.com/release/553117 [http://www.discogs.com/release/553117] "In the years 1992 & 1993 the famous Thunderdome appeared all over Holland. Only the largest halls were selected to be the location for the Thunderdome raves. World'... 8. VA - Thunderdome '98 - Hardcore Rules The World (1998) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-98.. http://www.discogs.com/release/553250 [http://www.discogs.com/release/553250] 55 min VHS live recorded at Thunderdome '98 Hardcore Rules The World - FEC Expo Center Leeuwarden, the 28th of Nov 1998.Download/ http://hotfile.com/list/1124261/208... 9. VA - Thunderdome Live Presents Global Hardcore Nation VHS (1997) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-gl.. http://www.discogs.com/release/408130 [http://www.discogs.com/release/408130] 60 min VHS live recorded at Global Hardcore Nation Party - Sportpaleis Antwerpen, Sat. The 18th of October 1997. Also this VHS shows the goodbye to DJ Weirdo, on the... 10. VA - Thunderdome '97 The Southern Edition VHS (1997) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-97.. 90 min VHS live recorded at Thunderdome '97 - Sportpaleis AntwerpenDownload/ http://hotfile.com/l...1014232/51d6637 [http://hotfile.com/list/1014232/51d6637] PASSWORD:DoJu Thanks to http://hs-movies.blogspot.com [http://hs-movies.blogspot.com... 11. VA - Thunderdome Oberhausen VHS (1995) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-ob.. http://www.discogs.com/release/553142 [http://www.discogs.com/release/553142] This vhs contains the Thunderdome night of the 13 May 1995 live from Oberhausen in Germany. Total duration: 30 minutes. There's no live sound, except the scenes wit... 14. VA - Thunderdome Köln The Video (1994) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-ko.. http://www.discogs.com/release/553107 [http://www.discogs.com/release/553107] This vhs contains the Thunderdome night of the 11.06.1994 live from Kölner Sporthalle in Germany. You can see DJ Mixes from Dano, Buzz Fuzz, Gizmo, The Prophet.The ... 15. VA - Thunderdome - Merchandise Mix 1 - DJ X-Ess (1996) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-me.. 01.Take It SLow - DJ Waxweazle 02.Mellomanais - Puplic Domain 03.Bounce N Shake - CIXX 04.Smoke M.F - The Hardcore BrothersDownload/ http://hotfile.com/d...-NBMP3.rar.html [http://hotf... 19. VA - Thunderdome 6 Megamix (1994) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-6-.. http://www.discogs.com/release/106565 [http://www.discogs.com/release/106565]01 The Ender - Don't Mess With Me 02 DJ Sim - The Sound Of Now 03 Guitar Rob - Lumache All' AglioDownload/ http://hotfile.com/d...nderdome_6_M... 20. The Dreamteam - ID&T Limited Edition (1994) ...m/release/352079]01 Thunderdome (Original Mix) 1a Gizmo - Out Of Order 1b Dano - About Us 1c Buzz Fuzz - Vienna Bass 1d The Prophet - God 1e Dano - Welcome To The Thunderdome 1f The Prophet - Dominatin' 1g Buzz Fuzz - 100% Effective 02 Killer Machinery 03 909 Mix 3a Gizmo - Out O... 21. VA - Thunderticket '93 (1993) ...no - Welcome To The Thunderdome 03 Simstim - Direction UnknownDownload/ http://hotfile.com/d...NiCORN.rar.html [http://hotfile.com/dl/62427659/3714108/V..]... 22. VA - 100 X Hardcore (2010) ...vs Day-Már - K.O. (Thunderdome Fight Night Anthem 2009) 18 2 Uninterested - I Don't Care (DJ Niel Remix) 19 Negative A - Bang Her On The Ground 20 Predator vs. Hellsystem - Addicted 2 Violence 21 Nosferatu – When Angels Cry 22 Masters Of Ceremony – A way to RFX 23 Predator v... 23. VA - Thunderdome - The Best Of '98 (1998) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-th.. http://www.discogs.com/release/560081 [http://www.discogs.com/release/560081] 1-01 Neophyte & The Stunned Guys - Army Of Hardcore 1-02 Bodylotion - No Worries 1-03 Brian Acardy - Let Da Bass Boom 1-04 3 Steps Ahead - It's Delicious (Video Mix)... 24. VA - Thunderdome Live Presents Global Hardcore Nation (1997) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-li.. http://www.discogs.com/release/304084 [http://www.discogs.com/release/304084] DJ Rob & MC Joe (6:15) 1-01A DJ Jappo & Lancinhouse - Exlxaxl 1-01B X-Factor - The Underground 1-01C DJ Paul & Teenage Warning - Brohymn (This One's For Gabbers) B... 25. VA - Thunderdome - The Best Of '97 .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-th.. http://www.discogs.com/release/615245 [http://www.discogs.com/release/615245] 1-01 DJ Paul & Teenage Warning - Brohymn (This One Is For The Gabbers) 1-02 DJ Promo - Cold As Stone 1-03 Rotterdam Terror Corps - The Horror 1-04 Ku-Base - Hardcore... 26. VA - Thunderdome '97 .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-97.. http://www.discogs.com/release/983243 [http://www.discogs.com/release/983243] 1-01A Unknown Artist - Intro 1-01B Dream Your Dream - Soushkin (DJ Yves Remix) 1-01C Distortion & Mc Raw vs. Bass D & King Matthew - Raveworld 1-01D Darkraver & DJ V... 27. VA - Thunderdome Records FULL Label .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-re.. http://www.discogs.c...derdome+Records [http://www.discogs.com/label/Thunderdome..] [TD 001] Various - Thunderdome 2006 [TD 002] Endymion & Nosferatu - Act Of God (Thunderdome 08 Anthem) [TD 003] Unexist vs Day-Mar / The Immobilizers... 28. VA - Thunderdome XIX - Cursed By Evil Sickness VHS (1997) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-xi.. http://www.discogs.com/release/553227 [http://www.discogs.com/release/553227] 01 Thunderdome XIX The Tour 58:39 Thunderdome XIX Tour-Video contains scenes from different party's in the Netherlands. Scenes in follow locations : Asta - Den Ha... 29. VA - Mystery Land - The European Dance Festival - Hardcore (1997) ...com/release/68715] Thunderdome 1-01 DJ Perpetrator - The Power 1-02 Boombastic - Leaders Of The New School 1-03 Black Knight - Back To Tha "O" School 1-04 DJ Buzz Fuzz - Cocaine - The Columbian Dancing Dust 1-05 Boombastic - Rockin' Nation 1-06 G-Town Madness - Silence 1-07 Wast... 30. Dreamteam Productions FULL Label ...01] The Dreamteam - Thunderdome [1993] [DTP 002] The Prophet - Dominatin' E.P. [1993] [DTP 003] DJ Dano - Thunderdome 4 E.P. [1993] [DTP 004] Ferry Salee - Thunderdome 4 E.P. [1993] [DTP 005] Buzz Fuzz - Thunderdome 4 E.P. [1993] [DTP 006] The Prophet - Thunderdome 4 E.P. [1993] ... 31. VA - Thunderdome Live - Recorded At Mystery Land The 4th Of July 1998 .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-li.. http://www.discogs.com/release/147871 [http://www.discogs.com/release/147871] Taken From The Sets Of DJ Promo And Boris Valeo 1-01 Junk Project - Revolve 1-02 B.O.N.Y. - The Angels' Cry (Millo Remix) 1-03 DJ Glenn vs. Voltage Club - Wake Up F... 32. VA - Thunderdome - The Best Of 96 (1996) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-th.. http://www.discogs.com/release/166925 [http://www.discogs.com/release/166925] 1-01 DJ Dano - Something Bigger (Here We Go Again Mix) 1-02 Mike Ink & The Chain Of Brotherhood - Lovely Ugly Brutal World 1-03 The Prophet - The Techno God (Hell Re... 33. The Dreamteam - Team Spririt (1993) ...no_-_welcome_to_the_thunderdome 02-the_prophet_-_party_children 03-f._salee_-_a_night_in_boston 04-the_prophet_-_spirits_of_soul 05-buzz_fuzz_-_100%_effective 06-dano_-_about_us 07-the_prophet_-_the_dreamtheme 08-buzz_fuzz_-_d-leria 09-f._salee_-_monological_destruction 10-dano_-... 34. Dj Tematic - Back To Tha O School Part 1 ...dj-tematic-bac.. 01 Thunderdome Intro 02 The Masochist - masochizm 03 Black knight - back to tha o school 04 Black knight - kick up the volume (play it loud) 05 25%OfTheDreamteamFeat.TheProphet - stomp 06 The Masochist - planet shock 07 DJ Nosferatu - Cameltoe 08 Nosferatu - Up t... 35. VA - De Beukplaat 5 Selected By Mental Theo (2010) ...eratu - Act of God (Thunderdome Athem) 9. Hardstyle Masterz & Max Enforcer - Rambo is A Pussy 10. Tiny Tot - Discoland (DJ Isaac Remix) 11. G-Town Madness & the Viper - Live A Lie 12. Headhunterz - Scrap Attack (Endymion Mix) 13. Showtek - Here We Fucking Go 14. The Raiders - A F... 36. VA - Thunderdome 2003 Vol II (Red) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-20.. http://www.discogs.com/release/221821 [http://www.discogs.com/release/221821] 1-01 DJ Neophyte & Evil Activities - Alles Kapot 1-02 Catscan - Mindfull Candy 1-03 DJ Niel - Under My Skin 1-04 Endymion - Payback 1-05 D-Passion - God Don't Care A... 37. VA - Thunderdome 2003 Vol I (Green) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-20.. http://www.discogs.com/release/150753 [http://www.discogs.com/release/150753] 1-01 Dr. Macabre - Boomstick 1-02 Void Settler - Illicit Angst 1-03 D-Passion - Fuck The Free World 1-04 Armageddon Project - Till Resurrection 1-05 The DJ Producer ... 38. VA - Thunderdome 2002 Vol I (Brown) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-20.. http://www.discogs.com/release/84102 [http://www.discogs.com/release/84102] 1-01 Lady Dana - Ladies First 1-02 Enzymex - Parasomnia 1-03 Catscan & Sidewinder - Drowned Memories 1-04 Mescalinum United - We Have Arrived (Miro Remix) 1-05 Manu Le... 39. VA - Thunderdome - Hardcore Rules The World (1999) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-ha.. http://www.discogs.com/release/196864 [http://www.discogs.com/release/196864] 1-01 Mad-E-Fact - The Hustle 1-02 DJ Promo - What The Fuck? 1-03 Neophyte - Anybody Out There 1-04 E-Man - Bass Machine 1-05 The Masochist - MzKzM 1-06 Endorphin - T... 40. VA - Thunderdome XX (1998) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-xx.. http://www.discogs.com/release/52214 [http://www.discogs.com/release/52214] 1-01 Marshall Masters Feat. The Ultimate MC - I Like It Loud (Radio Edit) 1-02 Neophyte & The Stunned Guys - Army Of Hardcore 1-03 Alcoolik Row - Tubthumping (I Am Har... 41. VA - Thunderdome - School-Edition (1998) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-sc.. http://www.discogs.com/release/43956 [http://www.discogs.com/release/43956] 1A Mindcrimers - Madman 1B Pulp Shock - Far Away (DJ Sim Hardcore Remix) 1C Wasting Program - Bring That Shit Back (DJ Arduna Remix) 1D DJ Sim - Cartoons In Progress 1... 42. Dj Tematic - Broken core ...pg 01 Partyraiser - Thunderdome Intro 02 negative a - m.m.i.d.o.y. 03 igor - gimme some more 04 forsaken is dead and dmw - what we do is secret 05 igor - gimme some more 06 negative a - the infamous 07 the teknoist and scheme boy - versus_unleashed 08 Madhouse Brothers - Machete ... 43. VA - Thunderdome 15 Year Anniversary Live Radio Show (2007) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-15.. 15 hour Thunderdome radio broadcast for their 15 year anniversary. Stripped talking from it for your pleasure! 01 Thunderdome 15 Year Anniversary Live Radio Show Part1 180:04 02 Thunderdome 15 Year Anniversary Live Radio Show Part2 186:05 03 T... 44. VA - Thunderdome XIX - Cursed By Evil Sickness (1997) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-xi.. http://www.discogs.com/release/60296 [http://www.discogs.com/release/60296] 1-01 The Horrorist - Flesh Is The Fever (Original Mix) 1-02 OG 'S - Tik Tak 1-03 DJ Buzz Fuzz - Fuck Happy (It's Bullshit!) 1-04 The Bellini Bros - Samba De Janeiro 1-... 45. DJ Henk - Braindamage 2010 ...) 5. Kermis Core 6. Thunderdome Project 7. Slikken & Snuiven 8. Underground TerrorismDownload/ http://www.mediafire.com/?zrylrtjnjmm http://hotfile.com/d...e_2010.rar.html [http://hotfile.com/dl/27958438/8a03b7d/D..] ... 46. VA - Thunderdome '99 VHSRip (1999) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-99.. http://www.discogs.com/release/329935 [http://www.discogs.com/release/329935] Video registration of the party held at Thialf, Heerenveen on the 2nd of october 1999Download/ http://hotfile.com/list/292587/f19b2dd [http://hotfile.com/list/292587... 47. VA - Thunderdome XVI - The Galactic Cyberdeath VHSRip (1997) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-xv.. http://www.discogs.com/release/553195 [http://www.discogs.com/release/553195] The Thunderdome XVI Tour-Video contains scenes from different party's in the Netherlands and Belgium. Scenes from follow locations : Luxor - Arnhem Palladium -... 48. VA - Thunderdome - The Best Of '97 VHSRip (1997) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-th.. The best of video contains short parts of the other videos released in 1997. - Thunderdome XVI (track 1-2) - Mystery Land '97 - Winter Edition (track 3-4) (DJ Delirium DJ Set) - Thunderdome XVII (track 5-6) - Thunderdome '97 (track 7) (R... 49. VA - Thunderdome XVIII - Psycho Silence (1997) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-xv.. http://www.discogs.com/release/130010 [http://www.discogs.com/release/130010] 1-01 Turbolenza - I Am The Creator (Future Mix) 1-02 DJ Paul & Teenage Warning - Brohymn (This Is One For The Gabbers) 1-03 Brian Acardy - Let Da Bass Boom 1-04 The ... 50. VA - Thunderdome X - Sucking For Blood (1995) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-x-.. http://www.discogs.com/release/43986 [http://www.discogs.com/release/43986] 1-01 Technohead - The Number One Contender 1-02 Duo Pennotti - Addicted II Raves (Buzz Fuzz Mix) 1-03 Evil Maniax - Psychopath 1-04 Scott Brown - Dum Dooby Dum 1-05 Ge... 51. DJ Fuzzboy - YearMix 2009 ...e's Nog Steeds mix (Thunderdome)Download/ http://www.deejay-mi...=13&song_id=463 ... 52. VA - Thunderdome IX - The Revenge Of The Mummy (1995) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-ix.. http://www.discogs.com/release/1044030 [http://www.discogs.com/release/1044030] 1-01 Diss Reaction - Jiiieehaaaa 1-02 The Prophet - Big Boys Don't Cry (4 Minute Mix) 1-03 Delta Nine - Never Stop (Original Mix) 1-04 The Partyman - Take It Easy ... 53. VA - Thunderdome VIII - The Devil In Disguise (1995) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-vi.. http://www.discogs.com/release/44672 [http://www.discogs.com/release/44672] 1-01 DJ Weirdo & DJ Sim - Go Get Busy (Hardcore Edit) 1-02 Predator - Mind Of A Lunatic 1-03 DJ Paul - Play My Game 1-04 DJ Gizmo - Resque 1-05 DJ Waxweazle - Look Ahe... 54. VA - Thunderdome VII - Injected With Poison (1994) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-vi.. http://www.discogs.com/release/23486 [http://www.discogs.com/release/23486] 1-01 The Prophet - Turn It Up (The Real Original Mix) 1-02 DJ Rob & Smash - Ist Diesen Bassdrum Korreckt 1-03 Lenny Dee & Rob Gee - Spontaneous Combustion 1-04 Ni-Cad ... 55. VA - Thunderdome 2001 part 2 (White) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-20.. http://www.discogs.com/release/172379 [http://www.discogs.com/release/172379] 1-01 G-Shock - Demons (DJ Promo Remix) 1-02 Armageddon Project - Spawn Of Misanthropy 1-03 Tommyknocker - The Aftermath 1-04 Catscan - No Request 1-05 The Chickenfar... 56. VA - Thunderdome VI - From Hell To Earth (1994) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-vi.. http://www.discogs.com/release/121833 [http://www.discogs.com/release/121833] 1-01 Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo - Live At London (Hardcore Mix) 1-02 3 Steps Ahead - Hardcore 1-03 The Washingtom Affair - Get Down And... 1-04 Too Fast For Mello... 57. VA - Thunderdome V - The Fifth Nightmare! (1994) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-v-.. http://www.discogs.com/release/95754 [http://www.discogs.com/release/95754] 1-01 Rob Gee , Repete & MC Romeo - Riot In N.Y. 1-02 T.O.P.D.R.O.P. - Achtung! (Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo Remix) 1-03 O.T.T. - Raw (Grunge Mix) 1-04 Neophyte - Mik... 58. VA - Thunderdome IV - The Devil's Last Wish (1993) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-iv.. http://www.discogs.com/release/87173 [http://www.discogs.com/release/87173] 1-01 Hardsequencer - Noise Is The Message (Rmx) 1-02 Ilsa Gold II - Silke (The Speedfreak Remix) 1-03 Igor Campaner / Luca Moretti - Tutti Frutti (Rotterdam Mix) 1-04 ... 59. VA - Thunderdome XIV - Death Becomes You VHSRip (1996) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-xi.. http://www.discogs.com/release/532141 [http://www.discogs.com/release/532141] The Thunderdome XIV Tour The Thunderdome XIV Tour: a compilation with scenes in the Netherlands and Belgium.Download/ Thunderdome.XIV.Death.Becomes.You.1996.FS.VHSRi... 60. VA - Thunderdome XIII The Joke's On You VHSRip (1996) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-xi.. http://www.discogs.com/release/553166 [http://www.discogs.com/release/553166] Thunderdome XIII The Tour The Thunderdome XIII on Tour-Video brings you live at the best party'S in the Netherlands and Belgium. Scenes from follow locations : 17... 61. VA - Thunderdome Video Collection VHSRip (1993) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-vi.. http://www.discogs.com/release/444143 [http://www.discogs.com/release/444143] 01 The Thunder Dome II 13-02-93 (Frieslandhallen/Leeuwarden) 02 The Thunderdome III 13-03-93 (Statenhal/Den Haag) 03 Thunderdome IV 03-04-93 (Thialf/Heerenveen) 04 T... 62. FearFM Hardcore Division - Hardcore Top100 2009 ...s. DaY-Már - K.O. (Thunderdome Fight Night Anthem 2009) 036. Korsakoff - Voices 037. Tha Playah - Bling Bling (DJ D vs. Nitrogenetics Remix) 038. Nico & Tetta - Untouchables 039. Masters of Noise ft. Re-Style - No Holding Back 040. Tha Playah - My Misery 041. Angerfist - Bite Yo... 63. VA - Thunderdome III - The Nightmare Is Back! (1993) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-ii.. http://www.discogs.com/release/222511 [http://www.discogs.com/release/222511] 1-01 Riot Squad - Nonshlen Tustokken (Ode To Vortex) 1-02 Scarface - Speedy Gonzales 1-03 Leathernecks - At War 1-04 Technohead - The Passion (Mokum Mix) 1-05 Kuadra... 64. VA - Thunderdome II - Back From Hell! (Judgement Day) (1993) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-ii.. http://www.discogs.com/release/223805 [http://www.discogs.com/release/223805] 1-01 They Live Long - Something Bigger (Here We Go Again Remix) 1-02 Terra W.A.N. - Caramba Dance 2 Dis (Speed Version) 1-03 4-Nu-Tek - Caotic 1-04 Citrus - Fascinat... 65. VA - Thunderdome I - F*ck Mellow, This Is Hardcore From Hell (2002) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-i-.. This is re-release of the German version Thunderdome I (because of 10 years of Thunderdome). http://www.discogs.com/release/186942 [http://www.discogs.com/release/186942] 1-01 DJ Hooligan - B.O.T.T.R.O.P. 1-02 Ramirez - Terapia (DJ Ricci Mix) ... 66. Decay @ LSDB.nl Industrial Yearmix ...s - Life And Death (Thunderdome Fight Night Anthem) 27.State Of Emergency - Game Time (Broken Rules Remix) 28.Lenny Dee - Forgotten Moments (Ophidian's Dj Cut) 29.Broken Rules - Drum Freestylin 30.Fiend And Broken Rules - Tuff EnuffDownload/ http://www.mediafire.com/?khv23o2wwkd ... 67. Best of 2009 ...a/blog.php?id=5348">Thunderdome Fight Night</a><br /> 046. <a href="http://gabber.od.ua/blog.php?id=5376">Drugzilla - Alcoholocaust</a><br /> 047. <a href="http://gabber.od.ua/blog.php?id=5381">The Second Compressor - We Come In Big Black Boxes</a><br /> 048. <a href="http://g... 68. VA - Thunderdome - Alles Naar De Klote (2009) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-al.. http://www.discogs.com/release/2053338 [http://www.discogs.com/release/2053338] TD.01 Early Rave - Panic 1-01 T-Bone Castro - I Want Cha 1-02 Lenny Dee - Alpha One 1-03 Fire Starter - Bass Buzz 1-04 Sub Source - Ionic 1-05 Neophyte - Braincrac... 69. VA - Thunderdome - Chapter XXII (1998) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-ch.. http://www.discogs.com/release/132999 [http://www.discogs.com/release/132999] 1-01 The Masochist - No Newstyle? (DJ Buzz Fuzz Mix) 1-02 G-Town Madness Meets DJ Attic & Stylzz - The Legacy Continues 1-03 DJ E-Rick & Tactic - Fuck Everybody, Har... 70. VA - Thunderdome - Chapter XXI (1998) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-ch.. http://www.discogs.com/release/28113 [http://www.discogs.com/release/28113] 1-01 The Masochist - Killing Scum 1-02 Neophyte - Braincracking 1-03 Tschabos - Wir Woll'n Die Tschabos 1-04 Black Knight - Kick Up The Volume (Play It Loud) 1-05 Bass... 71. VA - Thunderdome XIV - The Megamixes (2009) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-xi.. http://www.discogs.com/release/169304 [http://www.discogs.com/release/169304] All Together Now Mix (Club Edit) (15:07) 1A Miss Groovy - Jungle Sickness 1B Pino D'Ambini - Up & Down Ballz (Buzzy Goes BZRK Mix) 1C Nitrogen - Bad Bwoy 1D Trickste... 72. VA - Thunderdome XII - The Megamixes (1996) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-xi.. http://www.discogs.com/release/164576 [http://www.discogs.com/release/164576] 1. Radio Version 1A Hocus Pocus - Here's Johnny (Gabba DJ Mix) 1B Triplet - Raggabum (DJ Isaac Remix) 1C DJ E-Rick & Tactic - Our House Is Your House 1D The Riders -... 73. Chucky - Thunderdome XI - Don't Fuck With The Chuck (The Single) (1996) ...6550/14c4fb7/Chucky-Thunderdome_XI_-_Dont_Fuck_With_The_Chuck_(The_Single)-CDM-1996-hM.zip.html[/ur] ... 74. VA - Thunderdome VIII The Single (1994) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-vi.. http://www.discogs.com/release/161379 [http://www.discogs.com/release/161379] 01 DJ Sim & DJ Weirdo - Go Get Busy On The Tempo (Hardcore Edit) 02 DJ Sim & DJ Weirdo - Go Get Busy On The Tempo (Single Edit) 03 DJ Sim & DJ Weirdo - Go Get Busy O... 75. VA - Thunderdome VII - The Megamixes (1994) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-vi.. http://www.discogs.com/release/131962 [http://www.discogs.com/release/131962] 01 The Prophet - The Prophet's Poison Mix 02 The Prophet - Turn It Up (The Real Original Mix) 03 Various - Move Those Legs Mix 04 3 Steps Ahead - We Need Things That... 76. VA - Thunderdome - Past Present Future (1999) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-pa.. http://www.discogs.com/release/44367 [http://www.discogs.com/release/44367] 1-01 3 Steps Ahead - Intro: Past, Present, Future 1-02 DJ Promo & Catscan - Midnight Impact 1-03 Lancinhouse & The Stunned Guys - Atmosfera 1-04 DJ Dione - 1 Beat 2 He... 77. VA - Thunderdome XVII - Messenger Of Death (1997) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-xv.. http://www.discogs.com/release/123423 [http://www.discogs.com/release/123423] 1-01 Rotterdam Terror Corps - The Horror 1-02 Bass-D & King Matthew - In The Mix 1-03 The Force Creators - The Force Creation 1-04 Psylocke - To Thy Soul 1-05 Simtec... 78. VA - Thunderdome XVI - The Galactic Cyberdeath (1997) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-xv.. http://www.discogs.com/release/47204 [http://www.discogs.com/release/47204] 1-01 The Alternative Creators - The Beast (Hardcore Vrs. Stunned Guys) 1-02 Omar Santana - Vitamin Oh 1-03 Masters Of Ceremony - Hardcore To Da Bone (Masters Of Ceremo... 79. VA - Thunderdome '96 - Dance Or Die! .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-96.. http://www.discogs.com/release/22668 [http://www.discogs.com/release/22668] Live Recorded DJ Sets DJ Dano (11:13) 1-01A The Stunned Guys - Beats Time 1-01B The Lawyer - Yo DJ 1-01C DJ Dano - Starting Up 1-01D Tellurian - Hardcore Junkies ... 80. VA - Thunderdome XV - The Howling Nightmare (1996) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-xv.. http://www.discogs.com/release/28610 [http://www.discogs.com/release/28610] 1-01 Rotterdam Terror Corps - You're Dealing With 1-02 Neophyte vs. The Stunned Guys - Get This Motherfucker 1-03 Lenny Dee & The Hardcore Warriors - Funky Twisted 1-0... 81. VA - Thunderdome XIV - Death Becomes You (1996) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-xi.. http://www.discogs.com/release/23805 [http://www.discogs.com/release/23805] 1-01 Miss Groovy - Jungle Sickness 1-02 Pino D'Ambini - Up & Down Ballz (Buzzy Goes BZRK Mix) 1-03 Too Hostile - Make 'M Clap (DJ Paul Remix) 1-04 The New York Terrori... 82. VA - Thunderdome XIII - The Joke's On You (1996) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-13.. http://www.discogs.com/release/23479 [http://www.discogs.com/release/23479] 1.01 Distortion & MC Raw vs. Bass-D & King Matthew - Raveworld 1.02 Cybernators - Not Responsible 1.03 Wasting Program - Bring That Shit Back (DJ Buzz Fuzz Remix) 1.04... 83. VA - Thunderdome XII - Caught In The Web Of Death (1996) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-12.. http://www.discogs.com/release/23373 [http://www.discogs.com/release/23373] 1-01 Hocus Pocus - Here's Johnny! (Gabba DJ Mix) 1-02 Myrmidon - Answer Me 1-03 DJ Buzz Fuzz & DJ Delirium - Immortality 1-04 DJ Gizmo - Dopeman (Org. Mix) 1-05 Lords ... 84. VA - Thunderdome The Tour VHS Rip (1995) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-th.. http://www.discogs.com/release/553136 [http://www.discogs.com/release/553136] Length: 00:31:25 Codek: DivX Resolution: 480 x 352 Audio bitrate: 127 kbps Format: avi Size: 254 MB Thunderdome The Tour Featuring - 3 Steps Ahead, Buzz Fuzz, DJ Da... 85. VA - Thunderdome - The Megamix Of Thunderdome 1-5! (1994) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-th.. http://www.discogs.com/release/1259882 [http://www.discogs.com/release/1259882] 01 T.C.M. - Intro - The Angel Of Thunder 02 Hocus Pocus - Here's Johnny 03 Too Fast For Mellow - In My House 04 DJ Hooligan - B.O.T.T.R.O.P. 05 T.N.T. - Brainwashk... 86. VA - Thunderdome XV - The Howling Nightmare VHS Rip (1996) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-xv.. http://www.discogs.com/release/553182 [http://www.discogs.com/release/553182] This vhs contains the Thunderdome night of the 16th of November 1996 live in the Sportpaleis Antwerpen Belgium. 01 Thunderdome Night Live In Antwerpen 16 Nov 1996Dow... 88. VA - Thunderdome XVIII - Psycho Silence VHS (1997) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-18.. http://www.discogs.com/release/553208 [http://www.discogs.com/release/553208]Thunderdome.xviii.psycho.silence.1997.fs.vhsrip.xvid-walmart Codek: xVid Length: 00:59:47 Codek: DivX Resolution: 512 x 384 Format: avi Size: 700 MB The Thunderdome X... 89. VA - Thunderdome '96 - Dance Or Die! VHS (1996) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-96.. http://www.discogs.com/release/553239 [http://www.discogs.com/release/553239] Thunderdome.96-Dance.or.Die.VHSRip.divx Length: 00:59:47 Codek: DivX Resolution: 720 x 576 Video bitrate: 3094kbps Audio bitrate: 192kbps Format: avi Size: 1409 MB 6... 91. VA - Thunderdome - The Best Of '98 VHS (1998) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-th.. Thunderdome-The.Best.of.98.VHSRip.divx Free copy given with the Thunderdome Best Of '98 Goodies Box. Length: 00:38:07 Codek: DivX Resolution: 720 x 576 Video bitrate: 2650kbps Audio bitrate: 192kbps Format: avi Size: 777 MBhttp://www.discogs.c... 92. VA - Thunderdome - The Best Of '97 VHS (1997) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-th.. Thunderdome-The.Best.Of.97.VHSRip.DivX The best of video contains short parts of the other videos released in 1997. Length: 00:29:05 Codek: DivX Resolution: 784 x 576 Video bitrate: 2000kbps Audio bitrate: 192kbps Format: avi Size: 460 MBhttp:... 93. VA - Dominator 2009 Livesets ...ct of god (Official Thunderdome Anthem) 13. Endymion & Evil Activities - Vengeance 14. Endymion - Payback (Tommyknocker's Yes I Am remix) 15. Ophidian & Ruffneck - So many sacrifices 16. Ruffneck & Ophidian - All the way down (Nosferatu & Endymion rmx) 17. Sei2ure - Rocket fuel 1... 94. Live sets from Hardsound Radio Part 2 ...ad.com/?d=FTH7FWGZ] Thunderdome Set by The Basketcase @ Hardsound Radio http://www.megaupload.com/?d=P2GL95J6 [http://www.megaupload.com/?d=P2GL95J6] ... 95. VA - Thunderdome Black (2001) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-bl.. http://www.discogs.com/release/48845 [http://www.discogs.com/release/48845] 1-01 DJ Niel - Battlefield 1-02 Catscan - Enemy On The Run 1-03 Armageddon Project - Church Of Pentagram 1-04 Frozen & Dr. Macabre - Dimension Of The Doomed 1-05 E-Man... 100. VA - Thunderdome - The Essential '92 - '99 Collection (1999) .../gabber.od.ua/pics4/thunderdome-th.. http://www.discogs.com/release/1255235 [http://www.discogs.com/release/1255235] 1-01 Mescalinum United - We Have Arrived 1-02 Test - Overdub 1-03 English Muffin - The Blood Of An English Muffin 1-04 Rexanthony - For You Marlene (New Deutschlan... 101. Jeffmeister - Mix ...sferatu Act of god (Thunderdome 08 anthem) Meccano twins - Unnecerrary Sacrifice Tha Playah - As cold as me! AOF - Do Or Die Men Of steel - The future is ours (In paniek opnieuw door Panic & Tha playah) Noize suppressor - Fingers Tha playah & Evil activities - Imperial Amnesys - ... 102. VA - Thunderdome Fight Night (2009) .../gabber.od.ua/pics3/thunderdome-fi.. CD1 - Day-Mar Vs. Unexist 01. Tymon - Stay 02. Negative A - Loops And Drinks 03. Waldhaus - Requiem For A Lifestyle 04. Ritchie Gambino - Creating 05. Waldhaus - A Journey Through Time 06. Meagashira & Endymion - Outcasts 07. DNME - Existenz 0... 103. VA - Thunderdome Fight Night Anthem 2009 .../gabber.od.ua/pics3/thunderdome-fi.. http://www.discogs.com/release/1781217 [http://www.discogs.com/release/1781217] 01 The Immobilizers - Life & Death (Thunderdome Fight Night Anthem 2009) 02 Unexist Vs. Day-Mar - K.O. (Thunderdome Fight Night Anthem 2009)Download/ http://hotfil... 111. VA - Thunderdome 20/12 (2008) ...p://1gabba.in/pics3/thunderdome-20-12.. CD1 Early Rave By Drokz 01. Drokz - Intro 02. Pilldriver - Impossible XTC 03. Dr. Macabre - Danse Macabre 04. D'Spyre - 6.48 minutes to D'Spyre 05. Meagashira - Swarm 06. The Destroyer - The Fat Fuck 07. BSE - Headache FM 08. Endorphin - ... 112. VA - Thunderdome - The X-Mas Edition (1994) ...p://1gabba.in/pics3/thunderdome-the-x.. http://www.discogs.com/release/158189 [http://www.discogs.com/release/158189] 01 The Prophet - Sick Christmas 02 DJ Sim - What You Can Do For Others 03 Lenny Dee & Ralphie Dee - Brooklyn X-Mas 04 Donner & Blitzen - Frosty's Dance 05 Adropin... 115. VA - Thunderdome XI - The Killing Playground (1995) ...p://1gabba.in/pics3/thunderdome-xi-th.. http://www.discogs.com/release/43696 [http://www.discogs.com/release/43696] 1-01 The Party Animals - Have You Ever Been Mellow (Tekno Mafia Mix) 1-02 DJ Isaac - Bad Dreams (Remix) 1-03 Omar Santana - Wizard Of Oh 1-04 Dr. Phil Omanski - Roc... 116. VA - Thunderdome - F*ck Mellow, This Is Hardcore From Hell (1993) ...p://1gabba.in/pics3/thunderdome-fuck-.. http://www.discogs.com/release/212384 [http://www.discogs.com/release/212384] 01 DJ Hooligan - B.O.T.T.R.O.P. 02 Ramirez - Terapia (DJ Ricci Mix) 03 Hard Attack - Bonehead 04 Interactive - Amok (Dancefloor Massacre) 05 Scarface - I'll Take ... 127. VA - Thunderdome - Pay Back Time (Online Mix 2008) ...p://1gabba.in/pics2/thunderdome-mix-2.. MP3, CBR, 96 kbps -Part1- 01 Tha Playah mix (30.14) 02 Promo mix (27.14) 03 Endymion mix (25.57) 04 Meccano Twins mix (27.36) 05 D-Passion mix (17.49) 06 Dj Mad Dog mix (31.14) 07 Unexist mix (13.35) -Part2- 01 Daniela Haverbeck mix (10.1... 128. The Darkraver - More Than 20 Years Of His Royal Darkness (2008) ...c - Meet Her at the Thunderdome 38 G-Town Madness - The Sickest 39 Mister DJ - Screaming 40 DJ Yves and the Twins - Bloodbrain 41 Steve Shit - Commonya'll (Move Ya' Bodies) 42 DJ The Viper - Rock the Disc-o-Tek CD 2 01 The Darkraver - Who's the Darkraver (intro) 02 Ultra-sonic -... 129. DJ D-Ceptor - New Era (2008) ...mo feat. MC Drokz - Thunderdome Anthem '07 (Dance Or Die '96 Edit) 28. DJ D-Ceptor - Assault One 29. DJ Tieum - Check This Out 30. Hellfish - All My Friends Are DeadDownload/ http://www.corefreak...20New%20Era.zip Thanks to GogiM... 130. VA - The History Of Hardcore 3 (2001) ...c - Meet Her At The Thunderdome 1-06 Turbolenza - Master Of The Universe 1-07 Darrien Kelly Feat. The Unknow MC - The People Want More (Original Edit) 1-08 Neophyte - Real Hardcore 1-09 Nightstalkers - Warehouse Beats 1-10 DJ Lancinhouse Meets The Stunned Guys - This Time It's Wa... 131. VA - Lords Of Hardcore - The Digital Chaos (2003) ...rks 1-15 DJ X-Fly - Thunderdome 1-16 The Blaster - War Has Come 1-17 Ophidian - Strychnine 2-01 Angerfist - It Never Stops 2-02 Biodome - Satanic Killers 2-03 B747 - Underground Flight (DJ D Remix) 2-04 Evil Activities vs. Chaosphere - Paranoid Dancer 2-05 Headbanger & Delerium -... 132. VA - Thunderdome XV - 15.Years.Of.Thunderdome (2008) ...p://1gabba.in/pics2/thunderdome_xv_20.. The Latest 0-day Bomb - THUNDERDOME !!!!!!! http://www.discogs.com/release/1224085 [http://www.discogs.com/release/1224085]CD1 Past (Mixed by DJ Dano) 01. DJ Dano - Thunderdome 15 Years Intro 02. Dominium - Let Your Mind 03. Kuadra - La On... 133. VA - Gods Of Thunder Vol. 2 (2007) ...5429] 1-01 567482 - Thunderdome 2006 1-02 Promo Feat. MC Ruffian - World's Greatest Project 1-03 Meagashira - Swarm 1-04 Stormtrooper vs. DJ E-Rayzor - Operation Destruction 1-05 Hard Creation - I Will Have That Power (The Stunned Guys Remix) 1-06 Neophyte & Evil Activities - Inv... 134. Promo & MC Drokz feat 3 Steps Ahead - Thunderdome 2007 Anthem / Remember Remixes (2007) .../7568889/bd07138/VA-Thunderdome_2007_Anthem-(T3RDM0135)-Vinyl-2007-hM.rar.html [http://hotfile.com/dl/7568889/bd07138/VA..]... 135. VA - DHT Virus 19 (2005) ...orsakoff - Stardom (Thunderdome 2004 Anthem) 1-03 The Stunned Guys - You Will Die 1-04 DJ Bass - Fuck You Maniac 1-05 DJ Nosferatu & Endymion - Nothing Is What It Seems 1-06 Miss Flower - Princess Of The Posse 1-07 DJ Bass - Head Collector 1-08 Noize Suppressor - Hardcore Junky 1... 150. VA - Thunderdome 2007-1 ...ttp://1gabba.in/img/thunderdome2007.jpg http://www.discogs.com/release/982065 [http://www.discogs.com/release/982065]Electronic Overdrive 1-1 Promo - Doing My Thing 1-2 Art Of Fighters - Bombermen 1-3 Angels Of Darkness - Noize Talking 1-4 Amnesys - My Motherfuckin' Name 1-5 Tha ... 153. Traxtorm Records FULL Label ... Time (The Official Thunderdome Anthem) [TRAX 76] Art Of Fighters & Endymion & DJ Mad Dog - Let's Get It On [TRAX 77] DJ Mad Dog - Nasty [TRAX 78] Nico & Tetta - Gangsta & Gangsta [TRAX 79] Amnesys - Elevation Download TRAX0001 - TRAX0012 : http://hotfile.com/d...882/7783664/... 158. VA - Thunderdome Turntablized By Unexist (2004) ...p://1gabba.in/pics3/thunderdome-turnt.. http://www.discogs.com/release/359538 [http://www.discogs.com/release/359538]0 Unexist - LTT Intruder (0:43) 1 Unexist - DYD (3:00) 2 Synapse - Renoised Sine (2:00) 3 Prowler vs. Nexes - Polographic Demons (2:50) 4 Tieum - Ass Copy (2:32) 5... ----------------------------- NASTUPI nisu uopste Mali,klupska atmosfera, mozda Velicine pune Velike Sale Doma Omladine. Ja nisam cuo Da je neko ovog zanra ikad nastupao u Srbiji (atari teenage Riot ima Pevanje,dosta industrial zvuka) Zamisli da je objavio Album???!!!
  21. PUNK Solo project Agnostic Front-a: http://www.filesonic.com/file/r000216945/66348905/Roger_Miret_And_The_Disasters_-_Gotta_Get_Up_Now.rar Roger Miret And The Disasters Gotta Get Up Now -2011- od 4 Albuma Najbolji!
  22. Ajde razjasni razliku u podpravcima??? Zanr je Techno Hardcore zovu ga samo hardcore (ovi sto slusaju techno muziku) verovatno nisu culi za poznatiji istoimeni Punk pravac?? ----- Ne izdvaja mi se nista od tih bendova narocito, Zanr mi je mozda najzanimljiviji od techno muzike, Naskidao sam preko 20 mp3dvda ...
  23. očekuje i na koncertu britanskog muzičar Stinga koji je trenutno na "Simphonicity" turneji ba kojoj izvodi svoje najveće hitove u pratnji simfonijskog orkestra. Dovedite jos i : Prodigy,Soulfly,Vader... Bajaga je prosle Godine odrzao u Beugradu 6 VELIKIH Koncerata: 3 Sava Centra i 2 na uscu [najveci Koncerti u Karijeri] i nova godina. Ajde Dovedi Soulfly 6 koncerata za redom.
  24. Surovi


  25. http://newagestyle.net/ Mars Lasar http://www.filestube.com/c48d6a0cfc55c0d003e9/go.html
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