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Everything posted by Grobodan

  1. U qrac,o5 nisam kupio,rekoshe mi da dodjem posle 3,mene mrzelo da se vrcem u grad...Jebiga,o5 u ponedeljak u SKC...Valjda cu imati vishe srece...
  2. na coven worldwide su postavljene neke slike iz BGa,pa idite,pogledajte
  3. Prvo - ko je opet zatvorio temu o ovom bendu? Ako vam se zatvaraju teme,zatvorite CoF temu,a teme o ovakvim bendovima ne dirajte,nek se deca obrazuju malo! Dakle,ovo je jedan od najoriginalnijih bendova koji danas deluju u okvirima Black Metal zvuka,stvarno ih je tesko opisati - dolaze iz Nemacke,diskografija: Auf Einer Wanderung Durch Goldene Spharen Split(with LUNAR AURORA), 1999 Live in Bitterfield 2001 Live album, 2002 De Musica Mundana Full-length, 2002 Stronghold of the Inviolables Full-length, 2002 Bestien In Engelsgestalt Split, 2003 Carved in Stigmata Wounds Full-length, 2004 The Exhibitions EP Na jesen se ocekuje novi album Antithesis za Lupus Lounge,momci iz benda obecavaju najdirektniji i najintenzivniji album koji su ikad napisali. Da reknem da su isli na turneje sa Watain,Averse Sefira,Merrimack - ako to nekom ista znaci,ako ne imate temu o veselom patuljku i njegovoj druzini ovde negde.
  4. Ma,Bobby ce da zivi 150 godina.Takvo zlo ne umire lako.
  5. Grobodan


    Jeste.Ali,procitaj sve stranice teme,sve smo tu napisali.
  6. Grobodan


    Bubnjao je,otisao jer nisu mogli da se usaglase,on je u Americi,oni u Holandiji.
  7. ala bi to bilo gotivno!Dosta vise Metallica i Maiden tribjuta!
  8. Grobodan


    Evo na sta sam naleteo u jednom UG webzinu,iz intervjua sa Tormentorom Does METALUCIFER take up a lot of your time? METALUCIFER is a project, which only takes time when we record an album or play some gigs... but that’s very rare! Maybe this year or in the beginning of next year we'll record a new album... we are waiting for the new songs from Japan! The working title for the next album is called Heavy Metal Bulldozer!! So await the next Kamikaze-Metal- strike! Jedva cekam ovo!Inace,HM Chainsaw mi prirastao za srce kao najrodjeniji,fantazija od albuma,mnogo sam srecan sto sam uzeo original.Bio je i HM Drill u Mordoru,ali ga neko pokupio,na moju zalost. Kamikaze metal attack!!!
  9. Moze. Bruka je da takav bend kao Deceased niko ne slusa,pa eto...malo da ih reklamiram. Hirax je inache dobar bend(vidim da se nisam oglasavao),New age of terror bese vrh,nadam se dobrom novom albumu.
  10. Grobodan


    Ej vas dvojica jeste li znali za "Thou Art In the Kingdom of Hell" lyrics written by Jeff Becerra of mighty POSSESSED! Thou Art In The Kingdom Of Hell I grasp for the truth and clutch for the Power, Invoking the Demons below Beyond hells gates and up to the tower, With knowledge the Grimoire bestows Cast me a spell of Satanic Superior, To quell the Christian mind Torture the masses of God's inferior With Lucifer's grand design Up to the Earth, the dawn of the dead, On flesh my servants are fed To torture and rape the holy land The death of God in my right hand I grasp for the truth and clutch for the Power, Invoking the Demons below Beyond hells gates and up to the tower, With knowledge the Grimoire bestows Thou art in the kingdom of hell..... Slit your fucking throat Demons, Angels and witches spells Sacrifice the fucking goat If you're not familiar with NunSlaughter you know NOTHING about Death Metal!
  11. Umesto sto jurite to,bolje nadjite nesto od DECEASED - Supernatural Addiction ili As the Weird travel on! SICK THRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Uh,boli Nuclear Blast qrac,imaju bar 20 bendova koji ce im doneti vishe kesha od Primal Fear i Grave Digger. A za Locomotive music...Jesu li to oni sto su objavili Alogiju? Mogao je GD i za Rock Express da potpise.
  13. Vincent McAllister, the guitarist and a founding member of seminal metal band PENTAGRAM, has lost his battle with cancer at the age of 51. RIP Pentagram rules.
  14. sutra idem i ja da kupim,nema vise zajebancije!
  15. After 25 years of existence, the legendary German heavy metal band GRAVE DIGGER has signed a long-term deal with the Spanish record label Locomotive Records.Commented Goyo Esteban, President of Locomotive Records: "We are very proud that a heavy metal legend like GRAVE DIGGER puts that much trust in us. After the presentation of the first demo songs of the new album it was clear that something really BIG will come up for us, and it was obvious that we will release this new milestone of classic metal on Locomotive Records."
  16. Anneke ce da gostuje na novom NAPALM DEATH albumu. Barney:"Anneke [van Giersbergen] from Dutch band THE GATHERING has offered up a few parts to a track, which I've yet to hear. But before some people recoil in horror about NAPALM going operatic rock or whatever, this was done for good effect and relevance to the track. It will work. It will rock. I'm sure. And we're grateful to Anneke (who is an awesome vocalist in her own right) in advance for giving it a stab
  17. Grobodan


    Imaju bre Hells Headbanger oba,proverio sam dobro,nemaju nazalost Fearless undead Machines,onda bi izbor bio jos tezi. Ja sad slusam Masoleum sa Behind..EPja SICK THRASH!!!
  18. Preslusah celu diskografiju,dobar je bendic,pa da dignemo temu malo... Holy Target je vise black sa malo thrasha,o cemu se i drvilo gore,po meni strava album,produkcija mi jebeno vuce na Abyss radove a sad,ne znam da li kenjam,ali meni pojedine deonice lice na Dimmu.Sve u svemu - ovo mora da se ima. Vec od sledeceg Not Dead Yet momci postaju chist thrash(steta,po meni).NDY je solidan album,ali Wicked is my game je malo smoran,definitivno njihov najgori. Tu ih i veliki Nuclear Blast izbacuje,Raise Hell ode na mali Black Lodge,dozva se pameti i ove godine izbaci odlican album City of the Damned.Sto Vanish rece,novi vokalista je def. bolji,ima vishe melodije u glasu,a i pesme su mnogo zarazne,tako da ovo treba nabaviti.
  19. Grobodan


    xexe,dobar avatar Ja ovih dana bas preslusavam As the Weird travel on i Supernatural Addiction ne bih li odlucio koji je bolji i koji da narucim,i...nema sanse.To je vrhunski kvalitet.I dobro si rekao,to je METAL,ne mozes odrediti kog zanra,ali svaki rif,svaki solo...je nedvosmisleno vrhunski metal.Sta drugo moze da napravi covek koji je na sceni 20 i kusur godina?
  20. Grobodan


    Jebote,ovo je sramota...Da na temi ovakvog benda ima ovoliko postova...Pa sta slusate vi,bre?Ja vrtim ovih dana EP Beyond the Mourner's Veil...Koji vrh!Deceased forever,King Fowley je genije,I say.Mora se naruciti original definitivno. Goxy,ajde bar ti...Da odrzimo ovu temu. Sick Thrash!!!!!!
  21. Sto se mene tice - da nastave putem Verisaaketa i srecan sam.
  22. reci cu samo - konacno!Cim sam ih opomenuo ovde,odmah su se uozbiljili...Nema zezanja.
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