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Everything posted by Satyr

  1. sta lupas ti ti govoris po Vuku
  2. krajem decembra konacno sam dobio iPod Touch stvarno dobra stvarica nemam ni jednu zamerku vredi svaku paru...
  3. +1 al eto nadajmo se da je to samo zato sto je beta u pitanju nego ja imam jos jedan problem kada hocu da otvorim hotmail, pritisnem na mail i tu zakoci i nece dalje, tj nece da mi otvori mail, tako da mozilla i dalje odradjuje taj posao
  4. pa imas sve informacije na onom linku sto sam gore postavio
  5. net se ne moze razlikovati od telekomovog sigurno jer je to telekomov net tako da ne znam zasto bi to neko zaaobilazio kad za istu cenu moze da ima duplo vecu brzinu cena i paket za totaltv?? ja placam 1300 din imam START+PLUS+HBO slika i signal su savrseni kod mene jej jedino problem kad hocu da prebacim kanal sjebo mi se daljinski pa moram da ustanem svaki put :D
  6. ja odavno imam total tv znam da je adsl u pitanju nego kod nas u mitrovici nema portova vise za adsl tako da bih na ugradnmju verovatno cekao koji mesec a ja bez neta ne mogu da budem ni ceo dan
  7. pa svaki browser je brzi od IE
  8. ja sam uvek verovao CNET-u
  9. Proving itself a staggering 42 times faster at rendering JavaScript than IE 7, our benchmarks confirm Apple's Safari 4 browser, released in beta today, is the fastest browser on the planet. In fact, it beat Google's Chrome, Firefox 3, Opera 9.6 and even Mozilla's developmental Minefield browser. We used the SunSpider suite of JavaScript tests to determine which browser was the quickest, and the Safari 4 beat every browser in terms of speed, on both a PC running Windows XP SP2, and a Mac running OS X 10.5.6 with all updates applied. Below are the actual figures if you want to see how all seven browsers scored against each other, but for quick reference we determined on a PC that Safari was a whopping 42 times faster than Internet Explorer 7, just over six times faster than Internet Explorer 8, 3.5 times faster than Firefox 3, and 1.2 times faster than Google Chrome. Here's Safari versus the rest, excluding IE 7: Add IE 7's results to the PC graph and witness the shocking truth. These are results from a PC with a 2.1GHz Intel Core 2 Duo: 1) Safari 4 (Total time: 910ms) 2) Mozilla Minefield 3.2a1 (1,136ms) 3) Google Chrome (1,177ms) 4) Firefox 3 (3,250ms) 5) Opera 9.6 (4,076ms) 6) Internet Explorer 8 (5,839ms) 7) Internet Explorer 7 (39,026ms On Mac OS X, Safari was four times faster than Firefox 3 and a depressing (for Opera) 7.5 times faster than Opera 9.6. Results (fastest at the top) on Mac OS X (2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo): 1) Safari 4 (Total time 967ms) 2) Minefield 3.2a1 (969ms) 3) Firefox 3 (3803ms) 4) Opera 9.6 (7322ms) Ovo je izvestaj od CNET-a
  10. addovao sam te, kad budes online ti prihvati nego sinoc kad sam igrao mnogo mi je lagovalo :S
  11. Nisam veliki ljubitelj trash metala, ali verovatno cu doci jer je koncert na festu bio mnogo dobar
  12. voodoo jel igras ti? koji ti je nick?
  13. addovao sam geralta aj ako jos neko igra nek stavi username ovde
  14. moj je SatyrSRBIJA ali nisam jos poceo
  15. Ma ja cu sacekati malo ne zuri mi se mnogo da igram
  16. ja sam se upravo registrovao i 15238 sam u redu
  17. ma dobro ja ionako xbox kupujem za 2 meseca
  18. sa tim da je brz je i pocela raspravka o njemu ja vec pola sata skidam preko torrenta igre, a Safari gotovo da uopste nije usporen
  19. znam, ali neki mozda nisu videli
  20. Ma ja bi voleo samo Bentona da vidim :)
  21. Live: Tony Lazaro - Rhythm Guitars Gator - Bass Kaish Doane - Drums Erik Sagardia- Lead Guitar Scott Wily - Vocals Icons of Evil/Dechristianize lineup: Tony Lazaro - Rhythm Guitars Dave Suzuki - Lead Guitars, Drums Glen Benton - Vocals On November 21, 2007, Vital Remains announced that they are seeking a bassist and lead guitarist. No further information was given.[1] On March 29, 2008, the band announced their latest tour line-up, excluding Dave Suzuki.[2] It is presently unclear whether Suzuki is removed from the band permanently or that he is merely unable to tour for the time being.
  22. aj malo razjasni sta to treba da znaci
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