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  1. null


    ^Ovo je kineski muntjak koji ima 46 hromozoma ^Ovo je indijski muntjak koji ima 6 hromozoma Ako je promena broja hromozoma "major mutacija", objasni mi kako je ovaj kurac uspeo da promeni broj hromozoma 20 puta bez znatnih genetskih promena, a pritom su ostali sposobni za medjusobnu oplodnju. Dakle, ili je ceo prirodni poredak suspendovan, ili ti nešto nisi skontao. Hm... The Indian muntjac possesses the lowest diploid chromosomal number in mammals (2n = 6 for females [F] and 7 for males [M]), whereas the Chinese muntjac has a 2n number of 46 in both sexes. These two species, however, can produce viable F1 hybrids (2n = 27) in captivity, and partial spermatogenesis was observed in hybrids. Other karyotyped species have intermediate numbers of chromosomes; for example, 2n = 8 F, 9 M in Muntiacus crinifrons, 2n = 8 F, 9 M in Muntiacus gongshanensis, and 2n = 13 F, 14 M in Muntiacus feae. The tufted deer, which is the sole species in the other genus of the Muntiacinae subfamily, has polymorphic karyotypes with three different diploid numbers, 46, 47, and 48, observed in natural populations. A comparative study of karyotypes of muntjacs We have used a combination of chromosome sorting, degenerate oligonucleotide-primed polymerase chain reaction (DOP-PCR), chromosome painting and digital image capturing and processing techniques for comparative chromosome analysis of members of the genus Muntiacus. Chromosome-specific paints from a female Indian muntjac were hybridised to the metaphase chromosomes of the Gongshan, Black, and Chinese muntjac by both single and three colour chromosome painting. Karyotypes and idiograms for the Indian, Gongshan, Black and Chinese muntjac were constructed, based on enhanced 4, 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) banding patterns. The hybridisation signal for each paint was assigned to specific bands or chromosomes for all of the above muntjac species. The interspecific chromosomal homology was demonstrated by the use of both enhanced DAPI banding and comparative chromosome painting. These results provide direct molecular cytogenetic evidence for the tandem fusion theory of the chromosome evolution of muntjac species. Chromosomal evolution of the Chinese muntjac (Muntiacus reevesi). The aim of this study was to test the validity of the hypothesis that the 2n=46 karyotype of the Chinese muntjac (Muntiacus reevesi) could have evolved through 12 tandem fusions from a 2n=70 hypothetical ancestral karyotype, which is still retained in Chinese water deer (Hydropotes inermis) and brown-brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira). Combining fluorescence-activated chromosomal sorting and degenerate oligonucleotide-primed polymerase chain reaction, we generated chromosome-specific DNA paint probes for 13 M. gouazoubira chromosomes and most of the M. reevesi chromosomes with the exception of 18, 19 and X. These paint probes were used for fluorescence in situ hybridisation to chromosomal preparations of M. reevesi, H. inermis and M. gouazoubira. Chromosome-specific paint probes from M. reevesi chromosomes 1-5 and 11 each delineated more than one homologous pair (18 pairs in total) on the metaphases of H. inermis and M. gouazoubira. All the other probes from M. reevesi and probes from M. gouazoubira each hybridised to one pair of homologous chromosomes or regions. The C5 probe, derived from centromeric satellite sequences of M. reevesi, hybridised to the centromeric regions of all chromosomes of these three species. Most interestingly, several non-random interstitial signals, which are apparently localised to the putative fusion points, were found on chromosomes 1-5 and 11 of M. reevesi. Both the reciprocal painting patterns and localisation of the C5 probe demonstrate that M. reevesi chromosomes 1-5 and 11 could have evolved from 18 different ancestral chromosomes through 12 tandem fusions, thus providing direct molecular cytogenetic support for the tandem fusion hypothesis of karyotype evolution in M. reevesi. A new centric fusion translocation in cattle: rob A bull from Marchigiana breed (central Italy) was found to be a heterozygous carrier of a centric fusion translocation involving cattle chromosomes 13 and 19 according to RBA-banding and cattle standard nomenclatures. CBC-banding revealed the dicentric nature of this new translocation, underlining the recent origin of this fusion. In fact, both the bull's parents and relatives had normal karyotypes. In vitro fertilization tests were also performed in the bull carrying the new translocation, in two bulls with normal karyotypes (control) and in four other bulls carrying four different translocations. Cytogenetics and reproduction of sheep with multiple centric fusions The significance of centric fusions in domestic animals, with special reference to sheep, is reviewed. The mating is described of a further 856 ewes with either a normal chromosome number 2n = 54 or carrying one or more of the three different translocations (centric fusions) t1, t2 and t3 in various heterozygous and homozygous arrangements. Rams which were used in the matings were homozygous for one of the translocation chromosomes (2n = 52), double heterozygotes (2n = 52), triple heterozygotes (2n = 51) or were carriers of 4 translocation chromosomes (2n = 50) and 5 translocation chromosomes (2n = 49). A remarkably even distribution of segregation products was recorded in the progeny of all combinations of translocation ewes x translocation rams in those groups in which sufficient animals were available for statistical analysis. Forty-eight chromosomally different groups of animals were mated. Further, the overall fertility of the translocation sheep, measured by conception rate to first service, lambing percentage and number of ewes which did not breed a lamb, was not significantly different from New Zealand national sheep breeding data. In some groups the poorer reproductive performance could be explained by the age structure of the flock and inbreeding depression, which probably affected the performance of some animals. Sheep with progressively decreasing chromosome numbers, due to centric fusion, 2n = 50, 2n = 49 and 2n = 48, are reported. The 2n = 48 category represents a triple homozygous ewe and a triple homozygous ram and is the first report of the viable evolution of such domestic animals. Less than 1% of phenotypically abnormal lambs were recorded in a total of 1995 progeny born over 10 years. It is now considered that there is little or no evidence to suggest that centric fusions in a variety of combinations affect the total productive fitness of domestic sheep. It is suggested that future research should be more actively directed to understanding their genetic significance. Induced Robertsonian fusions and tandem translocations in mammalian cell cultures Cultures of a cattle cell line and a Peromyscus eremicus cell line recovering from a pulse-treatment with mitomycin C, actinomycin D, 33258 Hoechst, and nitrosoguanidine exhibited translocations between chromosomes at the centromeric regions (Robertsonian fusions) as well as between centromere and telomere and between telomeres (tandem translocations). The frequency of Robertsonian fusions was found to be dose-dependent and duration-dependent with the mitomycin treatment. Biarmed chromosomes resulting from fusions may be monocentric or dicentric. Analyses of clones isolated from treated cells suggested that fused chromosomes may perpetuate in the cell populations. --- The Przewalski horse/domestic horse hybrid was fertile and showed normal spermatogenesis. Chromosome banding studies showed a close homology between the karyotypes of the Prezwalski horse (Equus przewalskii, 2n = 66) and the domestic horse (E. caballus, 2n = 64), and it is evident that a single Robertsonian translocation has occurred transforming four acrocentric chromosomes of E. przewalskii into two metacentric chromosomes in E. caballus. The investigations showed that a trivalent is formed at meiosis in the hybrid (2n = 65), segregation from which gives two classes of genetically balanced spermatozoa. Both of these are capable of producing normal offspring if they fertilize the eggs of a domestic mare. I naravno, čovek http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/units/disor...obertsonian.cfm Ako ti treba još primera, izvoli... Objasniću ti možda za koji dan, smorilo me ovo pejstovanje
  2. null


    Čovek bi imao 48 hromozoma da nije došlo do one fuzije. Da ne? Za ovo drugo ću ti naći ovih dana link. Glodari i bizoni su u pitanju, tako nešto
  3. null


    Pa nije sigurno nastao zato što je promenio broj hromozoma. Kako ti objašnjavaš vrste čiji pripadnici imaju međusobno drastične varijacije broja hromozoma, a gotovo nikakve genetske promene?
  4. null


    To nije "major mutacija". Sutra ću ti nabacati nešto ako budem imao vremena
  5. null


    Sad smo prešli na mutacije? Misliš ovako nešto?
  6. Umrećete 21. Oktobra. Tad je zakazano prvo sudaranje čestica. Neka glupača u Indiji izvršila samoubistvo da izbegne smak sveta.
  7. null


    Umrite spameri. Tri strane ničega od sinoć.. Misliš ovako nešto? Pa, brate kad ne znaš apsolutno ništa. Grudvaš se sa nekom teorijom evolucije koja postoji samo u tvojoj glavi. Nemam ja pet života tebi da objašnjavam. Pravi termin je "biološka evolucija", biologija je glavna nauka koja podržava i proučava evoluciju. Lik sa klipa, Ken Miller je profesor biologije, etc. PE predlaže da je tempo morfološke promene distribuiran bimodalno, što pokazuju fosili. Kad kažem "nagle, drastične promene" to znači u periodu od 100.000 godina, što su opet hiljade i hiljade generacija. Primer: Određena vrsta može da izbegava evoluciju npr. migracijom u druge krajeve milion godina i onda u jednom kraćem periodu bude primorana da se naglo adaptira. Zbog toga ne ostavi za sobom 50 različitih vrsta fosila, nego mnogo manje. Haha skok sa majmuna na čoveka, drastična promena broja hromozoma... jesi to izvukao iz 27. dimenzije? To o čemu ti pričaš nije evolucija nego aneuploiditet (genetski poremećaj) Hromozomi su kao fioke za DNK u kojima su skladištene hiljade i hiljade genetskih informacija. Kao sto je dr Miller rekao na klipu, ako se broj hromozoma ili kvantitet odredjenih genetskih informacija promeni u tako kratkom periodu, ishod je fatalan. Evolucija ne funkcioniše tako, nego se genetski kod unutar hromozoma polako, postepeno menja. To ti je kao da kažeš da brod ne može da plovi zato što komad metala potone kad ga baciš u vodu, i još insistiraš na tome Nije on samo odvalio da je fuzija moguća nego je nakon dugogodišnjeg i ponovnog posmatranja i proračuna elektronskom mikroskopijom, došao do tog zaključka. Nešto kao poredjenje markera na metku i cevi pištolja. Moguće je testirati Još jedan primer teorije koja je proizvod sličnog posmatranja i proračuna je teorija heliocentrizma, koja govori da se planete okreću oko Sunca. Neće niko da napravi novu galaksiju da bi tebi dokazao poentu... http://www.notjustatheory.com/ Čovek nije nastao od majmuna, jebem ti dete neinformisano Na skroz različitim granama smo ali imamo zajedničkog pretka. "Poor fossil record" predaka čoveka Nije se ništa prelivalo, nego su se nadovezali jedan na drugi, što se vidi pod mikroskopom zahvaljujući markerima. Napusti sahranu Dajmonde : History of universe made easy
  8. null


    Poslednja rečenica je totalni h4x i nisam hteo da bacam 5 strana teksta jer sam znao da ni ovako nećeš skontati: Menja suštinu skroz. Te izjave ne služe da diskredituju teoriju evolucije, nego opisuju Gouldovu teoriju o tempu odvijanja evolucije, koja se zove Punctuated Equilibrium Zbog nedostatka fosila tih generacija o kojima dahćete (pročitaj nešto na tu temu), došli su do zaključka da ne evoluiraju sve vrste postepeno, već stagniraju milionima godina sa povremenim drastičnim promenama. http://www.geocities.com/ginkgo100/pe.html http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/punc-eq.html http://www.justfuckinggoogleit.com/
  9. null


    Ovi likovi bukvalno uzmu pola misli sa početka stranice, pola iz sredine i još malo sa kraja i spoje neki hibrid. Obrati pažnju na 3 tačke "Given that evolution, according to Darwin, was in a continual state of motion, with ongoing but slow and gradual change accruing over long periods of time, it followed logically that the fossil record should be rife with examples of transitional forms leading from the less to the more evolved. Not only had Darwin put these thoughts into words but he had also illustrated them in a diagram that consisted of hypothesized ancestors giving rise over time to hypothesized lineages of descendant organisms. In various places in this diagram, Darwin indicated the extinctions of hypothetical lineages as well as the origins of a multiplicity of species from the same ancestor. In words and in illustration -- the only illustration in On the Origin of Species -- Darwin breathed new life into the discipline of paleontology, which was the only field of study that could provide the scientific world with an actual picture of his view of evolution." -Schwartz "Simpson suggested -- as had Dobzhansky (1941) briefly before him; indeed, the theme goes back to Darwin -- that the gaps perceived between low-level taxonomic groups such as species and genera almost always reflect the artifact of such geologically-induced gaps. But, he went on, gaps between families and taxa of even higher rank could not be so easily explained as the mere artifacts of a poor fossil record. It seemed obvious to Simpson that some special combination of evolutionary factors is implicated in the origin of taxa of higher categorical rank. And that special set of factors combine to produce evolutionary change at very high rates indeed. Theory led Simpson to conclude that the gaps between higher taxa must reflect unusually high rates of evolutionary change." - Eldredge The majority of major groups appear suddenly in the rocks, with virtually no evidence of transition from their ancestors.The transitional forms that evolve so quickly, and in such a small area, are very unlikely to be picked up in the fossil record. Only when the newly evolved species extends its range will it suddenly appear in the fossil record. Eldredge and Gould have suggested, therefore, that the fossil record should show stasis, or equilibrium, of established species, punctuated occasionally by the appearance of new forms. - Futuyma Eto, sve je pokriveno. Ove laži su taman za decu sa mekanim glavama, evo vama jedan citat: IX Ne svedoči lažno na bližnjega svojega. Sapiense, jel to ta apsolutna etika?
  10. Nisu svi ljudi bili vukovi jedni drugima. Uvek je bilo i uvek ce biti onih koji prave sranja i iz tog razloga bi zakon morao biti formiran u svakom slucaju. Odgovor na pitanje morala je iz svakog pogleda isti. I naucna posmatranja i zmija koja govori kazu da je urodjen. Govorim o ritualnom obrezivanju novorodjencadi od strane ljudi koji ne da nisu znali za rak, nego nisu znali ni da mikroorganizmi postoje, pa su zato i kenjali kako covek ima nadmoc nad svim vrstama. Cak su onim sisanjem i nehigijenom sirili herpes Da je prirodno atomi bi se sami cepali, a koza bi sama otpadala Primam neke nagovestaje da se ne razumemo najbolje Big bang i evolucija spadaju u nauku, a nauka nije filozofija. Na njih gledam isto kao i na medicinu, istoriju, hemiju... Sto se filozofije tice kod vecine ateista nije ni socijalni darvinizam, ni kriminal, nego humanizam (i to ne tvoja interpretacija) To je opet socijalni darvinizam, koji nema veze sa ateizmom, niti sa evolucijom zato sto je stvar vestacke selekcije a ne prirodne Jesi gledao neke statistike u vezi svega ovoga?
  11. null


    ЛЕКЦИЈА 1 Cамо постојање објективних закона природе који стварно не бивају нарушени (уз веома ријетке случајеве изузетака) сам по себи јесте чудо, које је много веће од самих изузетака - чудеса Cudesa uuuuuuu Sta je verovatnije? Da je ceo prirodni poredak suspendovan, ili da je neki tip slagao? Ova sranja su ti matora bar 25 god. Na sve je odgovoreno Za pocetak: http://www.talkorigins.org/indexcc/list.html http://www.talkorigins.org/origins/faqs-index.html A evo jedan noviji pwn, pa ti objasni Sta "zasto?" i koji je to leptir? Proces evolucije nije dovrsen i nije "inteligentan" sigurno. Odredjeni mehanizmi promene proizveli su planinu genetskog smeca. Pa tako postoje npr. ocni crvi koji mogu da zive samo u oku, ribe koje zive samo u mraku na ekstremnim dubinama i pritisku. Kod coveka smece poput noznih prstiju, muskih bradavica, umnjaka, rezidualnih repova, krajnika, slepog creva, adrenalnih zlezda itd. I na kraju, samo starenje i umiranje je greska evolucije. Ako te interesuje koji je njegov smisao, pogresio si temu. To pitaj ove likove sto tripuju da imaju uvid u um tvorca.
  12. Boga ti, zasto je veliki broj religioznih ucenja zabranjen zakonom? Poenta je u tome da je religija pokupila moralne vrednosti od (primitivnog) coveka, a ne obrnuto. Saosecanje i moral su urodjeni kod svih primata i pitanje su evolucije i napretka drustva. Kome to nije dosta, tu je zakon (manje, vise) Jel ti mislis da su ljudi radili sta su hteli sto hiljada godina, sve dok se Mojsije nije popeo na Sinaj? Ko bi drugi, nego religiozni, opravdao obrezivanje, pri kom rabin prvo iskasapi kurac detetu, pa ga posle posisa da zaustavi krvarenje? Ateizam je sam po sebi nedostatak vere u Boga, i nista vise. Nije to neka filozofija kako se ovde prdi.
  13. null


    Pesma sa novog albuma Prelaz na moderno đubre je kompletan
  14. Snimili su samo jedan EP koji ne mogu da nađem, i jednu pesmu ovde
  15. Probaj "Mask As Firefox" Kol'ko ja vidim, ne izgleda deformisano.
  16. Ne slušaš muziku zato što je zabava, a igraš Diabla...
  17. Huljenje na boga je ok, ali nije na svetog duha 28 Zaista vam kažem: svi gresi oprostiće se sinovima čovečjim, i huljenja na Boga, makar kakva bila: 29 A koji pohuli na Duha Svetog nema oproštenja navek, nego je kriv večnom sudu. http://www.blasphemychallenge.com/
  18. Čujem da urednici "Kurira" takodje tvrde da se njihov list bazira na istini. Isti odnos prema Islamu imaju muslimani. Vama treba malo manje takvog stava, a malo više tolerancije. Inače, axe, šta misliš kako te svesne duše mogu biti srećne u Raju ako znaju da neki njihovi voljeni gore u Paklu? Jel im nestane svako sećanje o zemaljskom životu, ili šta?
  19. null


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  20. И ко се нађе као јеретик, живећи међу хришћанима, да се ожеже по образу и да се изагна, а ко би га тајио, и тај да се ожеже. Hrišćanstvo ili egzil - Dušanov zakonik
  21. Znam, pričaj mi o tome. Vama ostalima, evo mali tutorial iz astrologije: Korak 1. Otpakujte špil karata, i bacite ga u smeće. Korak 2. Potražite datum rođenja ili adresu gejspejsa na profilu. Korak 3. Pogledajte horoskopski znak na gejspejsu. Korak 4. Pwnujte ga ko iz pičke Korak 5. ???? Korak 6. Profit! U suštini, dam ti hiljadu maraka ako mi pogodiš horoskopski znak.
  22. null


    I rest my case. O evoluciji bolje čitaj sa nekog .edu domena, umesto ovog sranja. Lik ume da se hvata za neke tanke/nebitne/izmišljene teze, nema pojma o čemu priča i sad to kao pobija postojanje evolucije... Ako ćemo tako http://www.teorijaevolucije.com/ca3.html#problemi
  23. 22 Ako ko kaže: budalo, zaslužiće pakao ognjeni. Dokle više?
  24. null


    Mogu, i to nije odgovor na moje pitanje. Ti insistiraš na na tome da je biblija istinita. Put up or shut up. Ne mora uopšte planina. Evo, spomenici su "mrzost u očima božijim". Neko od vas dvojice, do kraja sutrašnjeg dana, da baci spomenik kneza Mihaila u more, ili ga bar rotirajte za 180°, pa da završimo diskusiju. Ne pravi sebi slike niti poređenja o onome što je gore na nebu, ni o onome što je dole na zemlji 13 A ko god ne bi tražio Gospoda Boga Izrailjevog, da se pogubi, bio mali ili veliki, čovek ili žena. 6 Ako bi te podbadao brat tvoj, sin matere tvoje, ili sin tvoj ili kći tvoja, ili žena tvoja mila, ili prijetelj tvoj koji ti je kao duša tvoja, govoreći ti tajno: Hajde da služimo drugim bogovima, koje nisi znao ni ti ni oci tvoji, 7 Između bogova drugih naroda koji su oko vas, blizu ili daleko od tebe, od jednog kraja zemlje do drugog, 8 Ne pristaj s njim niti ga poslušaj; neka ga ne žali oko tvoje, i nemoj mu se smilovati niti ga taji, 9 Nego ga ubij: tvoja ruka nek se prva digne na nj da ga ubiješ, pa onda ruka svega naroda. 10 Zaspi ga kamenjem da pogine; jer te htede odvratiti od Gospoda Boga tvog, koji te je izveo iz zemlje misirske, iz kuće ropske; 11 Da sav Izrailj čuje i boji se, i da se više ne učini tako zlo među vama.
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